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Tell her yourself translate Spanish

263 parallel translation
She says you've got to tell her yourself.
Ella dice que tú mismo tienes que decírselo.
Madge has merely heard something about this Violet girl. We know it isn't the truth, you tell her yourself... that's all she's waiting for.
Madge ha oído algo sobre Violette, pero no es la verdad.
You tell her yourself, señor.
Dígaselo usted mismo, señor.
Better tell her yourself. You got 15 minutes.
Díselo tú, tienes quince minutos.
Tell her yourself.
Díselo tú misma.
- You tell her yourself, mister.
- Se lo dirá usted mismo.
Tell her yourself.
Díselo tú mismo.
Well, no. Uh, wait. Why don't you tell her yourself?
Esperen, ¿ por qué no se lo dicen Uds.?
You can tell her yourself. She's gleaning in your field now.
Está cosechando en tu tierra.
Tell her yourself.
Dígaselo usted.
- You tell her yourself.
- Dígaselo usted mismo.
Tell her yourself, if you can find her before Monday.
Díselo tú mismo, si es que puedes encontrarla antes del lunes.
Tell her yourself.
Dicelo tu mismo.
- Tell her yourself.
- Se lo dirá tú.
Tell her yourself!
¡ Dígaselo usted mismo!
- Tell her yourself, you bastard!
¡ Díselo tú mismo, bastardo! .
- Why don't you tell her yourself?
- ¿ Por qué no le dice Ud.?
[John] Tell that fuckin'woman to shut up! Tell her yourself, you twerp!
Dile a esa mujer que se calle.
- Tell her yourself.
- Díselo tu.
You tell her yourself.
Díselo tú.
- Tell her yourself, H.
- Díselo tú, H.
- Tell her yourself.
- Díselo tu mismo.
You tell her yourself.
Díselo tu mismo.
You tell her yourself on your way straight to hell, Teddy Blue!
! Cuéntaselo tú mismo de camino al infierno, Teddy Blue!
I won't tell her. You're gonna tell her yourself.
No se lo voy a decir, se lo dirás tú.
Tell her yourself.
Dícelo tu misma.
You can tell her yourself. I will.
- Puedes decírselo tú mismo.
Tell her yourself.
- Por qué no se lo dice usted mismo?
You can tell her yourself what you've been doing.
Ya le dirá usted mismo lo que ha estado haciendo.
You can just tell her yourself.
Puede decírselo usted mismo.
Tell her yourself.
Dígaselo usted mismo, monsieur.
You ought to go over and tell her yourself.
Pero como capataz debes ir tú a decírselo.
- That's why I can tell you that you think too much about Irena. Blame yourself too much for her death.
Por eso puedo decirte que piensas demasiado en Irena, te culpas en exceso de su muerte.
Go and tell her yourself.
Ve y dile tú misma.
- He may bring his wife. - Tell her yourself.
Díselo tú.
But tell me, just who are you afraid for, her or yourself?
Pero dígame, ¿ por quién teme, por ella o por usted?
You tell them... that you stole her handbag yourself.
Les dices que le robaste la cartera tú mismo.
How can you, yourself, tell her you're not here?
¿ Cómo que tú mismo vas a decirle que no estás aquí?
You don't think you might tell her that yourself?
¿ No crees que deberías decírselo tú?
Tell Liza that her Sergei is all right, that you saw him yourself.
Dígale a Liza que Sergei está bien, que usted mismo lo vio.
I don't know what you did with all that money, But you're gonna have to tell her this yourself.
No sé qué habrás hecho con el dinero, pero debes decírselo tú.
Then I shall tell her that you are planning to murder her yourself.
Entonces le diré que tú misma estás planeando matarla.
Tell her you're thinking of killing yourself.
Dile que piensas en suicidarte.
Maybe you should tell her yourself, Zack.
Quizá deba decírselo personalmente, Zack.
But you can tell her that yourself.
Pero puedes decirle todo eso tú mismo.
Tell her you find yourself fascinated by her hypnotic blue eyes.
Dile que estás fascinado con sus hipnotizantes ojos azules.
The agent said she would tell her you were okay, but I'm afraid you'll have to wait till tomorrow if you want to talk to her yourself.
Tu agente le dirá que estás bien, pero me temo que tendrás que esperar a mañana para hablar con ella.
If not, tell me where the doctor is She's in the forensic room. Go find her yourself
si no me puedes ayudar, por favor, dime dónde está el doctor se encuentra en el tanatorio puedes ir tú misma donde está el mortuorio?
I hope you recognize yourself in this and would tell her of these things.
Espero que se reconozca Ud. entre ellas y le hable de estas cosas.
You probably heard this before, but I just wanted to tell you that I have this cousin who was sort of depressed and, well, when she heard your song The First Person You Can Count on is Yourself it really turned her life around.
Quizá ya oyó esto, pero sólo quería decirle que tengo una prima que estuvo deprimida y al escuchar su canción "La Primera Persona Con Quien Puedes Contar Eres Tú Mismo" realmente le cambió la vida.
Tell her you're cooking yourself dinner and watching it by yourself.
La próxima vez que le hables, dile que la estás viendo solo y finge que nunca has estado más feliz en tu vida.

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