The day before yesterday translate Spanish
610 parallel translation
Yes, the day before yesterday, with Hilde.
Sí, anteayer, con Hilde.
Two are from the day before yesterday.
Hay dos, de anteayer.
I only entered your service the day before yesterday well
Sólo entré a su servicio anteayer. Bien.
We were married the day before yesterday.
¡ Qué horrible! Lo era.
The day before yesterday, Your Majesty.
Ya antes de ayer, Majestad
That was the day before yesterday.
Pero eso era anteayer.
Anteayer con mucho gusto te habría retorcido el pescuezo.
I hit my best friend the day before yesterday.
Golpeé a mi mejor amigo anteayer.
Wait... the day before yesterday.
Espere... Anteayer.
They took one of our patrols prisoner the day before yesterday.
Anteayer cogieron prisionera a una de nuestras patrullas.
Ya sabes lo que pasó antesdeayer...
The day before yesterday, around 4 : 00, I approached a young lady, blonde, rather nice, with some luggage, 2 hatboxes, some packages...
Antes de ayer, hacia las cuatro, llevé a una joven, rubia, bastante amable, con dos maletas, dos sombrereros, paquetes...
The day before yesterday I removed a bullet from his lung.
Extraje una bala de su pulmón.
Yesterday and the day before yesterday, you hit only 5000.
Ayer y anteayer, sólo consiguió 5.000 dianas.
It was the day before yesterday.
Fue anteayer.
I had my month's bath the day before yesterday.
¡ No! Ya tomé mi baño mensual anteayer.
The month was up the day before yesterday.
El mes terminó anteayer.
- Since the day before yesterday.
Desde anteayer.
Miss Elliot left the day before yesterday.
¿ Saber qué? La Srta. Elliot se fue anteayer.
Say, weren't you at school the day before yesterday?
Díme, ¿ no fuiste al liceo anteayer?
It's later than the day before yesterday.
Aún más tarde que ayer.
You see, madam, I may not show it but food and I have been strangers since the day before yesterday.
Verá, señora, tal vez no se me note pero la comida y yo hemos sido extraños desde anteayer.
Well, the day before yesterday... I met a girl.
Bueno, anteayer conocí a una chica.
General, I wish I'd known about this the day before yesterday.
General, me hubiera gustado saber todo esto anteayer.
The day before yesterday, they wanted to make me their legislature.
Anteayer quisieron hacerme su cuerpo legislativo.
I set it up the day before yesterday.
Anteayer me encargué de éso.
It happened the day before yesterday, just in time for breakfast.
Sucedió anteayer... justo a tiempo para el desayuno ".
The day before yesterday there was a call from Tokyo.
Anteayer llamaron de Tokyo.
The day before yesterday, on my lands....... he had a tumble with a peasant girl, like he used to.
Antes de ayer, en mis tierras una granjera volteada, como antes.
The day before yesterday a little angel was born. Today another one took flight.
Antier dejamos aquí a un angelito que vino al mundo y hoy llevamos a otro que voló al cielo.
Word arrived the day before yesterday.
Acabo de enterarme de la noticia.
We caught this one the day before yesterday, that one yesterday.
Ese lo atrapamos anteayer, ese ayer.
Yesterday and the day before,
- No.
That's what you told me yesterday and the day before that.
Eso es lo que me dijo ayer y anteayer y el otro.
And yesterday and the day before.
- Y ayer, y anteayer...
All right. But we're not talking about yesterday or the day before.
Pero hablamos de ayer ni de anteayer.
Saw her up in town yesterday, and the day before.
La vi ayer en el pueblo, y anteayer.
Yesterday and the day before I had to go to town to deliver some things to people, but today I was here the whole time.
Ayer y anteayer tuve que ir a la ciudad para hacer entregas a la gente, pero hoy he estado aquí todo el rato.
We went on a picnic yesterday... the day before, and for eight days before that.
Tuvimos una comida campestre ayer... anteayer y toda la semana pasada.
An old settler named Sam Jennings was buried in the family vault day before yesterday.
Un viejo colono llamado Sam Jennings fué enterrado en la cripta familiar anteayer.
And yesterday was your day, too, and the flight before that.
Ayer, también. Y antes de ayer.
I didn't see him all day yesterday, or the day before, and I...
No lo vi ayer en todo el día ni anteayer y...
Look, Tuesday, it is last night we played already so we got to be there yesterday yet, because the day before we ain't no place.
El martes ser la última vez que actuar. Tener que estar allí ayer porque el día anterior no haber plazas.
We caught the thief day before yesterday.
Anteayer aprehendimos al ladrón.
That's what you told me yesterday and the day before.
Eso ya me lo dijo ayer y anteayer.
I knew what I was going to do yesterday... and the day before that... And every day, right back to the first time you both met.
Ya lo sabía ayer, y anteayer, y antes de que os conocierais.
You'll tell me what we did yesterday, the day before all the other days since we fell in love.
Me dirás lo ocurrido ayer entre nosotros... Y anteayer. Y los demás días desde que nos amamos y conocemos.
But I wasn't here yesterday, or the day before.
Reflexiona. Ayer no estaba aquí, ni anteayer.
Just like they was yesterday, and the day before, and will be tomorrow.
Lo mismo de ayer. Y quizá mañana sea igual.
Day before yesterday... you was going to lick the whole caboodle, all by yourself.
Hace unos días... decías que acabarías con los rebeldes, con tus propias manos.
Yesterday, or perhaps the day before.
Ayer o anteayer.
the day 56
the day after tomorrow 108
the day before 49
the day after 57
the day she died 19
the day after that 18
day before yesterday 18
the doors 46
the door is locked 37
the door was open 152
the day after tomorrow 108
the day before 49
the day after 57
the day she died 19
the day after that 18
day before yesterday 18
the doors 46
the door is locked 37
the door was open 152
the door is open 55
the duck 18
the duke 46
the devil 179
the door is closed 18
the dress 56
the dog 197
the door was locked 29
the dogs 39
the d 504
the duck 18
the duke 46
the devil 179
the door is closed 18
the dress 56
the dog 197
the door was locked 29
the dogs 39
the d 504
the door was unlocked 33
the doctor 415
the door opened 17
the door 306
the door's open 68
the deal is off 49
the date 58
the doctor said 57
the dead 45
the dragon 58
the doctor 415
the door opened 17
the door 306
the door's open 68
the deal is off 49
the date 58
the doctor said 57
the dead 45
the dragon 58