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You could have translate Spanish

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Maybe you could have the morning with us.
Tal vez podrías pasar la mañana con nosotras.
- It's just, you could have called me, it would have been okay for -
- Es que, podrías haberme llamado, habría estado bien...
Do you ever wish you could have a boyfriend?
¿ Alguna vez deseaste tener un novio?
Oh, you could have mine.
Oh, usted podría tener la mía.
So you could have the scholarship.
¡ Para darte esa beca!
You could have been pirates, for all I know.
Podrían haber sido piratas, por lo que sé.
You could have a one-woman show.
Podrías tener tu propio programa.
So, as far as any onlookers were concerned... you left the harbour together... and you arrived at the bar together, which means that neither of you could have had time to kill Tosh.
Así, ante los ojos de cualquier espectador... Uds. dejaron el puerto juntos... y llegaron al bar juntos, lo que significa que ninguno de Uds. hubiera tenido tiempo de asesinar a Tosh.
Now, if you can think outside the box, have mad hacking skills, and write code with your eyes closed, you could have a future at the FBI Cyber Division.
Ahora, si podéis pensar fuera de la caja, tenéis grandes habilidades de hacker y programáis con los ojos cerrados, podéis tener un futuro en la división cibernética del FBI.
You could have had a wonderful career.
Pudiste haber tenido una carrera maravillosa.
You could have been the female Andrew Walsh If you'd kept your head down and just gone for it.
Pudiste haber sido la versión femenina de Andrew Walsh si hubieras mantenido un perfil bajo y seguido con eso.
With your looks, you could have had a recording contract any day of the week.
Con tu apariencia, pudiste haber conseguido un contrato de grabación en cualquier momento.
When I first found it, it just - - it was like some kind of a drug, almost. [Brandt] What if you could have a pill that makes you your best self?
Todo está en Facebook y Twitter, pero el mundo de las redes sociales es un paso eliminado de la realidad.
'Cause you could have cracked a molar or choked to death.
Porque te podías haber roto un molar o ahogado hasta morir.
You could have said a lot worse.
Podrías haber dicho algo peor.
[Joon] But you could have talked to me.
Pero... podrías haber hablado conmigo.
You could have just told us.
Debió habérnoslo dicho.
Who could you have been giving them to?
¿ A quién se las has estado dando?
Anyway, for as long as there have been slaughterhouses, the worst job that you could possibly have... Was to work the hide cellar.
Igualmente, siempre que hubo mataderos el peor trabajo que podías tener era trabajar en el sótano oculto.
And it just makes you realize that we all just worry, and we don't have to,'cause if you wanted to plant a seed in the ground and just eat what grows, then you could, you know?
Y te das cuenta de que nosotros nos preocupamos... y que no es necesario... Porque si quisieras plantar una semilla en la tierra... y solo comer lo que crece, podrías hacerlo, ¿ sabes?
That explosion could have given you severe internal injuries.
Esa explosión podría haber dado Beheerder le graves lesiones internas.
It's like this itch you have to scratch and I can only get to it by saying the worst thing that I could ever say sometimes, depending on where I am, so you - you being here made that come out.
Es como una picazón que debes rascar y solo puedes hacerlo diciendo lo peor que puedas decir en ese contexto... Por eso que tú estés aquí, hizo que saliera eso.
You know, I could have her in a crate back to the Philippines in seven hours.
Sabéis, podría hacer que la metieran en una caja de vuelta a Filipinas en siete horas.
You told me there were things I could do, insinuating that I could have fixed myself any time I wanted, and that is negating my story.
Me dijiste que había cosas que yo podía hacer, insinuando que podría curarme yo misma cuando quisiera, y eso es negar mi versión.
Like you could field an army with how many people have been in your situation.
Podría desplegar a un ejército... con todas las personas que han estado en tu situación.
We knew that Stuxnet could have very dire consequences, and we were very worried about what the payload contained and there was an imperative speed that we had to race and try and, you know, beat this ticking bomb.
Sabíamos que Stuxnet podría tener consecuencias muy graves, y estábamos muy preocupados por lo que contenía la carga útil y había una velocidad imperativa a la que teníamos que correr y tratar de, ya sabes, vencer a esta bomba de tiempo.
And then just off that hall you would have an operators room, the control panels in front of them, a big window where they could see into the hall.
Y a continuación, justo al lado de ese pasillo tendría una sala de operadores, los paneles de control en frente de ellos, una gran ventana donde podían ver la sala.
I could have coffee made if you want.
Puedo hacer café, si queréis.
Richard, perhaps you could get that while I have another bath sheet versus bath towel debate with your mother.
Richard, abre tú, mientras yo mantengo otra conversación sobre toallas de baño con tu madre.
I mean, the murder could only have been committed if you two were working together.
El asesinato solo podría haber sido cometido... si Uds. dos trabajaban juntos.
I know, yeah, so if he did drop out, um, in his final term, say, could he, um... would you still have to pay for the full three years?
Yo sé, sí, por lo que, erm, si lo hizo abandonar, en su parte final, por ejemplo, erm, ¿ verdad, erm, sería todavía tiene que pagar por los tres años completos?
Maybe if you could convince my own daughter to talk to me, I wouldn't have to.
Quizás si pudieras convencer a mi propia hija de que hable conmigo, no tendría que hacerlo.
You need to know, if you go down this path, it could have very real consequences. Suing the FBI without coming to me first is not the way to go about this.
Demandar al FBI sin acudir a mí primero no es la manera de hacer esto.
I have a seat on a red-eye that could change my life. Aw... I'm gonna come back in two months and do this the right way, I promise you.
Tengo un asiento en un vuelo nocturno que podría cambiar mi vida.
- There would have been nothing to fix, if you could only keep your animal urges under control.
- No habría habido nada que arreglar, Si sólo pudieras mantener tus impulsos animales bajo control.
I would say, with an investment of about $ 1,000, you could probably have access to 9 / 10 of the world's infrastructure.
Yo diría que, con una inversión de cerca de mil dólares, posiblemente podrías tener acceso a 9 / 10 de la infraestructura del mundo.
Now that you did, she may have information that could help.
Ahora que lo hizo, ella puede tener información que podría ayudar.
It could have an impact on your practice, so... we thought you ought to know.
Podría tener un impacto en su práctica, así que... pensamos que debería saber.
Look, when I said you could "have" the Borlon sector, it was just a figure of speech.
Mira, cuando he dicho que podías quedarte con el Sector Borlon, era solo un modo de hablar.
It was his fault. No, it was my fault, thinking that either of you could ever have filled Phillip's shoes.
No, fue culpa mía... por pensar que llenarían los zapatos de Phillip.
I'm glad that you didn't try and fire this thing up,'cause, uh, there's a crack in the firebox, and it could have inadvertently gassed the whole house.
Me alegra que no intentara encender esta cosa, porque hay una grieta en el quemador y podría haber gaseado la casa entera sin que se diera cuenta.
You know, he may have dazzled you with his Supreme Court talk, but... you know, appeal could take years.
Puede que te haya encandilado con lo del Tribunal Supremo, pero... bueno, una apelación podría llevar años.
You could not have acquainted me with those particulars earlier?
¿ No pudiste haberme dicho esos detalles antes?
You know, maybe I could have helped.
Sabes, quizás podría haberte ayudado.
Do you have anything I could wear as a bathing suit that isn't a thong? No, honey.
¿ Tienes algo que pueda usar como traje de baño que no sea una tanga?
You know, you guys could also have these conversations at home.
Ya sabes, ustedes también podría tener Estas conversaciones en casa.
And even if someone could get past those boner-killing overalls... you ain't gonna have any of that if you keep this up.
E incluso si alguien pudiera dejar pasar esos trajes mata-pasiones... no tendrás nada de sexo si sigues con esto.
I could tell you that I'm a happy man, that I have a perfect life, which I do.
Me di cuenta de que soy un hombre feliz, Que tengo una vida perfecta, lo que hago.
We have some questions for you, or we could just call your monsignor, let him know we caught you in a honey trap.
Tenemos algunas preguntas para usted, o podríamos simplemente llame a su monseñor, le hizo saber que le atrapados en una trampa de miel.
Well, he would have been here if he could, but he sent me instead to show you this.
Bueno, él estaría aquí si pudiera, pero me envió en su lugar para mostrarte esto.
He could have been lying to you, Mary, about his role in the Protestant massacre.
Podría haber estado mintiéndote, María, sobre su papel en la masacre protestante.

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