Or so he says translate Spanish
83 parallel translation
That girl he's taken on as nurse for the boy, or so he says but anybody knows who she is.
Y esa chica que ha contratado para cuidar del niño, según él. Cualquiera puede darse cuenta de lo que es.
There's a Royal Officer with a special assignment... or so he says.
Hay un oficial imperial con un asunto especial. Es lo que dijo.
Yes, he is too... or so he says.
Él si, también... ó bueno es lo que me dice.
He wants to play a bigger role. - Or so he says.
- Quiere dirigirla él, o eso dice.
Gantner... knows nothing about it, or so he says.
Ganter no tiene ni idea. Es lo que él dijo.
That's why Zeno's dragging his heels, or so he says.
Por eso Zeno se lo está tomando con calma. O eso dice.
Or so he says.
O eso dice.
Or so he says.
al menos dice.
It's a golf umbrella. Leighton's a scratch golfer. He shot a 68 at St Andrews once, or so he says.
Andrews 68, o al menos eso dice vamos
His father owns some land in Cheshire, or so he says.
Su padre tiene tierras en Cheshire, según dice.
An alien device in the hands of a perfect stranger... a stranger who just happens to buy the UFO center from Milton, or so he says. What's that supposed to mean?
Un artefacto alienígena en manos de un extraño... que acaba de comprarle a Milton el Centro de Ovnis... o eso dice él.
- Or so he says.
- O eso dice él.
Not in the slightest. Or so he says.
En absoluto, o eso es lo que dice.
He's getting a cab home. Or so he says.
O al menos eso dice.
you spot a stain that should not be in there of course you know at once what's going on But then you go into another room, the one he keeps his papers in, or so he says...
Ves una mancha que no debería estar, al momento entiendes lo que pasa... y luego vas a otra habitación, donde él guarda sus papeles, o eso dice...
He's no idea, or so he says.
No tiene ni idea, o eso dice.
He's out with a dreadful flu - or so he says.
No vino a trabajar porque tiene gripe.
Says he doesn't know squat, or so he says.
Acabo de hablar con Gaeta. Dice que no sabe nada. Al menos eso dice.
Or so he says.
O lo que dice que es.
Or so he says. I just buy the stones.
Yo sólo compro las piedras.
Or so he says.
O es lo que dice.
His wife disappeared, or so he says. You think otherwise?
Oh, y sorpresa, su mujer ha desaparecido, o eso dice.
Plus he can speak to dolphins. Or so he says.
Además puede hablar con los delfines, o al menos eso dice.
Or so he says.
O al menos eso dice.
- Now he will attack Cervia or so he says.
- Ahora atacará Cervia o eso dice.
Maybe it says where he lives so as I can write to him about getting a divorce or something.
Si viene su domicilio podré escribirle pidiéndole el divorcio.
When he does not understand something or does not wish to answer... he taps his fingertips together so, looks down his nose and says, "Hmm."
Cuando él no entiende nada o no quiere contestar... junta los dedos así, mira hacia abajo y dice, "Hmm."
Says he won't let his Chapel Fund take two or three grand from me so I can take 22 from the government.
Dice que no aceptará una donación mía de $ 2.000 ó $ 3.000... para que yo le robe $ 22.000 al gobierno.
so as far as he's concerned, he has, or he says, washed his hands of you.
Así que, en lo que a él respecta, dice que se desentendió de usted.
Flammable, I found out the reason it says that on the truck is so that just in case you should be spinning out of control at 70 or 80, heading for the truck, you'll know what it was that happened, you know?
"¡ Inflamable!" ¡ He descubierto la razón de poner ese cartel en el camión! Está ahí para el caso en que tu coche haya perdido el control a 100 o 120, de frente hacia el camión... ¡ Es para que sepas lo que va a pasar!
Or so he always says.
O al menos eso dice siempre.
He says he doesnt care whether its a boy or a girl but I know he really wants a son so bad he can taste it.
Que no le importa si es un niño o una niña pero sé que realmente quiere tener un hijo.
Coach says I gotta maintain a "C" average to stay on the team, so he took care of it or something.
El entrenador dice que necesito una media de aprobado para seguir en el equipo, así que se encargó de ello, o algo.
He always needs money for new storm windows or something for his kids, so he says, but it's for gambling and I know.
Siempre necesita dinero para nuevas contraventanas o para los niños... o eso dice, pero es para apostar y yo lo sé.
Padros Pena and he says,'Feynman can hear us, so either speak or think what you would say to him.
Padros Pena, y dice,'Feynman puede oírnos, así que hablad o pensad lo que querríais decirle.
Well, no. I mean, blackmailers get killed when the people they're blackmailing either can't or won't pay, but Turner was happy to pay, so he says.
No, a los chantajistas los matan... cuando la gente a la que chantajean no puede o no quiere pagar.
They're okay for digging in the dirt, but not for walking on asphalt, or going on the tram, so people won't move to another seat, the way he says they do.
Una cosa es vestirse para cavar la tierra y otra, para andar por el asfalto. O qué te pones, para que cuando vayas en el tranvía nadie se aparte de ti, ni se siente en otro lado, como me ha contado él.
So Mr. Stewick gets me in his office and says, either I go out with him again, or he fires me.
El señor Stewick me dijo que o volvía a salir con él o me despedía.
A sign says "Elias Creations", so you may think it's his place, and he's out at the bank or somewhere. But no.
Como hay un cartel que dice " "Creaciones Elias" ", uno podria pensar que hay un tal Elias que bueno, que no esta porque salio a pagar algo al banco o que esta en el deposito buscando algo.
His jacket says he's a qualified Viper jock, so I either fly him or I ground him and then we go up short.
Así que o vuela o lo dejo en tierra y nos quedamos cortos de pilotos.
Says he has 10 hours left on earth or something, so I'm gonna go with him.
Dice que le quedan 10 horas en la tierra o algo así, así que voy a ir con él.
- After seeing "Hunters of Utopia"... we were having lunch at home one weekend... and I was explaining some historical event that had happened to us... and Matías says... he was just starting high school, and he says "So daddy... was it a military government or was it a dictatorship?"
- Después de ver "Cazadores de Utopías", en que estábamos almorzando en casa, un sábado o un domingo, y yo estaba contando un hecho histórico, algo que nos había pasado, y Matías me dice : Papi... Matías tendría.. estaría en el secundario, recién empezado.
So he says to me, "Foil or epi?"
Entonces me preguntó : "¿ Florete o espada?"
Okay, so, the suicide watch from last night is official, and the doctor says he can keep Eric sedated unless you wanna talk to him, or in...
La "operación suicida" de anoche ya es oficial y el médico dice que tendrá a Eric sedado a no ser que quiera hablar con él, o...
We don't know if he was simply escaping, whether he will effect a rescue plan and, as the so called free press says, whether or not he will come back and declare a war on us.
No sabemos si era simplemente escapar, si va a efecto un plan de rescate...,... y, como lo prensa libre llamado dice : si o no vendrá espalda y declarar una guerra contra nosotros.
He's having a good time, or so Luke says, so...
La pasa bien, o eso dice Luke.
So... finally he walks right into the middle of Times Square, taps a cop on the shoulder and says, "Excuse me, officer. Can you tell me how to get to the Natural History museum, or should I just go fuck myself?"
Y por último, se mete en el centro de Times Square, toca el hombro de un policía, y dice "Disculpe, oficial, ¿ puede decirme o sólo tengo que irme al diablo?"
Yep. He's a little taller than I was when I was a sophomore, and the doctor says he'll grow about two or three more inches, so...
Es un poco más alto de lo que era yo cuando era de segundo año, y el doctor dice que crecerá de 2 a 5 centímetros más, así que...
So I figure I'm gonna keep working on him until a doctor or at least someone smarter than Bo says he's dead.
así que, imagino que voy a seguir trabajando en él hasta que un médico O al menos alguien mas inteligente que Bo, diga que está muerto
Sir, I have a friend in Iraq. And he tells me that it's so hard to recruit right now... He says that sometimes it's okay if a paper or two are missing.
Señor, tengo un amigo en Irak, y me dice que, en este momento, el reclutamiento está difícil, y no son tan estrictos con la documentación.
Look, Chief says I have to spend a year as a GP, and I don't want to waste a day, so notify the town crier or whatever, and let him know I'm open for business.
Mira, mi jefe me ha dicho que tengo que pasar un año como médico de familia, Y no quiero perder ni un solo día, así que avise al pregonero del pueblo o lo que sea, y hazle saber que he abierto el negocio.
or something 1072
or something like that 186
or something else 40
or so they say 20
or someone else 41
or so help me 44
or so 139
or so i'm told 21
or someone 93
or so help me god 17
or something like that 186
or something else 40
or so they say 20
or someone else 41
or so help me 44
or so 139
or so i'm told 21
or someone 93
or so help me god 17
or somewhere 18
or so i thought 50
or so we thought 17
or somethin 19
so he says 85
he says 1126
he says to me 27
he says no 33
he says hi 20
he says it's important 32
or so i thought 50
or so we thought 17
or somethin 19
so he says 85
he says 1126
he says to me 27
he says no 33
he says hi 20
he says it's important 32