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I ran behind you yelling, give it back!
¡ Corrì tras de tì gritando : regrèsala!
The last 15 years of my life have been wretched and now, at last, I had a chance to make something of it. Doesn't that have any meaning for you?
Los ùltimos 15 años de mi vida han sido miserables y ahora, al final tengo la oportunidad de poder hacer algo de ella ¿ realmente no tiene ningùn significado para tì?
Dane, what does the Pope mean to you?
Dane, que significa el Papa para tì?
This is for you.
Esto es para tì..
Feelings for you...
Sentimientos por tì...
God, I almost feel bad for you.
Dios, casi siento pena por tì.
I'll cut her loose right now if it's just you and me, but I haven't heard that from you.
Mira entre nosotras, yo la dejaría ir pero no oí eso de tì.
We're here for you.
Aquì estamos para tì.
It's just so typical of you to use these cheap lawyer tactics to turn the attention on me when you're the one cheating on his wife.
Es tan típico de tì Usar estas leguleyadas tuyas para poner la atenciòn en mi Cuando tú eres el que traiciona a su esposa.
- I don't wanna go without you.
- No quiero ir sin tì.
I'll take the bank out for you, so you only drop five million.
Me haré cargo del banco por tì, solo vas a poner 5 millones.
48 : 31,197 Of that I speak... 48 : 34,191 Insurance.
Seguro. Tengo una sorpresita para tì.
And from you, I stand to gain a lot. Come on, follow me.
Y de tì, puedo sacar mucho Vamos, sígueme
Can I trust you? Yeah.
Puedo confiar en tì?
It's always you.
Se trata de tì.
You're always the one.
Siempre se trata de tì.
It's perfect for you.
Es perfecta para tì.
Mostly I get asked to take my clothes off, but for you, Aiden...
Normalmente me piden que me quite la ropa, pero por tì, Aiden...
I did think about you.
Yo pensè en tì.
No, don't believe me - meet him for yourself.
No, no me creas - conócelo por tì misma.
And... here's one for you.
Y... tengo uno para tì.
Hmm. I couldn't have done it without you.
No podrìa haberlo hecho sin tì.
Not if she's looking after you.
No si ella està pendiente de tì.
You know, I don't know what I would've done if it hadn't have been for you.
Ya sabes, no sabrìa lo que hice si no hubiese sido para tì.
It's painful for you, isn't it?
Y màs doloros para tì?
Well, there's not a lot I can do for you right now.
No hay mucho que pueda hacer por tì ahora mismo.
Sometimes you need to lose control to find yourself.
A veces necesitas perder el control para encontrarte a tì misma.
[Chuckles] That sounds more like your scene.
Eso se parece màs a tì.
And what about you?
Y que hay de tì?
I guess there's just something about... disappearing into yourself.
Creo que algo acerca de... desaparecer dentro de tì.
I think it's about forgetting yourself.
Creo que tiene que ver con olvidarte de tì mismo.
And it's Mr Burraston to you.
Y para tì soy Sr. Burraston.
- Good for you.
- Bien para tì.
I want you.
Te quiero a tì.
[chuckles] Your old man would be proud of you.
Tu viejo estaría orgulloso de tì.
- For me or for you? - [chuckles]
- Para mì o para tì?
You offered, but I wasn't into you.
Te ofreciste, pero yo no estaba dentro de tì.
time 2517
times 1964
tina 1532
timer 243
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ticket 122
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tickets 252
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titan 51
tinder 16
tick 662
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title 45
till 132
tips 58
timing 101
tiki 23

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