That's good for you translate Spanish
1,692 parallel translation
Xanax for the anxiety that you clearly have and percoset to bring you down after a good night's clubbing, all right?
Xanax para la ansiedad que claramente tienes. Y Percoset para calmarte después de una buena noche de club.
Roger's not gonna be happy, so I guess that's good for you.
A Roger no le gustará nada. Supongo que eso te beneficia.
Well, that's good. Because I don't know about you but I'm ready for some birthday cake.
Bueno, está bien, porque no sé tú pero yo estoy lista para el pastel de cumpleaños.
- And that's still good for you?
- ¿ Y eso está bien para ti?
That may not sound good to you, but it's good for us, since the world is out to get us.
Tal ves a ustedes no les guste, pero a nosotros si. Debido a que todo el mundo nos persigue.
That's a good benchmark for you to try and beat.
- Sí Si ha perdido uno por año eso nos dá...
It's what pays for you to go to a good school and get computers that you want upgraded all the time and phones with cameras.
Es quien paga para que vayas a una buena escuela! y tengas una computadora que siempre està actualizada y teléfonos con càmaras.
That's good for you guys.
Eso es bueno para ustedes.
That's good for keeping a head on one's shoulder's when you're immortal.
Es bueno para mantener tu cabeza cuando eres inmortal,
That's a good look for you.
Lucirías bien.
Good? That's for you.
Toma, es para ti.
That shit's good for you.
Esto te conviene.
You can't do that. lt's not good for you.
No puedes hacer eso. Te sentirás mal.
That's a good thing for you.
Eso es algo bueno para ti.
Misty, I know there's gotta be a very good explanation for that so why don't you come out and tell us what it is?
Misty, yo sé que tienes una buena explicación para esto así que, ¿ por qué no sales y nos la das?
We've been thinking, now that Lucy's gone, it's not good for you to be here with no one of your own age around.
Estuvimos pensando, ahora que Lucy no está, no es bueno para ti estar sin nadie de tu misma edad.
And time's running out, and he won't love you unconditionally that much longer. So... for your own good, don't miss out on getting to know him.
Y el tiempo se acaba, y él no los querrá incondicionalmente mucho tiempo más.
It's really immature, but it was just sitting there and I was just, you know, I really want to be good at this, I really do. But it's just not fair for her treat somebody that way.
De veras me enfadé, solo estaba sentada allí y solo sabes, de veras quiero ser buena en esto, de veras, pero es solo que no es justo tratar a alguien así.
Well, it's... it's good to see that you let them think for themselves.
Qué bueno que las dejas pensar por ellas mismas.
I was planning to shape that brat into a man within a year - but if my offer isn't good enough for you, there's nothing I can do.
Voy a hacer un hombre de este escuálido niño y en menos de un año. Pero bueno, si no quieren...
Aren't we? That's very good, because I paid you for a Candy Fiveways film and I expect you to deliver.
Si por que te pago por una pelicula con Candy Fiveways y espero que me la entregues
The only thing I'm really good at is bullshitting all of you guys, and that's just not enough for me to be good at anymore, so I'm gonna go.
Lo que yo sé hacer es lavarles el cerebro a ustedes, y eso ya no me parece suficiente, así que me iré.
You know, it's sad, but that's actually good enough for right now.
Sabes, es triste pero en realidad eso me basta por el momento.
I think so too, that's good for you.
Yo también lo pienso, eso es bueno para Ud.
All you're good for is you dick and that's not even good enough!
Lo único bueno de ti es tu polla, ¡ y encima no es lo suficientemente buena!
Don't marry that guy He's not good enough for you
No te cases con él él no es lo mejor para ti
I have good news for you. - That's looking good.
Tengo buenas noticias para vos : parece que va bien.
So you won't say I didn't help you... let's do something that's good for you and me.
Sólo para que no digas que te abandoné... vamos a hacer un negocio que es bueno para los dos.
Let me just say that you were doing a pretty good job of kissing back for somebody who's not in the mood.
Solo déjame decirte que hiciste un buen trabajo besando... para alguien que no está de humor.
- So you initially thought that Guffey was also good for your friend Laura and her daughter's abduction.
Al principio creyó que Guffey era responsable del secuestro de Laura y de su hija. ¿ Qué le hizo cambiar de opinión?
No, that's crazy. You cannot take this person seriously because she is just this little, small-town, good-for-nothing, white trash bimbo.
No puede tomarla a ella en serio porque es una basura rubia blanca de pueblo chico, buena para nada.
Eso es bueno...
You can add that to your list a what a woman's good for.
Puedes añadir esto a tu lista de usos de la mujer.
That'd be a good time for it to be under someone else's jurisdiction, wouldn't you say?
Es un buen momento para estar bajo la jurisdicción de otros ¿ no le parece?
- That's good enough for you?
- ¿ Eso es lo bastante bueno para ti?
- But it's good for you to drink water. That's a good thing.
Eso es algo bueno.
Oh, Barry. I hope that was good for you, because it's going to cost you.
Espero que haya sido bueno porque esto te costará.
Well for one you wouldn't get your money. - Now, that's a good one. And for two you got the police behind you right now.
Bueno la primera nunca tendrás tu dinero.
Do you think that's a good idea for a collage?
¿ Piensas que es una buena idea para un collage?
If Natalie Teeger recommends you, that's good enough for me.
Si Natalie Teeger le recomienda, Eso está bien para mí.
So Malcolm's like, llllm telling you, man if this straight thing don't work out for you you can totally fucking fuck a lot of guys.'l And I was like, llAll right, man, that's good to know.'l
Tú también tienes hambre, ¿ verdad, Dora?
And that's the end of the show, thank you very much for watching, next week we've got a top gear special see you then, good night.
Y este es el final del programa, muchas gracias por vernos, la semana que viene tenemos un especial Top Gear. Nos veremos entonces, buenas noches.
It's good for me to know that you know you made a mistake.
Es bueno saber que tú sabes que cometiste un error.
You look good in the tie, though, that's a good one for court.
Sin embargo te queda bien la corbata, ésta está muy bien para el juzgado.
You know, with good goal posts and something that's not battery operated for a scoreboard.
Ya sabes, con buenos postes... y algo que no lleve baterías como tablero de puntuaciones.
I always told you that he's a good for nothing!
¡ Siempre te dije que era bueno para nada!
You have to understand that all revolutionaries understand today that there's no way of overthrowing modern society except by violence, for the very good reason that this society defends itself by repression and violence.
Hay que entender que todos los revolucionarios asumen hoy en día que no hay otra forma de derrocar a la sociedad moderna si no es a través de la violencia, por la misma razón de que esta sociedad se defiende mediante la represión y la violencia.
You only wanted me, but no, that wasn't enough for you, you had to start killing,'cause that's the only thing a Dalek's good for.
Me querías a mí, pero no te bastaba, tenías que empezar a matar. Es lo único para lo que sirve un Dalek.
You seriously think it's a good idea to take our third floor apartment that we could rent for $ 400 a month and give it for free to your irish cousin?
¿ En serio piensas que es una buena idea tomar la habitación del tercer piso que podríamos alquilar en $ 400 mensuales y dársela gratis a tu primo irlandés?
If you had any respect for me at all you would know that I don't drink because it's not good for me.
Si me estimaras sabrías que no bebo porque no me hace bien.
I was thinkin', if anyone asks about that fire at Rick's, it'd be good if you had someone to account for where you were.
Estaba pensando que si alguien nos pregunta por el incendio de Rick sería bueno que tuvieses a alguien que dijese dónde estabas en ese momento.
that's good 7000
that's good to hear 161
that's good to know 269
that's good stuff 43
that's good then 26
that's good advice 58
that's good enough 79
that's good thinking 31
that's good of you 16
that's good enough for me 105
that's good to hear 161
that's good to know 269
that's good stuff 43
that's good then 26
that's good advice 58
that's good enough 79
that's good thinking 31
that's good of you 16
that's good enough for me 105
that's good work 61
that's good news 347
good for you 2168
for you 2938
for your information 371
for your birthday 37
for your own good 102
for your own sake 81
for your sake 205
for your daughter 16
that's good news 347
good for you 2168
for you 2938
for your information 371
for your birthday 37
for your own good 102
for your own sake 81
for your sake 205
for your daughter 16