We're like translate Spanish
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Like it or not, we're all Grounders now.
Te guste o no, ahora somos terrícolas.
Looks like we're about to get a look down my blouse, too.
Parece que estamos a punto de echar un vistazo por mi blusa, también.
It's like we're immune to Zola's mind-blast.
Es como si fuéramos inmunes al rayo mental de Zola.
Dismissing women, covering us up like we're the thing to be afraid of.
Desestimando a las mujeres, escondiéndonos, como si fuéramos a lo que tener miedo.
But... it's not like we're getting back together or anything.
Pero... no es que vayamos a volver o nada.
In this world, we're all so caught up in our own dramas. - So, Dad was like...
En este mundo, en el que vivimos tan sumidos en nuestras cosas, es fácil...
Well, Mike, looks like we're gonna be sharing this little condo for a while, huh?
Bien, Mike, parece que vamos a estar compartiendo este pequeño apartamento por un tiempo, ¿ eh?
It was a terrible tragedy we'd like to put behind us. So you're leaving town before your daughter's funeral?
Es una terrible tragedia que nos gustaría dejar atrás.
Hey, the longer we're here, The longer you look like you're cooperating.
Hey, el tiempo que estémos aquí, es el tiempo que parece que estás cooperando.
You may not like us, Mark, but we're the ones who are looking for your mom right now.
Puede que no te agrademos, Mark, pero justo ahora, somos los únicos que están buscando tu mamá
I'm getting someone to look at the clerk's handwriting and we're going to keep an eye on her after she leaves here, but she doesn't strike me as someone who could be a part of a major conspiracy like this.
Pero ella no me pareció como alguien que podría ser parte de una gran conspiración como esta.
Well, we're still trying to figure out who's behind this conspiracy, why you were shot first, and then Deputy Simms, who, by the way, looks like he...
Bueno, todavía estamos tratando de averiguar quién está detrás de esta conspiración, Por qué te disparó primero y luego al alguacil Simms, quien, por cierto, parece que... podría haber ayudado e instigado.
Well... Looks like we're about to find out.
Parece que estamos a punto de averiguarlo.
Traditionally, if you become blind in a country like this, then that's pretty much it, you're blind for life. But we're here to see an intervention, which is hoping to change all that.
Si uno queda ciego en un país así, queda ciego de por vida, pero veremos una cirugía que espera cambiar eso.
Looks like we're spending the night.
Pasaremos aquí la noche.
We told them the answer because, honestly, every team here, we're really friends with and we haven't really been in that, like, do-or-die situation, so I think we are just giving, like, little clues just to kind of keep us all in the front.
Les dijimos la respuesta porque, sinceramente, con todos estos equipos, somos amigos y no estamos en una situación de vida o muerte, así que dándoles pequeñas pistas nos mantendrá al frente.
No, we're just, like, guessing.
Estamos suponiendo.
But we're not like those girls.
Pero no somos como esas chicas.
I'm glad you're back, you're the boss and uh, like you said, we just have to trust each other.
Me da gusto que estés de vuelta, eres la jefa y como dijiste, tenemos que confiar la una en la otra.
Well, for that answer, it looks like we're just gonna have to learn to work together now.
Para responder a eso, parece que vamos a tener que aprender a trabajar juntos.
Get ready to stand back, because... I have a feeling we're about to meet a very angry queen, and she didn't like you on a good day.
Quedaos atrás, tengo el presentimiento de que vamos a ver a una reina muy furiosa y no le caes bien ni en sus días buenos.
- What's going on? - Harvey, we got a problem, and you're not going to like it.
- Harvey, tenemos un problema, y no te va a gustar.
I mean, if we're going to look like a real firm, then starting tomorrow, we need to do something about subletting these offices.
Que si queremos vernos como un verdadero bufete, a partir de mañana tenemos que hacer algo para subalquilar estas oficinas.
All I'm saying... in cases like this, are the decisions we're making really in the patient's best interest, or are they in ours?
Todo lo que digo... En casos como este, ¿ las decisiones que tomamos son lo mejor para el paciente o los son para nosotros?
- Of course we are. What if I lose, and we're all sitting around there like a bunch of suckers?
¿ Y qué pasa si pierdo y estamos todos como un montón de idiotas?
You know, you're the one who wanted this out in the open, and now that we've done that for, what, like five minutes, you can't handle it?
Usted sabe, usted es el que quería que esto fuera en el abierto, Y ahora que lo hemos hecho para, lo que, al igual que cinco minutos,
I made you do it and you knocked it out of the park and now I'm just- - I'm bombing. - No, it's like you said, we're- -
Te lo hice hacer y ahora dejé la pelota para que hagas el gol y ahora estoy sólo- - estoy schockeada.
We look like we're working the corner at this point.
Está empezando a parecer que estamos haciendo la calle.
Maybe we're just both messed up, or the sex is so good that we can't see it, but this is not what a healthy relationship looks like.
Tal vez estamos los dos hechos un desastre, o el sexo es tan bueno que no podemos verlo, pero esto no se parece en nada a una relación sana.
But, come November, we're not counting the people who like our artwork or our slogan.
pero, en Noviembre, no contaremos con las personas a las que les guste nuestro trabajo artístico nuestro eslogan.
Glad we're on the same page. I just don't like her.
Me alegra que estemos en la misma página.
I feel like we're building to the point where you tell us how you did this.
Creo que estamos yendo al punto donde nos dices cómo lo hiciste.
Like your boyfriend, David Blaine, we're taking how we did this to the grave.
Como tu novio, David Blaine, nos vamos a llevar cómo hicimos esto a la tumba.
- So, girls, like, we're gonna, like, take one, pass it down.
Entonces chicas, vamos a repasar la letra.
-'Cause we're talking about shoes. I would love to, like, save the time and figure out what we're doing.
Porque mientras hablan de zapatos me gustaria ahorrar tiempo y saber que vamos a hacer
"Cohesive" is the word. - I'm so happy that we have a little bit of choreography like I suggested- - Chi Chi, because now we're with Jamal, and he's actually using our choreography.
Estou feliz porque tenemos algo de coreo, como le sugerí a Chi Chi.
-'Cause then you're funny. - We're all, like, rallying around. We're like, "Kim Chi, you can do this,"
Tratamos de darle ánimos, pero no está confiada.
- I feel the song that we're doing has such strong emotion tied with it, and Dax is kind of lackluster, and the song is not lackluster, so I'm like, "You got this."
Creo que la canción es muy emotiva. Y Dax está apática cuando la canción no es asì. Asì que estoy como yo ya gané.
- Here we are at your public high school Look like you're having fun.
No, está mirando hacia aquí.
But after what happened to Ali I started thinking that we're like this crazy, dysfunctional family.
Pero después de lo que le pasó a Ali, empecé a pensar que somos como una familia loca y disfuncional.
Looks like we're about to find out.
Parece que estamos a punto de averiguarlo.
Look, I really like you, but if we're gonna be a couple, then I need to know what your true condition is, in terms of being living or not living.
Mira, me gustas mucho, pero si vamos a ser una pareja, entonces necesito saber cuál es tu verdadera condición, en términos de estar vivo o no vivo.
Looks like we're gonna need to call a Green Meanie summit.
Parece que vamos a necesitar llamar a una cumbre de Meanies verdes.
And you post it just like we're a real couple.
Y las públicas como si fuéramos una verdadera pareja.
Like I said, we're gonna finish the job.
Como le dije, vamos a terminar el trabajo.
Like you said, we're at EMCON.
Como usted dijo, estamos en silencio de radio.
- Girls, at this damn White party, we're gonna act like a family. - [creepy laughter]
Nenas, en esta fiesta de blaco, vamos a actuar como una familia.
We've currently got 100,000 dedicated users and we're growing, so expansion like this requires another level of funding.
Actualmente tenemos 100,000 usuarios dedicados y seguimos creciendo, por lo que una expansión como esta requiere otro nivel de patrocinio.
Look, like they say in the movies, we're not partners and we're not friends. - Mm-hmm.
Mira, como dicen en las películas, no somos compañeros y no somos amigos.
We might not look like it, but we're the good guys.
Puede que no lo parezca, pero nosotros somos los buenos.
Oh, well, hey, élodie, if you're gonna be like that, maybe we need to look into your unpaid parking tickets, run them through the system...
Bueno, Élodie, si te pones así... quizás deba buscar tus multas impagas y enviarlas al sistema...
we're like brothers 21
we're like family 18
like 39801
likely 68
liked 74
likes 62
like my father 47
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
we're like family 18
like 39801
likely 68
liked 74
likes 62
like my father 47
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
like a bird 44
likewise 551
like me 894
like a 442
like a baby 70
like your brother 20
like a princess 21
like you and me 45
like an angel 29
like your dad 19
likewise 551
like me 894
like a 442
like a baby 70
like your brother 20
like a princess 21
like you and me 45
like an angel 29
like your dad 19
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like you told me 16
like i care 29
like always 190
like you 1448
like hell 158
like a cat 27
like you said 759
like us 230
like i told you 172
like you told me 16
like i care 29
like always 190
like you 1448
like hell 158
like a cat 27
like you said 759
like us 230