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Tires screeching translate Spanish

340 parallel translation
- [Tires Screeching] - Hey, get that thing out of there!
¡ Eh, llévate eso!
[Tires Screeching] Come on, Ed!
¡ Vamos, Ed!
Give me that! [Tires Screeching]
¡ Dame eso!
[Engine Revving ] [ Tires Screeching] Grandpa, you're a genius.
Abuelo, eres un genio.
- ( tires screeching ) - OH, I SEE.
Ya veo.
( tires screeching ) But it rained yesterday and there's a depression that usually fills with water around here.
Pero ayer llovió y hay un área baja que generalmente se llena de agua por aquí.
Mr. Vincent isn't here yet. 'Course, it's still early. ( tires screeching )
El Sr. Vincent aún no ha llegado.
¡ Ten cuidado!
Even as I speak to you now in this famous Munich bank behind me there are some people who 17 or 18 times a night... ( tires screeching )
Incluso mientras les hablo, en este famoso banco de Munich hay personas de 17 o 18...
[Tires Screeching] We all set. Sure hope you know what the hell you're doin'.
Tenemos todo cubierto, espero que sepas lo que diablos estes haciendo.
( tires screeching )
- ( neumáticos chillando )
El 14 está en tierra.
( Crashing, tires screeching ) Woman :
Ese fue un anuncio público producido por la fundación nacional de la salud.
[Tires Screeching, Crashing ] [ Whinnying]
¡ Strutter!
[Tires Screeching] Hi, kid.
- Hola, muchacho.
[Tires Screeching] Michael, do you understand.?
Michael, ¿ me entiendes?
[tires screeching] Seem to be a lot of Callans in town.
- Como que hay muchos Callan en la ciudad.
[Tires Screeching]
Deje que se caliente.
[Car tires screeching] The little guy's in the van.
Mi pequeño está en la camioneta.
I got you, pal. [tires screeching]
Entendido, amigo.
Let's swing on down Mexico way. [tires screeching]
Vamos hacia México.
At least it's not a root canal. [Tires Screeching]
Al menos hay un canal de raíz.
Well, why didn't you say so? [Tires Screeching]
Bueno, ¿ por qué no me avisó?
Oh, I'm sure you're very tired, and so am I. [Tires Screeching]
Estoy segura de que está muy cansado, y yo también.
( tires screeching ) ( crashing )
( Neumáticos chillando ) ( chocar )
( tires screeching )
( neumáticos chillando )
( tires screeching, car speeding away )
( neumáticos chirriantes, carro a alta velocidad de distancia )
[Tires Screeching] I am big aces at the trailing... since I watch Rockford Files on the cables.
Soy un as en persecuciones desde que veo una serie de espías.
[siren blaring ] [ tires screeching]
[siren blaring ] [ tires screeching]
[tires screeching ] [ chanting] No lasers!
[tires screeching ] [ chanting] Sin láseres!
[Tires screeching]
[Tires screeching]
[Tires Screeching] Stop those guys!
¡ Detenga a esos tipos!
As they travel and build up speed around its curved course, electrons fly off, sort of like tires screeching when you take a turn very fast.
comienza a crecer su aceleracion electrones voladores, así como... si quisieramos hacer acelerar a un neuatico cuando esta ahciendo un viraje.
The nominees for Outstanding Director in a miniseries or special are... ( TIRES SCREECHING )
Los nominados a Mejor director en una miniserie o especial son...
- [Horns Honking, Tires Screeching ] - [ Thomas] You jerk!
¡ Imbécil!
- Anne! - [Tires Screeching]
¡ Anne!
- [Tires Screeching ] - [ Kerrigan] Oh, no.
Oh, no.
[Tires Screeching] D'oh!
Marge la Rebelde
( TIRES SCREECHING ) Not on the face!
¡ En la cara no!
( Screeching tires ) Ah!
( Bocina, frenada de auto )
( tires screeching )
[tires screeching] I don't trust that guy.
No me fío de ese tío.
No screeching of tires past my window in the early morning hours.
No más chirridos de neumáticos a altas horas de la madrugada.
[Car tires screeching] What is that?
¿ Qué es eso?
[car tires screeching] ( Michael ) Over here, KlTT!
¡ Aquí, KITT!
[tires screeching] lt does have a mind of its own.
Tiene mente propia.
- [Sirens Wailing ] - [ Tires Screeching] Put your hands where I can see'em!
- ¡ Pongan sus manos donde pueda verlas!
[TIRES SCREECHING] PEG : Al, where are the kids?
Al, ¿ dónde están los niños?
[Tires Screeching] What are you, crazy? Stupid!
- ¿ Qué te pasa, estás loco?
HEY! - [Tires Screeching] - WHAT ARE YOU, CRAZY?
Estas loca?
- " [Whistling ] - [ Tires Screeching, Horns Honking]

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