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Was that me translate Spanish

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Oh, that's... if it was me, it wouldn't be smiling.
Bueno, si fuera yo, no estaría sonriendo.
Okay, I've known the guy since he was five years old and, believe me, it's like that.
Lo conozco desde los cinco años y créeme, son más que amigos.
But that sound you were making was way different from the sound you make with me.
Pero el ruido que hacías era distinto del que haces conmigo.
Ah. Not the first time I was fooled by that.
No es la primera vez que me confunde eso.
And while that was extremely annoying, I'm talking about that wretched heckler.
Si bien eso fue extremadamente molesto, me refiero a ese maldito manifestante.
I was terrified that I was losing my best friend.
Me aterraba perder a mi mejor amiga.
I mean, I haven't heard from her in months, and... but then one of her friends... said that he heard that she was here, but the blood and the bullets... if you know where she is,
Uno de sus amigos me dijo que escuchó que tal vez estaba aquí, pero las balas y la sangre... Si sabe dónde está, por favor, dígamelo.
Your father was helping me... figure out... what's really going on in this bloc so that we can decide if this family's gonna stay or go.
Tu papá me estaba ayudando... a investigar... qué está pasando en esta área para poder decidir si nuestra familia se queda o se va.
You know, when I was a young man, studying in Mesopotamia, I came across a map that claimed to foretell the Almighty's whereabouts if He ever walked the Earth.
Cuando era joven, estudiando en Mesopotamia, me encontré con un mapa que decía predecir el paradero del Todopoderoso si alguna vez caminaba por la Tierra.
That was Douglas, not me.
Fue Douglas, no yo.
That was me.
La idea fue mía.
You would never go back to the nuclear plant that was so cruelly taken from me.
Nunca volverías a la planta nuclear que me arrebataron tan cruelmente.
But there was a hole in me that even a thousand pans of hot fruit couldn't fill.
Pero había un agujero en mí que ni mil bandejas de fruta caliente podrían llenar.
Today there was this boy that looked at me like I was a monster.
Hoy hubo un muchacho que me miró como si fuera un monstruo.
It made me remember when I was that boy.
Me hizo acordar cuando yo era ese muchacho.
- Well it was the first time in my life I was ever in control of the events that guided me.
Bueno, fue la primera vez en mi vida que estuve en control de los eventos que me guiaban.
- Who says that was me?
¿ Quién dice que fui yo?
I imagine you think that was a bit harsh.
Me imagino que cree que eso fue un poco duro.
I was told someone from Oxford City Police had been by - - that was you?
Me dijeron que alguien de la policía de Oxford había venido acá, ¿ era usted?
Yes, that was me.
Sí, ese era yo.
Yeah, that's what I was told.
Sí, eso fue lo que me dijeron.
And Rosalee kinda told him that it was me that she was worried about, which means he's coming over to kill me.
Y Rosalee le dijo que era yo el que la preocupaba, lo cual significa que viene a matarme.
I don't suppose you're gonna tell me what the hell that was code for, Frank?
¿ Supongo que no me vas a decir por qué demonios fue el código, Frank?
Diana hit me when I told her that I was getting. Back together with allie.
Diana me golpeó cuando le dije que quería volver con Allie.
Why would he text me that if I was with him?
¿ Por qué iba a envíame un mensaje si yo estaba con él?
All that time, I was really learning to type.
Un año mientras me pagaba las clases de mecanografía.
I know about the rotary! Why didn't you tell me what that thing was?
Sé lo del Rotary. ¿ Por qué no me dijiste de qué se trataba ese cacharro?
Cracks me up that our teacher was in prison last week.
Me mata de risa que nuestro profesor estaba preso la semana pasada.
I figured if you guys had the balls to put that picture on my desk, then you're probably old enough to hear about what prison was like, what I did to get there, how I thought about being killed every single day.
Me imagine que ustedes tienen los huevos para poner esa foto en mi escritorio, por lo tanto son lo suficientemente grandes para escuchar como es la vida en la carcel, lo que hice para terminar alli, como pensaba que me iban a matar todos los dias.
- You told me that painting was the one happy memory you had of your mother.
- Me dijiste que esa pintura era el único recuerdo feliz que tenías de tu madre.
Cracks me up that our teacher was in prison last week.
Me da risa que nuestro maestro estaba en la cárcel la semana pasada.
Mind telling me what that was all about?
¿ Me puedes decir qué fue eso?
It was an asthma attack, but she wanted me to tell you that...
Fue un ataque de asma, pero quería que te dijera...
Thank you, Harvey. And it shows growth on your part not to make light of the fact that I just admitted something that was... very difficult for me to admit.
Y demuestra madurez de tu parte que no te burles del hecho de que acabo de admitir algo que... me costaba mucho admitir.
He said it was some sort of mix-up, but when I asked Donna about it, she told me that you were the one who went to see that man for me, not Louis.
Dijo que fue una confusión, pero cuando le pregunté a Donna al respecto, me dijo que fuiste tú quien fue a ver al hombre, no Louis.
When I learned the clinic had been destroyed... When I had to accept that Mei was dead...
Cuando me enteré de que la clínica había sido destruida... cuando tuve que aceptar que Mei estaba muerta,
There was a part of me that... I felt almost relieved.
hubo una parte de mí que... casi sintió alivio.
You knew that my soul mate was lying to me.
Tú sabías que mi alma gemela me estaba mintiendo.
I was devastated when I found out that he wasn't my soul mate, but now I think I've dodged a bullet.
Quedé devastada cuando me enteré que no era mi alma gemela, pero ahora pienso que he esquivado una bala.
And Jason is a person who was near me, and then he asked me to marry him, and there is nothing in my protocol that specifically barred that from happening.
Y Jason es una persona que estuvo cerca de mí, y luego me pidió que me casara con él, y no hay nada en mi protocolo que prohíba específicamente que eso suceda.
My suspicion is that when I was rebooted, I bonded with Jason in a way that I have never bonded with anyone before.
Mi sospecha es que cuando me reiniciaron, me uní con Jason de una manera que nunca me he vinculado con nadie antes.
I spent my whole life acting like Mindy, me first, no matter what, and it literally took dying and being around a bunch of good people to realize that I was kind of a nightmare.
Me pasé toda mi vida actuando como Mindy, yo primero, sin importar qué, y literalmente requirió que muriera y estuviera rodeada de un montón de gente buena, para darme cuenta de que era una especie de pesadilla.
No way. That was a B.S. foul on Chapman.
Me refería a una mierda que hizo Chapman.
Jason tortured my because I was sure he would blow our cover, which was torture for Chidi, because he was responsible for me, which made Chidi seem like the perfect soul mate, and that tortured Tahani because he didn't love her.
Jason me torturó, porque estaba seguro de que iba a arruinar nuestra pantalla, que fue torturado por Chidi, porque él era responsable de mí, que hizo que Chidi pareciera el alma gemela perfecta, y eso torturó a Tahani, porque él no la amaba.
They told me all I had to do was crawl through that tunnel they dug and fill the bag.
Solo me dijeron que todo lo que tiene que hacer era arrastrarme por los túneles con las bolsas llenas.
For me, that was irresistible.
Para mí, eso fue irresistible.
That screaming was irritating.
Los gritos me irritaban.
So I realize that was the guy who kept angrily staring at me the whole time.
Y me di cuenta de que era el tipo que me miraba enfadado.
If it was, like, "Me So Introspective" or something like that.
Si fuera "soy muy introspectivo" o algo.
I was bar mitzvahed, but that was a long time ago.
Me circuncidaron, pero fue hace mucho.
I was just trying to open that trunk and a wave of pain went through every inch of my body.
Intentaba abrir ese baúl y una ola de dolor me golpeó todo el cuerpo.

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