Something to think about translate Spanish
1,353 parallel translation
Which is something to think about, I admit.
Admito que es algo en lo que hay que pensar.
Maybe I can give you something to think about all evening.
Veamos si puedo darte algo para que pienses toda la tarde.
It's just something to think about for next week.
Es algo que tenéis que pensar para la semana que viene.
Something to think about on your break!
Piénsenlo durante el recreo.
It gave us all something to think about.
Nos dio a cada uno algo en qué pensar.
Now I'll have something to think about this afternoon when I'm rubbing your dad's bum.
Ahora voy a tener algo a pensar en esta tarde cuando estoy frotando vago de tu padre.
I think Mr. Johnson might have something to say about that.
Puede que Mr. Johnson tenga algo que objetar.
I was wondering if you might want to do something we could have a meal and sit at the same table. What do you say? I'll think about it.
Me preguntaba si Ie gustaria hacer algo podriamos cenar y sentarnos en Ia misma mesa.?
You think it's justifiable to barge in here and demand info about something from 24 years ago?
Creà © is que tiene justificacià ³ n irrumpir aquà sin permiso... y pedir informacià ³ n de algo que ocurrià ³ hace 24 aà ± os?
It's just a tiny bit more to make it a little bit more Spanish. It's something, if you think about it, it's bad.
Me gustaría que quedara un poco más española.
One last question let it rest I want to think about the exact moment In which the door is opened and surprised Before the worker called Heard something?
Una última pregunta y la dejaré descansar quiero que piense en el momento exacto en el cual la puerta se abrió y la sorprendió ¿ antes que el trabajador la llamó escuchó algo?
It's every woman's fantasy, I think, for about five minutes to wear something like that and feel like a princess.
Es una fantasía de todas las mujeres, durante cinco minutos poder llevar algo así y sentirse como una princesa.
And you think you want to do something about it?
¿ Y crees que quieres hacer algo al respecto?
Now, this uh, many people seem to think that if you talk about something recent, then youre in favour of it.
Porque no escogí estar sentado y dejar al camión pasar sobre mi.
I think tyr might have something to say about that.
Creo que Tyr podría tener algo que decir acerca de eso.
When I think about what you've... You never had a childhood or a family or friends or anything that's real. And if this is the end I want you to have something that is.
Cuando pienso en todo por lo que has nunca tuviste infancia, o familia, o amigos, o algo real, y si éste es el fin, quiero darte algo.
And I think we're all going to learn something about ourselves in the process.
Y creo que vamos a aprender mucho sobre nosotros mismos en el proceso.
Leo, I actually think I've got something, but I need to talk to you about it alone.
Leo, creo tener algo, pero necesito que hablemos a solas.
My Romanian's weak, but I think she was saying something about him trying to take her power.
Hablo mal rumano pero creo que decía algo sobre que él intentaba arrebatarle su poder.
Actually, that is something for you to think about.
De hecho, tú podrías pensar en eso.
I know it's been a while, but something's happened and I think that you're the only one I can talk to about it because people I've told think I'm insane.
Sé que ha pasado un tiempo, pero sucedió algo y creo que eres la única a la que puedo hablarle de eso. Porque las personas a las que les he contado creen que estoy loca.
Then, I think you should go to the police, and if they mention something about staying somewhere for observation, it's just routine.
Pienso que deberías ir a la policía, Y si dicen que te quedes en observación en alguna parte, Solo para estar seguros
We'll think of something else to write about.
Pensaremos en otro tema para escribir.
Is this something that you have to think about?
¿ Hay algo en lo que tengas que pensar?
So you're desperately... trying to think of something else to worry about!
¡ Así que tratas desesperadamente de pensar en otra cosa de qué preocuparte!
¿ Cómo qué?
And I think what's lunacy is a nation of SUVs telling a nation of bicycles they have to change how they live before we'll do something about greenhouse emissions.
Y creo que lo que es una locura es una nación de coches diciendo a una nación de bicicletas que tienen que cambiar su forma de vida antes de que hagamos algo sobre el efecto invernadero.
Listen, I'd like to tell you about something and if, when I'm done you think I sounded like an idiot, just know that I'll be feeling like one as well.
Quiero decirle algo y si cuando acabe le parezco un idiota, sólo sepa que me sentiré así.
But I'm saying, don't tell me But I'm saying, don't tell me one thing and just because I one thing and just because I think about something or just think about something or just because I talk to somebody, then because I talk to somebody, then all of a sudden it's off.
No me digas una cosa, y sólo porque pienso en otra cosa, o sólo porque hablo con alguien, de repente ya no vale.
I remember down South we used to... be out on the plantation and various things... and you would hear a guy would get up early in the morning... and unconsciously he would just be thinking... and he's thinking about his condition and if he was some other place... or if he was up the road... down in the Southern states they always felt like the Northern states... would be a place where he could really enjoy and be himself and relax... and many times he been work hard all night, something like that... all day, went to bed at night, get up early in the morning... unconsciously he thinking and that's the way the blues are... unconsciously you think about the things that you would desire... in mind and you go to gradually singing them.
Me acuerdo del Sur... trabajábamos en las plantaciones y otras cosas... y se podía oír a alguien que se había despertado temprano... e inconscientemente empezaba a pensar. Piensa sobre su situación y si estuviera en otro lugar. En el Sur, siempre pensábamos que en los estados del Norte... podríamos divertirnos, ser nosotros mismos y relajarnos.
I think something bad is about to happen here, Louis.
Creo que algo malo está por suceder, Luis.
Now all we have to do is think about something to occupy our time.
Todo lo que debemos hacer... es pensar en algo para ocupar nuestro tiempo.
- I think about that... But how I felt if something happen to you. Or your mama...
Pienso en eso en lo que sentiría si algo te sucediera o a tu madre a Feng-Shui o, Dios, amar de nuevo a otra mujer.
Before you do something stupid, you may want to think about this shit.
Antes de que haga algo estúpido. Tiene que pensar sobre esto.
Think about it. Is this something you do to each other?
¿ Es algo que se hacen el uno al otro?
Something we have to think about.
Es algo que tenemos que pensar.
And today as I stand here and look at you before me... having the audacity to think that you can defeat me... let me tell you something, brother, I am about to kick your carrot butt!
... y hoy estoy frente a ti y mírame antes de tener la audacia de pensar que puedes vencerme déjame decirte algo, hermano, ¡ voy a patear tu trasero de zanahoria!
I'm just trying to think about something else.
Estoy tratando de pensar en otra cosa.
We'd like to speak to you about something we think happened to us at your restaurant.
Nos gustaría hablarte acerca de algo, creemos que nos pasó algo en tu restaurant.
Sometimes, the changes in someone or something cause us to think more deeply about our lives.
A veces, el cambio de alguien o de algo nos hace pensar más profundamente en nuestra vida.
And I couldn't get over that that's all that tethers us to this planet, you know that... fragile little muscle and it's tiny you know, in the scheme of things... and when you think about all the things that can stop it... there's got to be something else,
Y no pude superarlo Que nos amarra a este planeta sabes que frágil es ese pequeño músculo y es pequeño sabes, y fríamente... si piensas en todas las cosas que pueden detenerlo
It's given me something else to think about.
Esto me ha dado alguna otra cosa en la que pensar.
to think about something?
para pensar en algo?
I think he, at that point, was an older man and had many things he wanted to say in the film about love and about death and about his background in London about the music hall, about something he knew well :
Entonces, era un hombre mayor, y había... ... muchas cosas que quería decir en cine : sobre el amor, la muerte... ... sus experiencias en Londres...
Okay. I think you were maybe just about to say something really important.
Bueno, uh... creo que... estabas a punto de decir algo muy importante.
I guess I was naive enough to think that this might be about something other than your gigantic male ego.
Qué ingenua fui al pensar que esto no se trataba de su ego.
I mean, think about it. Think about how stubborn people are. How hard it is for them to ask for help or actually admit they're wrong about something.
Piensa en lo tercas que son las personas lo que cuesta que pidan ayuda y que admitan que estaban equivocadas.
I would try to think about something other than death.
Intentaba pensar en algo distinto a la muerte.
And to think that I was worried about it being too soon when the real problem was I was allowing myself to feel something for an absolute...
Y pensar que me preocupaba de que fuera demasiado pronto cuando el verdadero problema era que empezaba a sentir algo por un auténtico...
So I started to think about the possibility of doing something else.
Y empecé a considerar hacer otra cosa.
It is something to think about, sweetie.
Deberías pensarlo, cariño.
something to eat 69
something to drink 109
something to look forward to 22
something to remember me by 18
something to say 16
something to do 17
think about it 2390
think about this 117
think about that 140
think about something else 16
something to drink 109
something to look forward to 22
something to remember me by 18
something to say 16
something to do 17
think about it 2390
think about this 117
think about that 140
think about something else 16
think about what 40
think about what i said 29
think about 28
think about me 17
think about what you're doing 63
think about what you're saying 26
something went wrong 81
something 1990
sometimes 3655
sometime 130
think about what i said 29
think about 28
think about me 17
think about what you're doing 63
think about what you're saying 26
something went wrong 81
something 1990
sometimes 3655
sometime 130
something came up 177
something happened 421
something like that 1529
something's happening 161
something on your mind 83
something special 67
something is wrong 141
something bad happens 16
something's not right 271
something's wrong here 34
something happened 421
something like that 1529
something's happening 161
something on your mind 83
something special 67
something is wrong 141
something bad happens 16
something's not right 271
something's wrong here 34