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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / We found something

We found something translate Spanish

773 parallel translation
Anyhow, we found something.
Hemos encontrado algo.
We came to get a movie, and we found something worth more than all the movies in the world.
Vinimos por una película y encontramos... -... algo más valioso. - ¿ Qué?
Frances, we found something together worth more than money.
Nosotros teníamos algo mucho mejor que el dinero.
We found something.
Es algo, ¿ no?
We found something in his room that connects you with him.
Encontramos algo en su morada que tiene relación contigo.
We found something : pumpkins and zucchini.
Hemos traído una carga de zapallos grandes y pequeños.
Hey, colonel, we found something.
Oiga, coronel, hallamos algo.
- We found something.
- Encontramos algo.
We found something I've been searching for all my life.
He encontrado una cosa que he estado buscando toda la vida.
- We found something to book them on.
- Hemos encontrado una excusa.
- We found something else.
- Encontramos otra cosa.
We found something pretty important.
Encontramos algo muy importante.
That's what you said the l-l-last time we found something.
Eso es el lo que dijiste la ú-ú-última vez que encontramos algo.
- I think we found something :
- Creo que encontramos algo.
We found something that we think belongs to you.
Encontramos algo que creemos que te pertenece.
We found something wonderful for the bedroom.
- He visto algo para el dormitorio.
- We found something brighter and just as big.
Encontramos un depa más grande, más tranquilo...
We found something!
¡ Hemos encontrado algo!
If she's found innocent and something would happen... Then we will have blood on our hands!
¡ Si la declaramos inocente y algo así sucede,... mancharemos de sangre nuestras manos!
Almost every place he's taken us, we've found something.
Claro. Dondequiera que nos ha llevado, encontramos algo.
Now that we've found each other again, I hope I shall see something of you.
Ahora que nos encontramos de nuevo, espero volver a verlo más seguido.
If he were just a petty crook, we would have found something.
Si fuera inocente hubiéramos encontrado algo.
Because it'll be something new... something we haven't found.
Porque será algo nuevo, algo que aún no hemos descubierto.
I think we've found something, boss.
Encontramos algo, jefe.
The dealer might think something was funny, if he called and found we were using different names.
El vendedor pensaría que había algo extraño si llamaba y averiguaba que teníamos distintos apellidos.
Come back, we've found something!
¡ Vuelve, hemos encontrado algo!
Here's something we found.
He aquí lo que encontrámos.
You see, if we can trust you, we can- - Lieutenant, I found something in Pretty Boy's stuff that I- -
Teniente, encontré algo entre las cosas de Muñeco.
Now that we've found each other again, I hope I shall see something of you.
Espero verle más.
Remember when I said something had happened to my sister Sophie... and we found out that she'd fallen and broken her hip?
¿ Y cuando dije que algo le pasó a mi hermana... y resultó que se había caído y se había quebrado la cadera?
When we were fixing her bed after she died we found she held something in her left hand placed on her heart.
Cuando arreglábamos su cama después de morir... nos dimos cuenta que sujetaba algo... en la mano izquierda posada junto al corazón.
We'll do fine! I found something.
¡ Tenemos suerte, ya está!
Oh, that's something we found in Dr. Greenhill's papers after his death.
Lo encontramos entre los papeles del doctor Greenhill cuando murió.
I wouldn't give much for our chances... wandering around in the middle of the night trying to find something... that if we found it, it might kill us.
vamos a correr muchos riesgos Tenemos que andar en medio de la noche tratando de encontrar algo que nos podría matar si damos con ello.
Would you believe me if I told you there was something inside of that rock we found, something that could wipe out this whole town?
¿ Me creeríais si os dijese que había algo dentro de la roca que encontramos que puede acabar con este pueblo entero?
If it strikes somebody on another continent, then, we've really found something.
Si alguien muere en otro continente, entonces habremos descubierto algo.
Something we found during the restoration was that the colour which hasn't been seen in 38 years started to come through and show itself again -
Algo que encontramos durante la restauración es que el color que no se había visto en 38 años empezó a salir y a mostrarse otra vez.
We told her we couldn't pay her, and didn't need her....... But she asked us if she could stay on here, til she found something else.
Le dijimos que no podíamos pagarle pero pidió quedarse mientras halla otro lugar.
And I'm quite sure, due to modesty, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Welenmelon hesitates to tell us something we kind of found out in our own sneaky little way :
Estoy convencido de que, por modestia, señoras y señores, la Srta. Welenmelon no sabe si contarnos algo que hemos descubierto de forma un tanto furtiva.
We should have found something she covered herself with.
Deberíamos ver cerca del cuerpo,... algo que ella podría haber usado para protegerse.
If he found out we went out on our own, he might flip out or something.
Si se entera que salimos solos, podría enfurecerse.
We just found out something in time, that's all.
Sólo descubrimos algo a tiempo, eso es todo.
However, I think we've found something of greater importance...
No obstante, creo que hemos encontrado algo de gran importancia...
Sir, we've found something. I don't know if it's important.
Señor, encontramos algo que no sé si es importante.
We had to get him out of here... before they found out something.
En todo caso, había que sacarlo de ahí... antes de que se enteraran de la importancia del tipo.
We've found something ahead, most likely Russian ships.
Hemos detectado algo adelante, muy probablemente barcos Rusos.
And if we found the alteration were in respect of something else, why, I would feel bound to find that money myself.
Y si descubriéramos que la alteración era con respecto a otra cosa, me sentiría obligada a encontrar ese dinero yo misma.
I think we may have found something that's going to interest him. Tonight?
Pienso que podemos haber encontrado algo que va a interesarle.
This morning we ran a profile on Saint Sauvage and found nothing, and now suddenly, we've got something.
Esta mañana no encontramos nada sobre el perfil de Saint-Sauvage y ahora de repente, tenemos algo.
I wonder if we'll ever find a specimen of life based not on organic molecules but on something else, something more exotic. The Viking experiments found that the Martian soil is not loaded with organic remains of once living creatures.
Pero la demostración sobre su altísima temperatura llegó con la primera nave que penetró sus nubes y descendió en la superficie del planeta vecino.
Wait, we just found one. Almost none. Therefore, finding one which is alleged to be the exception maybe it's not the exception, but something else.
Entonces, si hallamos uno que se supone es la excepción quizás no sea una excepción.

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