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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ T ] / Tell us about that

Tell us about that translate Spanish

771 parallel translation
Tell us about that deaf and dumb little girl, Grandmother.
Háblanos de esa chica sordomuda, abuela.
Why tell us about that?
¿ Por qué nos cuenta eso?
But you didn't tell us about that.
Pero no nos comentó eso.
Would you tell us about that, please?
- ¿ Podría hablarnos sobre eso, por favor?
Gentlemen, if we're through admiring Mr. Webster's trophies, I'd like to ask Miss Davis to tell us about that wild party he threw last night.
Sres., si han acabado de admirar los trofeos del Sr. Webster, me gustaría preguntar a la Sra. Davis acerca de la fiesta salvaje que dio él ayer por la noche.
Tell us about that woman you ran down.
Háblanos de esa mujer se ejecutó abajo.
You can't tell us anything about the night of the accident other than that you slept in the car?
¿ No puedes decirnos nada de la noche del accidente... salvo que dormiste en el coche?
Can you tell us something about the murder that was committed in your home?
¿ Puede decirnos algo sobre el asesinato que se ha cometido en su casa?
"Miss Mary ; tell us that story again about the Belgian soldier who won the war."
"Señorita Mary, cuéntenos otra vez esa historia del soldado belga que ganó la guerra."
Speaking of that, perhaps now you'll tell us... a little bit about who you are.
A propósito, cuéntenos algo acerca de usted.
That's why I wanted to have this talk with you, Count Romero. I wanted to tell you all about us.
Por eso deseaba hablar con Vd., Conde Romero, porque quiero contarle todo sobre nosotros.
If I have to sell this amazing, beautiful creature... the idea of joining the Burley family... sure I got to tell her lies about us that, heaven help me... no son should hear his mother speak.
Si debo convencer a esta hermosa criatura... de unirse a la familia Burley... deberé mentir sobre nosotros, y por Dios... que mi hijo no debe escucharme hablar.
You were going to tell us the story about that.
Iba a contarnos la historia sobre eso.
I'll go to that man and tell him about us.
Iré a ver a ese hombre, y le contaré de nosotros.
That's it now. Tell us all about it from the beginning.
Ahora cuéntanoslo todo desde el principio.
Now that it's over, you ought to tell us what it's all about.
Ahora, explíquenos lo que ocurre.
- Well, now that the dean has left us, tell me all about it.
Bueno, ahora que el decano nos ha dejado cuéntemelo todo.
Miss Hammond, Scotland Yard has no desire to pry into people's private lives... but we'd hope that you'd tell us about the-well, the monster.
Scotland Yard no desea meterse en las vidas privadas... pero ojalá nos contara sobre el - bueno, el monstruo.
Where's that clean human life the books tell us about?
¿ Dónde está esa vida digna tan ansiada?
She wasn't gonna tell us about the baby, and later she made that one break.
¿ Por qué lo haría? No iba a hablarnos del bebé, y más tarde lo suelta todo.
- Is that you can tell us about her? She comes in quite unexpectedly, and says something about not having any money.
Su visita es inesperada, y no tiene dinero.
Does this tell us about a Young lawyer who went in the Marine Corps, who lost eight feet of intestines in Korea, gut-shot bY a grenade made in Czechoslovakia of scrap and by machines that had been shipped from the States to somewhere in Western Europe
¿ Puede esto contarnos la historia un abogado que se alistó al cuerpo de los Marines, que perdió 20 centímetros de intestino en Corea, al estallarle una granada de fabricación checoslovaca y por ametralladoras que habían sido transportadas desde Estados Unidos a un lugar de la Europa occidental
Just tell us what you DO know about gambling in that city.'You ought to tell HIM.
Sólo díganos lo que sabe sobre el juego en esta ciudad. " Deberías decírselo.
What words could I say that would tell him it was wrong about us?
¿ Qué palabras pude haber dicho para decirle que se equivocaba?
Tell us what you know about that.
Cuéntanos Io que sabes...
- Now, to make us understand that tell us about your public life.
- Para que entendamos eso cuéntenos sobre su vida pública.
Just tell us how to go about it. That's all, Mac.
Solo tiene que decirnos qué tenemos que hacer.
I'll pay him off, I'll tell him about us... and that's all there'll be to it.
Le pagaré, le diré de nuestra relación... y ahí quedará la cosa.
Well. I am going after them because they're riding off to tell the rest of that hunting party about us.
Pues voy a ir a por ellos o le contarán al resto de los suyos que estamos aquí.
That talkative doctor will tell her all about us.
Aquella doctora parlanchina seguro que le cuenta lo nuestro.
Are you sure... that you can't tell us anything about the girl?
¿ Estás segura de que... de que no sabes nada sobre la chica?
Tell us about your mistress. That'll keep you from talking crap.
Háblanos de tu amante así no dirás sandeces.
All us kids are putting in fifty cents to buy special books that'll tell us about the things the poor Negroes did.
Todos pondremos 50 centavos para comprar libros que nos dirán las cosas que los pobres negros hicieron.
Nevertheless, per the pedictions these books tell us about, we can assure that the comet in 1661 moves within an elliptical orbit, that is, it is a periodic comet.
Nadie recibía el permiso para comercializarlas, y diferentes entidades quisieron apropiarse de los derechos.
You remember the story Pa used to tell us about fighting that grizzly bear?
¿ Recuerdas la historia de papá sobre la pelea con el oso?
And then he'd come back and... tell us about this brave new world... that he and his black brothers were going to make after the war was over.
Y regresaba a contarnos sobre el mundo feliz... que construirían él y sus hermanos negros cuando acabara la guerra.
Tell us, Mrs. Sorenson your husband feels that the project finally is about to prove itself.
su esposo supone que el proyecto finalmente está a punto de probarse a sí mismo.
- That was the idea. - What about? ( fingersnap ) I tell you what, you join us, you eavesdrop.
Le voy a decir porqué, unámonos, escuche tras la puerta.
I don't know why Carlos didn't tell us... about that incident the other day at the border.
No sé por qué Carlos no nos habló del incidente del otro día en la frontera.
Maybe it'll tell us something about the personnel that lived here.
Quizá nos diga algo del personal que vivía aquí.
He is going to tell us about his theories but he says it is much better that [ ] we see this phenomenal genius at pillows.
Va a hablarnos sobre sus teorías pero dice que es mejor que veamos a este genio fenomenal en ciernes.
I told her to go off, but she keeps on hanging about. Tell her to buzz off, go on. Give us that.
Le dije que se fuera, pero se quedó.
Tell us about the Vito organization, his drug network and we'll forget that license.
¿ Qué les he hecho yo, muchachos? Cuéntanos sobre la organización de Vito, su comercio de drogas y olvidaremos lo de la licencia.
Tell him that the two of us are right for each other and that may be he ought to think about getting his stuff and moving out.
Dile que nosotros somos el uno para el otro... Quizas eso le haga pensar en tomar sus cosas y mudarse.
- Tell her about us. - Why is she calling you that name?
- ¿ Por qué te llama así?
If any of you can think of anything he did that maybe we should know about, stand up and tell us.
Si alguno recuerda algo que él hiciera que quieran hacernos saber, levántese y díganoslo.
You used to tell us about the great book that you were going to write.
Solías hablarnos acerca de un gran libro que estabas escribiendo.
Time and time again. you have cautioned us... that we must be very careful not to tell anyone about ourselves.
Una y otra vez... nos advertiste que debíamos tener mucho cuidado... de no decirle a nadie quiénes éramos.
Tell us about some of the exciting'things that have happened in the New York City Subway System lately, Rico.
Cuéntales las cosas emocionantes que han pasado últimamente en el metro de Nueva York.
Ah, did I ever tell you about the time that some Germans with machine guns blocked us?
¿ No te conté la vez que una patrulla de alemanes nos atrapó? Yo me dije :
Could you tell us about Mizoguchi at that time?
¿ Podría hablarnos del Mizoguchi de entonces?

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