Tell them the truth translate Spanish
818 parallel translation
You've got to tell them the truth!
¡ Debes decirles la verdad!
Jeffrey, you've got to let me tell them the truth.
Jeffrey, déjame decirles la verdad.
Dile la verdad.
I'm going to tell them the truth and kick them out.
- Voy a echarlo de aquí.
I'd rather go in there and tell them the truth myself!
Iré allí dentro yo misma y les diré toda la verdad.
I'm ashamed to tell them the truth.
Me avergüenza decirles la verdad.
But let's tell them the truth.
Pero diles la verdad.
Why not tell them the truth. We're a million miles from civilisation without a chance of getting out of here alive?
Estamos a miles de kilómetros de la civilización... sin posibilidad de salir vivos.
Fine, I'll go and tell them the truth!
¡ Bien, iré y les contaré la verdad!
Tell them the truth.
La verdad.
Why didn't you tell them the truth?
¿ Por qué no les dijo la verdad?
Tell them the truth now!
¡ Diles la verdad!
Johann, you tell them the truth now.
Johann, diles la verdad ahora.
You tell them the truth.
Diles la verdad.
Tell them the truth. I love you and asked you to marry me. You don't love me and said no.
Que te quiero, que te pedí que te casaras conmigo, que tú no me quieres y me dijiste que no.
But you'll tell them the truth.
- Pero tú les dirás la verdad.
And we'll met them together, tell them the truth and hope for the best.
Nos quedaremos aquí, les diremos la verdad... y esperemos que salga bien.
You must tell them the truth, now dear.
Debes decirle la verdad, querida.
You've got to tell them the truth!
No debes abandonar.
Narcy, please... please tell them the truth!
Narcy, por favor, cuéntales la verdad.
- Tell them the truth, Sheila.
- Diles la verdad, Sheila.
I'll tell them the truth.
Les diré la verdad.
All you have to do is tell them the truth.
Todo lo que tienes que hacer es contarles la verdad.
I'll just tell them the truth.
- Les diré la verdad.
Kathy, will you tell them the truth?
Kathy, ¿ quieres decirles la verdad?
The booby hatches are full of people that keep things to themselves, either because they're scared to tell them the truth, thinking they'll make a monkey out of themselves, or they figure no one else can appreciate the situation they're in.
Los manicomios están llenos de gente que se lo guarda todo dentro, porque tiene miedo de decir la verdad, pensando que quedará en ridículo, o porque cree que nadie entiende su situación.
Tell them the truth!
¡ Diles la verdad!
Tell them the truth, that Tano and Maranka gave him the evil medicine that killed him!
Diles la verdad. Que le dieron la medicina maléfica que lo mató.
You tell them the truth, eh?
Dígales la verdad.
To tell you the truth, I ain't got the gumption to go out there and tell them.
A decir verdad, no tengo valor para decírselo.
Well, to tell you the truth, I prefer to avoid them just now.
A decir verdad, prefiero evitarlos por el momento.
I'm afraid you'll break out some day and tell one of them the truth.
Creo que un día explotará y le dirá a alguien la verdad.
I did not put these representative citizens of Strand on the stand to prove anything, Your Honor, and ladies and gentlemen of the jury except that on their oaths to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, so help them God they are liars!
No llamé a estos ciudadanos de Strand al banquillo para probar nada, Su Señoría y señoras y señores del jurado excepto que bajo juramento de decir la verdad y sólo la verdad con la ayuda de Dios. ¡ Son unos mentirosos!
But to tell you the truth, Your Honour, I don't remember them.
Pero, a decir verdad, no las recuerdo.
Just for that, I've a good notion to tell them the whole truth about you.
Por eso, les diré toda la verdad sobre ti.
Better you tell them the truth right away.
- Es mejor que le cuente la verdad.
To tell you the truth, I'm always rather nervous of these things... till I know what they're going to do, till I get used to them.
Al principio siempre me altero, hasta que me conozco el juguete.
Well, to tell you the truth, Sister Bessie, we ate them.
Bueno, la verdad, hermana Bessie, es que nos los comimos.
If your birds are telling the truth here's one peso for them to tell me always the same.
Si tus pajaritos dicen la verdad aquí está este peso para que me digas siempre lo mismo.
Sometimes I think it would be better to just go to the police - And tell them the whole truth. - Here, here, dear.
A veces, pienso que sería mejor ir a la polícia y contar toda la verdad.
At the end of two days, if they have not been found you call your police, tell them as much of the truth it is safe for you to say.
Si despues de dos dias, no lo han encontrado llame a la policia, y digales todo lo que sea necesario para su seguridad.
Oh, I don't know why you just didn't tell them the honest truth.
No sé por qué no les dijiste la verdad.
But if I tell them the truth...
- No si les digo la verdad...
Well, I'm gonna go back to them now and tell them the whole truth.
- Voy a voLvery Les contaré toda La verdad.
It binds all who it encircles... and compels them to tell the truth.
Atrapa con facilidad a todos los que circunda... y los obliga a decir la verdad.
Make them tell the truth, they did see him!
¡ Oblíguelos a decir la verdad, oblíguelos!
Tell them to remain firm in the known truth, as I have been, to the last minute.
Decideles que permanezcan firmes en la verdad, como yo lo he hecho, hasta el último minuto.
Well, go up there and just tell them the whole truth.
Bueno, ve allá arriba y les dices a todos únicamente la verdad.
We make them tell the truth.
Hacemos que digáis la verdad.
To tell you the truth, I was hoping you'd show them to me.
A decir verdad, esperaba que usted me las enseñara.
I've already told them everything I know... and I didn't tell them anything but the truth.
Ya les dije todo lo que sabía, y no les dije nada más que la verdad.
tell them 565
tell them that 33
tell them what 53
tell them what you told me 20
the truth is out there 16
the truth will set you free 17
the truth 1031
the truth is 1715
the truth hurts 29
the truth will come out 23
tell them that 33
tell them what 53
tell them what you told me 20
the truth is out there 16
the truth will set you free 17
the truth 1031
the truth is 1715
the truth hurts 29
the truth will come out 23
the truth is that 24
the truth of the matter is 23
the truth about what 27
the truth was 16
tell me 9887
tell me about yourself 90
tell me more 252
tell me everything 270
tell me something about yourself 16
tell me about it 1085
the truth of the matter is 23
the truth about what 27
the truth was 16
tell me 9887
tell me about yourself 90
tell me more 252
tell me everything 270
tell me something about yourself 16
tell me about it 1085
tell me you love me 72
tell me again 158
tell me what happened 368
tell me something i don't know 107
tell me the truth 559
tell me your name 121
tell me that you love me 17
tell me something 611
tell me why 196
tell me what you want 123
tell me again 158
tell me what happened 368
tell me something i don't know 107
tell me the truth 559
tell me your name 121
tell me that you love me 17
tell me something 611
tell me why 196
tell me what you want 123