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Wasn't he translate Spanish

26,643 parallel translation
Maybe Walker was killed at the scene of the robbery, maybe he wasn't.
Tal vez Walker murió en el lugar del robo, tal vez él no lo era.
He wasn't working alone.
No estaba trabajando solo.
He was dying, wasn't he?
¿ Se estaba muriendo, no es así?
Why wasn't he active duty?
Por qué no estaba en servicio activo?
He served his time- - why would he be doing all this if he wasn't innocent, if he wasn't looking for who framed him?
Él cumplió su tiempo, por qué haría todo esto si no es inocente... si no lo fuera, buscaría a quién lo implicó?
I knew he wasn't an idiot after all.
Yo sabía que él no era un idiota después de todo.
And I knew by the end of that first morning that he wasn't like anyone I'd ever met, and that if I wasn't careful, I was gonna be in trouble.
y supe por el final de esa primera mañana que él no era como cualquiera que yo había conocido, y que si yo no era cuidadoso, yo iba a estar en problemas.
Uh, he wasn't, sir.
No lo estaba, señor.
He wasn't dirty.
No era corrupto.
He wasn't selling her drugs.
Él no le estaba vendiendo drogas.
No. No, he wasn't jealous.
No, no estaba celoso
Dwight wasn't legally crazy, but he had a persecution complex as big as all outdoors.
Dwight no estaba legalmente loco, pero tenía un complejo de persecución tan grande como todo en el exterior.
Jackson was right, wasn't he, that I was wrong to not ch-check?
Jackson tenía razón, ¿ verdad? , ¿ que me equivocaba al no examinarme?
I wasn't the one sitting next to him when he drowned my familiar!
¡ Yo era la que estaba sentada a su lado cuando ahogó a un familiar!
He wasn't on the bus?
- ¿ No estaba en el autobús? - Señora, ya le dije que todos bajaron.
Wasn't he coming?
¿ No iba a venir?
It's on the list, but it's not here. That's why he was killed, wasn't it?
Hola, perrito. ¿ Cuál es tu nombre?
Well, nah, he wasn't bloody.
Pues... no, no estaba ensangrentado.
He wasn't agitated.
No estaba agitado.
He wasn't even out of breath.
Ni siquiera le faltaba el aliento.
It wasn't me this time.
No he sido yo esta vez.
He wasn't giving us anything.
No nos estaba diciendo nada.
He wasn't ours to kill.
No era trabajo nuestro matarlo.
Hal even flew in from Dallas and said that he wasn't home. - You try the hospital?
Hal vino desde Dallas y no lo encontró en su casa.
And they didn't think he wasn't hiding anything either.
Y no se les ocurrió que no estaba escondiendo nada tampoco.
Uh, no, I'm not seeing anything about that here, so we have to assume that he wasn't until he came in contact with whatever's in that trailer.
No, no veo aquí nada de eso, así que tenemos que suponer que no lo era hasta que entró en contacto con lo que quiera que haya en ese tráiler.
The judge's office, and while her clerk wasn't exactly forthcoming, I did find out that she's a grandmother.
La oficina del juez, y aunque su asistente no era especialmente comunicativo, he averiguado que es abuela.
Turns out, he wasn't over it, we got into a big fight, and he left me a note disinviting me, and stole our mother in the middle of the night instead.
Resulta que no lo habia superado, tuvimos una gran pelea, y me dejo una nota retirando su invitacion, y se robó a nuestra madre en medio de la noche
He gave the drone back, it wasn't damaged.
Devolvió el dron, no estaba dañado.
No, he wasn't.
No es verdad.
I wasn't sleeping with anyone else this entire time.
No me he estadoa costando con nadie mas todo este tiempo.
Perhaps, he wasn't thinking clearly.
Quizás, que no estaba pensando con claridad,
Believe it or not, he wasn't coming home from a costume party.
Lo creas o no, que no iba a casa de una fiesta de disfraces.
So he wasn't invited?
Así que no fue invitado?
- You said he wasn't dead. - He's out.
- Has dicho que no estaba muerto.
Brick discovered he wasn't the only one jockeying for position that first day.
Brick se dio cuenta de que no era el único compitiendo por un lugar aquel día.
At first, I thought he was holding a pencil, but he wasn't.
Al principio, cría que estaba sujetando un lápiz, pero no.
I got to say, I haven't seen you this passionate about anything that wasn't work-related.
Tengo que decir, no te he visto este apasionado de nada que no estaba relacionada con el trabajo.
Ali wasn't crazy when she went into Welby but he's making sure she is now.
Ali no estaba loca al ingresar a Welby pero se está asegurando que lo esté.
The police know that Elliot Rollins is a fake identity that he wasn't even a real doctor.
La policía sabe que Elliot Rollins es su identidad falsa, que no es un verdadero doctor.
Okay, if this text means what I think it means... He wasn't taking Alison somewhere to kill her.
Si este mensaje significa lo que creo que significa... él no la estaba llevando a un lugar para matarla.
It wasn't me.
No he sido yo.
He wasn't Jamal's son.
No era hijo de Jamal.
I'm guessing from his outfit, he wasn't an employee?
Estoy adivinando de su equipo, que no era un empleado?
Because taking all my money wasn't enough, he wants more from me.
Porque tomar todo mi dinero no era suficiente, él quiere más de mí.
He wasn't who I thought he was.
No era quien yo creía que era.
He said he wasn't the revenge type.
Dijo que no era el tipo de venganza.
He wasn't my favorite.
No era mi favorito.
H-He wasn't a villain.
No era un villano.
Did you not tell him he wasn't supposed to drop him off until Christmas Day?
¿ No le dijo que se suponía que no lo trajera hasta la Navidad?
What he didn't say is what to do when hard work wasn't enough.
Lo que no dijo es qué hacer cuando trabajo duro no era suficiente.

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