Of those translate Spanish
73,896 parallel translation
Just drag my picture in one of those boxes there.
Arrastra mi foto a una de esas casillas.
Before long, you had... every one of those kids begging you to try out that damn kite.
Enseguida tenías a cada uno de esos niños rogándote probar esa maldita cometa.
I have one of those headaches where I might throw up.
Tengo una de esas jaquecas que me podría hacer vomitar.
And I don't have time to feel any of those things right now.
Y no tengo tiempo para sentir nada de eso ahora.
And I've got a way to bust every damn one of those agreements.
- Y yo tengo una manera de romper cada uno de esos malditos acuerdos.
None of those items are illegal.
Ninguno de esos artículos son ilegales.
And I know you can give us a name for each of those murders.
Y sé que puede darnos un nombre por cada uno de esos asesinatos.
This might be one of those all day things.
Puede ser de esas cosas que requieren todo el día.
You know, this feels like one of those boyfriend / girlfriend...
Esto parece la típica conversación...
And all ten of those murders have gone unsolved.
Y todos esos diez asesinatos están sin resolver.
I can assure you, I'm acutely aware of those.
Les puedo asegurar, soy muy consciente de ellos.
What of those social powders?
¿ Qué hay con esos polvos sociales?
So, Burke starts at the bottom of those lists and works his way up.
Burke comienza al final de esas listas y va subiendo.
We're taking care of those.
- Estamos cuidando de ellos.
No, no, no. We're taking care of those.
Estamos cuidando de ellos.
We're taking care of those.
Estamos cuidando de ellos.
We're taking care of those right now.
Ahora estamos cuidando de ellos.
Most of those, A single treatment caused only temporary change.
La mayoría de esos, con un solo tratamiento causan un solo cambio temporal.
Hand me one of those video release forms, will you?
Déme una de esas formas de consentimiento para video, ¿ si?
Just one of those minor details.
Solo uno de esos detalles pequeños.
It didn't turn Nadeer into one of those monsters.
No convirtió a Nadeer en uno de esos monstruos.
So I'm gonna beat the screws out of those junkers, and the two of us are gonna get the hell out of Dodge.
Así que voy a quitar los tornillos a esos cacharros... y las dos vamos a pirarnos.
It's definitely one of those.
Definitivamente uno de los dos.
And Alex, if any of those efforts were illegal, I do not know you nor was I even here tonight.
Alex, si ese esfuerzo fue ilegal, no te conozco ni estuve aquí esta noche.
Just one of those things.
Cosas que pasan.
Most of those guys are.
Casi todos esos hombres lo son.
[sighs] I am so glad this is not one of those diseases that dries your skin out.
Qué suerte que esta enfermedad no es de las que te resecan la piel.
Don't we have old clothes in some of those boxes?
¿ No hay ropa vieja en estas cajas?
I need you to get down to PSL and grab half a dozen of those associates and bring them back here.
Necesito que vayas a PSL y agarres a seis de esos asociados y los traigas para acá.
Those lithe, agile haunches of his...
Esas piernas flexibles y ágiles que tiene.
Unpack those new eyeliners and spit that gum out of your mouth!
¡ Desempaca esos delineadores y sácate ese chicle de la boca!
We need to figure out who those people are, what they got paid not to say, and then we need to get every damn one of them to come forward.
Tenemos que averiguar quiénes son esas personas, lo que les pagaron para que no hablaran y luego tenemos que hacer que todos ellos declaren.
You don't have those kind of earnings.
Tú no ganas tanto dinero.
You haven't turned on the television, you're not complaining about putting stamps on those envelopes for Sharon and Andy, and you haven't even taken so much as a sip of your wine.
No has encendido la televisión, no estás quejándote de poner sellos en esos sobres para Sharon y Andy, y ni siquiera has tomado más de un sorbo de tu vino.
Okay, so you actually saw the faces of both those men?
Bueno, ¿ de verdad vio las caras de ambos hombres?
Those vials you found at the palace essentially a collection of every potion and powder under the sun.
Esos viales que encontraste en palacio. Esencialmente son una colección de cada poción y polvos protectores del sol.
We got to get those hostages out of there alive, captain.
Llegamos a conseguir esos rehenes salir vivo de allí, capitán.
Let's get those people out of there.
Vamos a sacar a esa gente de allí.
I don't deal directly with those kinds of shipments.
No llevo personalmente ese tipo de envíos.
Those girls better get the hell out of that dream world, or we're all going down with them.
Será mejor que esas chicas salgan cagando leches de ese mundo onírico... o caeremos todos con ellas.
Only one type of person could do those things.
Solo un tipo de persona podría hacer esas cosas.
Those years with her, as a father, it'll always be a part of me.
Esos años con ella, como padre... siempre serán parte de mí.
Those sons of bitches, they got away scot-free.
Esos hijos de puta, se salieron con la suya.
Right, so, if Adam was in the pay of Sherwood, then he'd hired Easy and those other boys to assist him, don't you think that it's a coincidence that they all have ended up dead?
Vale, así que, si Adam estaba a sueldo de Sherwood, luego habría contratado a Easy y a esos otros chicos para que le ayudasen, ¿ No crees que es una coincidencia... que todos ellos hayan terminado muertos?
There is torment waiting, in this world and the next, for those of you who seek base relief in the house of Margaret Wells.
♪ El tormento está por llegar, en este mundo y el siguiente, para aquellos de ustedes que buscan alivio vulgar en la casa de Margaret Wells.
And there will be feasting in hell with roasted swans and pigs'heads with apples dipped in virgin's blood, and sinners will lick nectar from each other's stomachs, and those of firm and manly impulse...
Y habrá un fiesta en el infierno con cisnes asados y cabezas de cerdo con manzanas untadas en la sangre de una virgen, y los pecadores chuparán néctar del estómago de los demás, y aquellos con impulso firme y varonil...
For those of you with the beef, it's a tenderloin with a garlic horseradish cream, and the fish is a grilled Alaskan Halibut with a lemon-dill vinaigrette.
Para quienes comen la ternera, es un lomo con crema de ajo y rábano picante, y el pescado es un halibut de Alaska con una vinagreta de limón.
And blessed are those who suffer for the cause of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.
Y bienaventurados los que padecen persecución por causa de la justicia pues suyo es el Reino de los Cielos.
- The problem is those fantasies weren't of me being a therapist to a man who's still too afraid to admit that he needs help, much less take control of a firm that bears his name.
- ¿ Cuál es el problema? - El problema es que esas fantasías no eran de ser terapeuta con un hombre que todavía tiene miedo de admitir que necesita ayuda y de tomar control de la firma que tiene su nombre.
- Ah. [chuckles] Just wondering, what kind of spray are you using on those ants of yours?
Te quería preguntar, ¿ qué veneno les tiraste a las hormigas?
Yeah, screw those assholes, they're nothing but a bunch of dickless losers.
Sí, al diablo esos idiotas, no son más que un montón de incompetentes perdedores.
those eyes 49
those 395
those were good times 17
those are beautiful 26
those are 90
those are nice 21
those were the days 74
those lips 16
those days are gone 24
those guys 111
those 395
those were good times 17
those are beautiful 26
those are 90
those are nice 21
those were the days 74
those lips 16
those days are gone 24
those guys 111
those two 110
those are mine 77
those girls 42
those days are over 45
those people 102
those aren't mine 30
those are my friends 16
those men 39
those bastards 72
those poor people 16
those are mine 77
those girls 42
those days are over 45
those people 102
those aren't mine 30
those are my friends 16
those men 39
those bastards 72
those poor people 16