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Was that him translate Spanish

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This was meant for buying that property for him.
Es para comprarle el terreno.
- That was him in that picture.
- El de la foto es él.
I was willing to hold onto anything, including God, even though I really didn't believe in him until that moment.
Aunque no creía en Él hasta ese momento.
I was convinced that I felt him, but now that I'm officially in remission,
Estaba convencida de que lo sentía. Pero ahora que oficialmente estoy en remisión me cuestiono todo.
- You sure that was him?
- ¿ Estás seguro que era él?
And a little of him is in me all the time - - that was him talking.
Y un poco de él sigue en mí todo el tiempo... eso era él hablando.
If I was to do that to him, that'd be all right with you?
Si le hiciera eso a él, ¿ te parecería bien?
It was him that pulled the trigger.
Fue él quien apretó el gatillo.
It looks as if it was your sister who stole the tigress musk and dosed Dr Lorenz's handkerchief with it, in the hope that it would bring the animal to him.
Parece que fue su hermana la que robó el almizcle de tigresa e impregnó el pañuelo del Dr. Lorenz esperando que atrajese al animal.
That Kevin Grey killed them both because he was jealous that Kayleigh left him for Lau.
Que Kevin Grey los mató a los dos por celos cuando Kaleigh lo dejó por Lau.
He says that, ah, he and many of the other men here, that they knew my Sayid, but that all they understood of him was solidarity, his love for his own people.
Dice que él y muchos de los hombres de aquí, conocían a mi Sayid, pero que todo lo que recibieron de él, fue solidaridad, su amor por su propio pueblo.
I replied that this was a good thing, but no, he tells me he does not talk about belief, but that he has actually found him.
Le repliqué que era algo bueno, pero no, me dijo que no hablaba de creencias, sino que realmente le había encontrado.
I warned him that false prophecy was a grave sin, at which he laughed, knocked me to the ground and kicked me.
Le advertí que esa falsa profecía era un grave pecado, a lo que se rió, me tiró al suelo y me golpeó.
Word is, Roy, you do not hand that sack of money to me, I shall see the whole world apprised of who it was cut that Indian gentleman's throat for him.
Lo que digo Roy es que, si no me entregas la bolsa del dinero me ocuparé de que el mundo entero sea informado de quién cortó la garganta de ese caballero indio.
Ah, the Mohammedan lad that was up your Kay, him.
Ah, el muchacho mahometano que se tiraba a tu Kay, él.
That night my father signaled for him, so something was up.
Aquella noche, mi padre le envió una señal, así que algo pasaba.
It was the consequences therein that escaped him.
Son las consecuencias lo que no previó.
I wish I could tell him just once that I think he was one hell of a guy.
desearía poder decirle una vez que pienso que era todo un señor.
But I was just hoping that maybe you think I'm good for him, so you'd want to help me figure him out.
Pero esperaba que tal vez pensaras que soy buena para él, y quisieras ayudarme a entenderlo.
'I had a drink with Damian and all I could get out of him was that Melissa was definitely back before Charlotte was released.
Tomé una copa con Damian y todo lo que pude sacarle fue que Melissa había vuelto antes de que liberasen a Charlotte.
When the Phillips campaign manager told me it was Caleb that did this I told him he-he must've had his wires crossed.
Cuando el director de campaña de Phillips me dijo que fue Caleb quien lo hizo, le dije que se le habían cruzado los cables.
I don't know how much you remember of my father, but he was not a good man, he threw in with Malcolm Merlyn, and all of that being said, there is nothing that I wouldn't do to have him back.
No sé cuánto recuerdas de mi padre, pero no era un buen hombre, se involucró con Malcolm Merlyn, y dicho todo eso, no hay nada que yo no haría por traerlo de vuelta.
Just a--a mother who's trying to protect her son, and she thought that the best thing for him was to keep his world separate from mine.
Sólo... una madre que trata de proteger a su hijo, y pensó que lo mejor era mantener su mundo lejos del mío.
Jut try and remember that I was the one that made him choose between you and knowing his son.
Sólo trata de recordar que fui la que lo hizo escoger entre tú y conocer su hijo.
There was a man in Hong Kong, and I did terrible things to him, and that made me a monster.
Hubo un hombre en Hong Kong, al que le hice cosas terribles, y eso me hizo un monstruo.
John was looking for someone to absolve him, reassure him that what happened wasn't his fault, and I couldn't do it.
John buscaba a alguien que le exculpara, le convenciera de que lo que pasó no fue culpa suya, y yo no pude hacerlo.
Nobody calls him that. It was your money that paid for the school, a well to provide clean drinking water, our first health clinic, and a Redbox with one movie in it.
Nadies te llama asi con tu dinero pagamos esa escuela, un pozo para proveer agua potable, nuestra primera clinica de salud, y una CAJAROJA con una pelicula en ella.
I was only explaining him, that he's got the wrong idea.
Hija, yo le decía, "lo juro por Siya, estás equivocado".
So I spoke to him on the phone and... He said that Ben was innocent but the girl was very convincing.
Así que hablé con él por teléfono y... dijo que Ben era inocente.
It was him that ordered the hit on Michael.
Fue el que ordenó la muerte de Michael.
Guy in the black hoodie... that was him.
El tipo con la capucha negra... ése era él.
The device he took with him, that was his electrostatic inducer.
El dispositivo que se llevó con él, era su inductor electrostático.
And he told me that you helped him a lot while I was gone.
Y él me contó que lo ayudaste mucho cuando yo no estaba.
Either somebody killed Robbie Morton and then dumped him in that container, or he was still alive when he went in there.
O alguien mató a Robbie Morton... y luego lo dejó allí. O puede que estuviera vivo cuando lo encerraron.
That's why I was phoning him.
Es por eso que lo llamé por teléfono.
Even gave us eyewitness testimony that it was Arthur that killed him.
Incluso nos dio el testimonio ocular de que Arthur lo mató.
- But later, yes. - And your first response to that was to provide him with a fake alibi and lodge a bogus complaint against me?
- Pero más tarde, sí. - ¿ Su primera respuesta a eso fue proporcionarle... una falsa coartada?
I have to admit - - your sending Inhumans in after him - - I thought that was a stupid gamble.
Debo admitirlo... que enviaras Inhumanos tras él... creí que era una apuesta estúpida.
But when he disappeared with the drugs, his partner said that I was liable, that I owed him.
Pero desapareció con las drogas. Su socio dijo que yo era responsable. Que le debía dinero.
The only thing Michael told him was that the information he had was bigger than just Arthur McCall.
Lo único que Michael le dijo era que la información que tenía... era más grande que Arthur McCall.
Yeah, that was him.
Sí, ese era él.
From phantom, uh, limb syndrome. His... his mind was so used to, uh, you know, to the leg being there that it... It tricked him into thinking it was there even though it wasn't.
Su mente estaba tan acostumbrada a, bueno, que la pierna estuviera ahí que... le engañaba al pensar que seguía allí aunque no estuviera.
Maybe it would be good for Norman to see me, allow him to know that everything was okay and that he could focus on what it is he's trying to accomplish here.
Puede que sea bueno para Norman que me vea, permitirle saber que todo va bien y que se puede centrar en lo que está intentando conseguir aquí.
I didn't get a chance to say good-bye to him, to tell him everything that he meant to me, that he was my world... that he was loved.
No tuve oportunidad de despedirme, de decirle todo lo que significaba para mí, que era mi mundo... que fue amado.
He told you lies because it was inevitable, but you must decide ifyou want him, and ifyou can forgive him or not, that's the real problem.
Te mintió porque era inevitable. De ti depende decidir si realmente lo aprecias y si quieres perdonarlo o no. Ése es el problema.
Trust me when I tell you that what I did gave him the most merciful end he was gonna get.
Créeme cuando te digo que lo que hice fue el final más piadoso que iba a tener.
Whoever that guy was, I want him found... and I want him to die.
Quien fuera él, quiero que lo encuentren... y quiero que muera.
That's'cause he was like 5 the last time you saw him.
Eso es porque tenía unos cinco años la última vez que le viste.
I was pissed at him for taking me to that joint.
Estaba enfadada por haberme llevado a ese antro.
You know, I'm wondering what might happen if Broussard learned that someone was trying to sell him out.
Sabes, me pregunto qué pasaría si Broussard se enterara que alguien está tratando de entregarlo.
And then when I was released, he still tried to turn her against me, saying that I was unstable, and... he just wanted me out of the way, but thankfully, she knew it, and that is why she left him.
Y cuando me soltaron, aún siguió intentando volverla en mi contra, diciendo que yo era inestable, y... Él solo quería apartarme de su camino, pero gracias a Dios, ella lo supo, y por eso le dejó.

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