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Was that a translate Spanish

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Well, I didn't want to say anything, but the other night, when we were at Jeff and Sally's, I was in the middle of telling a story, you just took over and told the ending, and that was very rude.
No quería decir nada, pero la otra noche, cuando estábamos en casa de Jeff y Sally, estaba contando una anécdota y tú te metiste y contaste el final, fue muy maleducado.
I mean, I... clearly, I've had some commitment issues, and I know I had a momentary freak out there, but I was... I had no idea that you w...
Bueno... es evidente que he tenido problemas con el compromiso, y sé que he tenido un momento paranoico, pero estaba... no tenía ni idea de que tú...
I got a rush order for my sauce, and the kitchen that I usually use was booked, so I have to do everything myself.
Tengo un pedido urgente para mi salsa, y la cocina que yo suelo usar estaba lleno, así que tengo que hacerlo todo yo.
And if they find out, then they'll just know that everyone was right about me being such a screw-up.
Y si se enteran, entonces ellos sólo saben que todo el mundo tenía razón de que yo era una metida de pata tales.
I was just saying that maybe you and the baby should stay upstairs for a while?
Estaba diciendo que tal vez usted y el bebé debe permanecer arriba por un tiempo?
I love that she has a pet that she's close to like I was with my pet pig Lily.
Me encanta que sea tan cercana con una mascota como yo lo era con mi cerdita Lily.
I was very close to that pig.
Estaba muy unido a ese cerdito.
I had to keep my mom away from anything that reminded her I was moving away and keep myself away from Williams Sonoma.
Tenía que mantener alejada a mi madre de cualquier cosa que la recordara que me mudaba, y yo mantenerme alejado de Williams Sonoma.
I do have some random scribbles that Luke made when he was... huh, that's a little later than I'd hoped.
Tengo algunos garabatos que hizo Luke cuando tenía... Un poco más tardío de lo que esperaba.
Here I was beating myself up because I couldn't be alone, and... one could argue that everybody in this house is a little better off because of it.
Aquí estaba machacándome porque no podía estar solo, y... uno podría argumentar que todos en esta casa están un poco mejor a causa de ello.
That's where he was turned. But no one knows where.
De allí es de donde lo llevaron, pero nadie sabe a dónde.
Information is coming in that in the pre-dawn hours, the US Embassy in La Paz, Bolivia was attacked.
Recibimos información de que antes del amanecer... ATAQUE A LA EMBAJADA DE EE. UU.
That she was going to hell.
Que iba a ir al infierno.
Now, he claims that he was going to go and secure his boat in preparation for the impending storm.
Afirmó que iba a asegurar su barco en preparación para la tormenta inminente.
Well, I started looking on the internet for tulip logos to see if there was one that could match this one, and I came across this...
Empecé a buscar en Internet logotipos de tulipán para ver si había uno que coincidiera con este, Y me encontré con esto...
Since we last spoke to you, we got some new information that your partner was seen with a large amount of cash and making a call from a phone we can't trace.
Desde la última vez que hablamos con Ud., obtuvimos nueva información de que su colega fue visto con una gran cantidad de efectivo y haciendo llamadas desde un móvil que no podemos rastrear.
That was a mistake, I thought it might complicate things.
Fue un error, pensé que complicaría las cosas.
So you're saying that although Mr Lewis was a friend of yours in the past, you want us to believe it was nothing more than a coincidence that you happened to be on the same island and in the process of hiring his boat when he was brutally murdered?
¿ Lo que dice es que aunque el Sr. Lewis era un amigo del pasado, Ud. quiere que creamos que no fue nada más que una coincidencia el que Ud. estuviera en la misma isla... y en proceso de contratar su bote cuando él fue brutalmente asesinado?
About that... who said this was a rescue?
¿ Quién dijo que era un rescate?
I was prepared to lose everything to save Archie in that mine shaft.
No me importó perder todo por salvar a Archie en la mina.
You left your friend that was about to get married with Miss Smokeshow?
¿ Dejaste a tu amigo que estaba a punto de casarse con el bomboncito?
That was before I moved to Chicago to be near Trevor.
Eso fue antes de que me mudara a Chicago para estar cerca de Trevor.
He did make a visit to the family of the doctor that was killed by the rebels.
Hizo una visita a la familia de la doctora que fue asesinada por los rebeldes.
Maybe he was about to blow the lid off Operation Omega, and he couldn't take all that money with a clear conscience.
Tal vez estaba a punto de denunciar a la Operacion Omega y no podia tomar todo ese dinero con la conciencia tranquila.
When I walked into the jungle, I knew that as long as I stayed on mission, the folks up the chain of command had my back, and if there was something that they wanted to keep out of the public eye, there was a damn good reason for it.
Cuando me interne en la selva, sabia que mientras estuviera en mision, aquellos en la cadena de mando cubrian mi espalda, y si habia algo que querian mantener fuera de la vista del publico, habia una razon muy buena para ello.
He was writing a book that defied his chain of command.
Estaba escribiendo un libro que desafiaba su cadena de mando.
The SEALs were, yes, but it was Trevor that shot and killed Dr. Carter.
Los SEALs fueron, si, pero fue Trevor quien disparo y mato a la doctora Carter.
You swore on direct that Trevor was writing a book?
¿ Dijo sobre que estaba escribiendo el libro Trevor?
Jake and I both agreed that it wasn't right that Trevor was gonna get rich off the backs of our dead brothers and piss all over the code.
Jake y yo estabamos de acuerdo en que no habia derecho a que Trevor fuera a hacerse rico a costa de nuestros hermanos muertos y se meara en el codigo.
Obviously, whoever he was talking to also made him steal that card.
Obviamente, con el que fuera que hablara también le obligó a robar la tarjeta.
We think that Weckler was being blackmailed by Baracus, who turned Weckler's daughter into a zombie, then had Oberman kill Weckler, and then covered his tracks by having Oberman "accidentally" fall overboard from a cruise ship.
Creemos que Weckler estaba siendo chantajeado por Baracus, quien convirtió a la hija de Weckler en una zombi, luego hizo que Oberman matara a Weckler, y entonces cubrió sus huellas haciendo que Oberman cayera "accidentalmente" por la borda de un crucero.
That was a good hand.
Era una buena mano.
I mean, that's a pretty great grift, but the key to this whole thing, gentlemen, is right there, because while Eddie was cheating,
Bueno, es un gran truco pero la clave de este tema, caballeros, está en esto, porque mientras Eddie hacía trampas,
He was beaten early in his incarceration by two other inmates, and that left him wheelchair-bound.
Le dieron una paliza al principio de su encarcelamiento otros dos presos y eso lo dejó confinado a una silla de ruedas.
I mean, I get why he'd be motivated to pick off people that were involved in his trial, but according to these articles, the first death was ruled a suicide, and the second was ruled an accident.
Lo que quiero decir es que entiendo por qué estaría motivado a seleccionar a la gente que estuvo involucrada en su juicio, pero de acuerdo con estos artículos, la primera muerte fue declarada suicidio, y la segunda fue declarada un accidente.
A man just like that was standing right outside, there on the sidewalk.
Un hombre como ese estaba parado afuera, en la vereda.
Right, so is it really that crazy to think that the guy was just having a breakdown?
Correcto, entonces ¿ es tan alocado pensar que el tipo estaba sufriendo una crisis?
I was just warming up some milk for Halley, and I-I thought it smelled a little funky, so I checked the date that you wrote on the bottle, and it says "Flerbsday."
Sólo estaba calentando un poco de leche para Halley, y II pensó que olía un poco raro, lo que he comprobado la fecha en que se escribió en la botella, y dice que "Flerbsday."
Before she talked about it, I just thought that was a race.
Antes de que ella hablaba de ello, sólo pensé que era una carrera.
Duke LaCrosse Snyder, who was tapped to succeed his father, Orson, as chairman of the Washington Redskins, has been arrested in Midtown Manhattan, after family members, concerned by a pattern of increasingly erratic behavior discovered that he had been radicalized by ISIS.
Duke LaCrosse Snyder, quien sucedería a su padre como jefe de los Redskins, ha sido arrestado en Manhattan cuando su familia, alertada por su conducta errática, descubrió que había sido radicalizado por EIIL.
Because that's the same beautiful bathroom after some psycho was done with it, and every day at 4 : 00 p.m.,
Porque era un lindo baño hasta que un loco terminó con él. Y cada día a las 4 de la tarde tengo que limpiarlo.
If they told someone about you, and you had sex with that person, that was a retweet.
Si se lo contaban a alguien con quien tú habías cogido, era como un retuit.
Yeah, I was lucky enough to have dropped out. Because I realized early on that these student loans are basically small business loans, and the business is you, and you're maybe not such a great business.
Tuve suerte de dejar la universidad... porque comprendí enseguida que los préstamos estudiantiles son, en esencia, préstamos para pequeñas empresas.
He won the Tour de France seven times on drugs every time, but because of that, he was able to raise $ 100 million for cancer research.
Ganó siete veces el Tour de Francia bajo el efecto de las drogas, pero, gracias a eso, recaudó 100 000 000 de dólares para la investigación del cáncer.
I was, like, "No, because we don't give a fuck about bicycling, that's why."
Le dije : "No, nos enojamos porque a nadie le importa el ciclismo".
Like, I got into NYU film school, which was a miracle at that time.
Entré en la Universidad de Nueva York a estudiar cine, lo cual fue un milagro.
I ended up dropping out after six months, but that was a huge rush of adrenaline.
Abandoné a los seis meses, pero fue como una descarga de adrenalina.
Then you'd make the sketch, and it would be the most popular shit week after week after week after week, to the point that it was weird.
Hacen el sketch y es la mierda más popular semana tras semana. Incluso llega a ser raro.
So, that's what I've been doing. But I might have fucked up. Because I was popular as a writer and director.
Así que eso hago, pero puede que la haya cagado... porque como escritor y director era popular.
But my dad was such a narcissist that he was mad at me somehow, like I'd embarrassed him.
Pero mi padre es tan narcisista que se enojó conmigo, como si lo hubiera avergonzado.
I took it to heart, and I wrote him a long note, and I expressed all the things I was grateful to him for, and all the things that I was angry at him about, and sent it his way.
Me lo tomé a pecho y le escribí una carta larga. Enumeré todas las cosas por las que le estaba agradecido y todas las cosas que me enojaban de él, y envié la carta.

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