They have her translate Spanish
1,931 parallel translation
They have her, alive. You're lying to me!
- Me estás mientiendo.
They have her, alive.
La tienen, viva.
They have her.
La tienen.
I don't like to start a fight unless I finish it and... After this, now they have her uncle.
No me gusta empezar una pelea a menos que la termine, y... después de esto, ahora tienen a su tío.
I'd say we have a pretty unique connection. I mean, how many guys can say that they've carried all 28 pieces of her luggage?
Diría que tenemos una conexión única... ¿ cuantos chicos podrían decir que han cargado 28 piezas de su equipaje?
Have someone escort the rebel leader back to her baseship so she can inform her people they have a deal.
¿ Alguien ha escoltado a la líder rebelde de vuelta a su nave base para que pueda informar a su gente que tenemos un trato?
Now, listen, they've got her on antibiotics and they have to wait a few days, but she won't agree to sign the surgery waiver.
Ahora, escucha : La tienen con antibióticos y hay que esperar unos días, pero ella no acepta firmar la autorización para cirugía.
- The thing with her heart, the defect, it finally got worse and now they have to operate. - What?
- ¿ Qué?
They'll move her into recovery and then I'll have the nurse show you where she is
La pasaremos a Recuperación y haré que la enfermera les muestre dónde está,
- What have they done to her?
- ¿ Qué le han hecho?
They're confusing, but I think, I think I have to see her for myself.
Son confusos, pero creo, creo que debo verla yo misma.
But they have to take her.
Ellas tienen que llevársela.
According to Jack, they have operatives with her at the airport... but I don't think she's aware of that.
De acuerdo con Jack, tienen agentes con ella en el aeropuerto... pero no creo que ella se haya dado cuenta.
Once they send some officers over to have a talk with her, she's not gonna be bothering you any more, okay?
En cuanto manden a unos agentes a hablar con ella, no volverá a molestarte, ¿ vale?
I don't understand. How can they have no record of her being there?
No entiendo. ¿ Cómo que no tienen un registro de que ella estuvo ahí?
* With her, what fun they can have.
* Con ella, lo divertido que puede tener.
I'll tell you what. The Holy Rollers have got to lay some hits on Ruthless if they're gonna have any hopes of stopping her, otherwise she's just too quick.
Las Holy Rollers tienen que golpear a Ruthless si quieren tener alguna esperanza de pararla porque si no lo hacen, es demasiado rápida.
I know she loves all those kids like they were her own blood, but I wonder if we have been selfish. People like us, we wait until our 30s, and then we are surprised when the babies aren't so easy to make anymore.
Sé que quiere a esos niños como si fueran de su sangre, pero me pregunto si fuimos egoístas.
Maybe in her own home they would have better resources to treat her?
¿ Quizás en su propia casa tuvieran mejores recursos para tratarla?
I was taught by a lot of old hustlers. They said that the only way you could have a upper hand on a woman is to be flyer than her.
A mí me enseñaron unas prostitutas que la única manera de tener ventaja sobre una mujer era tener mejor cabello que ella.
If they caught Rachel, they would have boiled her alive in molten lead.
Si atrapaban a Rachel la hervirían en plomo.
When those companies say they have your mortgage, unless you have a lawyer that can put his finger or her finger on that mortgage, you don't have that mortgage. And you're gonna find that they can't find the paper up there on Wall Street.
Cuando esas empresas dicen que tienen su hipoteca, a menos que tengan un abogado que pueda poner su dedo en esa hipoteca, no la tienen, y Uds. Descubrirán que no pueden hallar el documento en Wall Street.
And I have checked her room and her bed is not slept in so they have a day's start!
He entrado en su cuarto y no ha dormido en él, así que llevan un día de ventaja.
They have her.
Ellos la tienen.
Where would they have taken her?
¿ A dónde se la habrán llevado?
Christine's parents, they didn't like the idea that she was gonna have a kid, and, uh, Jeff and his mother, I guess they decided would take little Shannon and, uh, disappear with her, tell the other family that the baby was dead.
A los padres de Christine, no les gustaba la idea de que ella iba a tener un niño, y, uh, Jeff y su madre, supongo que decidieron tomar a la pequeña Shannon y, uh, desaparecer con ella,
Well, don't tell her I said this, but I don't think they should have the same rights as us.
Bien, no le digas que dije esto, pero no creo que tengan los mismos derechos que nosotros.
Oh, and, um... Rosie's at her friend Becca's house. They're working on a science project so you'll have to wait until after dinner to pick her up, okay?
Y Rosie está en la casa de su amiga Becca haciendo un proyecto científico, así que tendrás que esperar hasta después de la cena para pasarla a buscar.
I have ten people, all members of that country club, who have gone on record saying that they witnessed the defendant arguing with Ms.Garland at 2 : 20 p.m., at the driving range, wherein he said to her, quote, I'm gonna kill you... get out of here, now
Tengo a diez personas, todas miembros de ese club, quienes de acuerdo al registro, han atestiguado haber visto al acusado discutir con la Sra. Garland a las 2 : 20 p.m., en la zona de lanzamientos, diciendo y lo citaré : "Te mataré" Lárgate de aquí... ahora.
That means if they laid eggs inside of her, she had to have been killed outdoors.
Eso significa que si depositaron sus huevos, tuvo que haber sido - sido asesinada al aire libre.
Adarsh and Duki Bana have incited her. They couldn't fool me with his nonsense.. .. so now they're trying it on Kiran.
Adarsh y Duki Bana la incitaron ellos no pueden enloquecerme con sus insesateces..... entonces ahora lo están intentando con Kiran.
If you ask me, Governor Kern is only interested in keeping things the way they always have been, which is why I think you can beat her with one hand tied behind your back.
La gobernadora Kern quiere que todo siga como siempre. Por eso puedes ganarle con los ojos cerrados.
I don't think her employers have a retirement plan, do they?
Yo no pienso a sus patrones ¿ ten un plan de retiros, ellos hacen?
Start with the ones in her lungs,'cause if they get any bigger, she's gonna have a hard time breathing, so she'll have a hard time telling us she's dead.
Empiecen con los que están en sus pulmones. Si se hacen más grandes, tendrá dificultades para respirar. Así que se le dificultará decirnos que está muerta.
- So why couldn't they ask her, Miss Marple? Because, my dear, she would have recognised Roger instantly.
Porque, querida, ella habría reconocido a Roger al instante.
She came up with all this knowledge they do not want her to have.
Ella llegó con todo este conocimiento que ellos no querían que ella tenga.
So he cuffed her to the bedpost in her underwear, but they didn't have sex
Entonces la esposó a la cama en ropa interior, pero no tuvieron sexo.
They came out and found her like this, but we have a suspect.
Ellos salieron y la encontraron así, pero nosotros tenemos un sospechoso.
Just before they light her up...,... she tears her mouth open and lets'em have it.
Antes de que acabaran con ella, logra separarse un poco.
The security camera. Her meddling was making Roger's employees think they didn't have to do any work and could still get their internship form signed, so I killed her.
la camara de seguridad ella se entrometio con los empleados de Roger creyendo que no era necesario que hagan su trabajo y aun así podrian conseguirsu forma firmada.
Trevor said all they have to go on are some scars from an attempted suicide and a tattoo on her wrist.
Trevor dijo que tenía algunas cicatrices de algún intento de suicidio y un tatuaje en su muñeca.
My sister became a Catholic for her husband, and they have been raising Steven as a Catholic!
Mi hermana se convirtió al catolicismo por su esposo. Y han estado criando a Esteban... como católico.
See if they have a picture of her.
Veré si tienen una foto de ella.
How many bones did they have to break to get her in there?
¿ Cuántos huesos le rompieron para meterla ahí?
- Okay. They want to take Becky back to Florida and put her in treatment there. And I think they have Becky's power of attorney... authorizing them to make, uh, medical decisions on her behalf.
Quieren llevar a Becky de vuelta a Florida y ponerla en tratamiento allí y creo que tienen el poder de becky de autorizarlos a tomar decisiones médicas en su nombre.
I wouldn't like to think her hopes, Thomas's hopes, hopes that have been nurtured for some time now, that they were jeopardised by...
No quiero pensar que sus esperanzas, las de Thomas,... que han sido cultivadas durante algún tiempo,... fueran amenazadas por...
Problem is, anything over $ 25 I have to report, so maybe give my wife a call and give her the suits, and then if they don't fit her, maybe she'll give them to me.
El problema es que debo informar de todo lo que supere los $ 25 así que quizá podrías llamar a mi esposa y darle los trajes y, si no le quedan bien, tal vez me los dé a mí.
They lied about how long she would be there, what she would do, what kind of armor her truck would have.
Mintieron sobre cuánto tiempo estaría allí. Lo que tendría que hacer, el tipo de blindado que llevaría.
Yes. But even in combination, they could not have caused her massive blood loss.
Si, pero hasta en combinación no pueden causar pérdida masiva de sangre.
Then one day they get a letter in the mail, Her payments have been tripled
Y un día le llega una carta, y le dice que los pagos se habían triplicado
They have installed more bars than on the convent of the Discalced Carmelites, and to top it off, a double guard over her,... day and night.
Le han puesto más rejas que al convento de las Carmelitas descalzas, y, por si fuera poco, media guardia encima de ella, de día y de noche.
they have 241
they haven't 69
they have no idea 25
they have guns 38
they have to 65
they have it 19
they have nothing 20
they have to be 24
here 35434
hermes 98
they haven't 69
they have no idea 25
they have guns 38
they have to 65
they have it 19
they have nothing 20
they have to be 24
here 35434
hermes 98
here we go 9033
hernandez 57
hermano 85
heroes 83
here you go 5858
hero 275
heroine 19
hers 94
herpes 52
herman 232
hernandez 57
hermano 85
heroes 83
here you go 5858
hero 275
heroine 19
hers 94
herpes 52
herman 232
herb 224
herald 31
hershey 18
herself 49
heroin 209
hercules 220
herbert 132
hertz 45
herring 17
here we go again 374
herald 31
hershey 18
herself 49
heroin 209
hercules 220
herbert 132
hertz 45
herring 17
here we go again 374
heroic 33
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
here comes the bride 39
hermann 78
here it comes 620
here it is 2313
here we are 2264
here she comes 366
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
here comes the bride 39
hermann 78
here it comes 620
here it is 2313
here we are 2264
here she comes 366