You could try translate Spanish
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You could try bargaining with him.
Podrías intentar llegar a un acuerdo con éI.
- You could try asking the chick.
- Prueba preguntándole a la chica.
But if you could try to recall what went on... it might help avoid some awkward questions.
Pero si pudieras recordar lo que pasó se podrían evitar algunas preguntas desagradables.
You could try Home Depot.
Puede probar en Home Depot.
Well, you could try.
Podrias intentarlo.
But I guess you could try.
Pero supongo que pudiste intentarlo.
You could try it together, might be fun.
Podrían intentarlo juntos. Puede ser divertido.
But you could try asking her.
Pero podría preguntarle.
You could try some of the schools in town.
Puede probar en otra escuela de la ciudad.
( SIGHS ) You could try and fit in a bit more.
Podrías intentarlo un poco mejor.
You could try talking to her, she would... she would like that, she needs that.
Podrías tratar de hablar con ella. A ella le gustaría. Lo necesita.
I just checked into it, sir, and John Casey is unfortunately not working today, and I don't know when he's gonna be back in, but you could try back next week.
Lo siento, acabo de comprobar, señor, y John Casey hoy no está trabajando, y no se cuando volverá pero puede intentarlo la próxima semana
You could try the Royal, but I'm not sure they'll have anything.
Podría intentar en el Royal, pero no estoy segura de que tengan algo.
Mr. Karow, I know you're not used to it, but you could try to feel your body more.
Sr. Karow, se que no está acostumbrado, pero podría intentar sentir mas su cuerpo.
- You could try talking to people!
¡ Podrías intentar hablar con la gente!
You could try a hair band.
Deberías intentar una diadema.
Well, if you're interested in getting a brother... you could try the local office of Big Bros, Little Bros.
Bueno, si te interesa tener un hermano puedes intentar en la oficina local de "hermanos mayores, hermanos menores".
you could at least try to look a little happier!
¡ Light! Hacía tiempo que no teníamos una cita, así que alegra un poco esa cara.
You thought you could show up at 12 and leave at 4, go off and have fun and come back the next day and try to set up all the emotions in the character you're playing.
Pensaste que podías aparecer a las 12 e irte a las 4, luego dejarlo todo, divertirte... y volver al día siguiente y tratar de establecer... todas las emociones y todo lo que está pasando en tu personaje.
I wanted him to meet all of you so he could try to understand Tourette's.
Quiero que os conozca a todos para que intente comprender el Tourette.
ralph, could you try and enjoy the holiday spirit at least?
Ralph, ¿ podrías hacer el intento y, al menos, disfrutar del espíritu festivo?
That's great, but just in case you wind up not being so invisible, could you try and at least take Drama's girl and not mine?
Estupendo, Vince, pero por si al final no eres tan invisible, ¿ podrías por lo menos intentar llevarte a la tía de Drama y no a la mía?
Actually, Karen, when I'm done here, I could go try to find Toby for you.
- Karen, cuando termine aquí podría tratar de encontrar a Toby.
You could have at least had him try on the sweater.
Podrías haberle dejado al menos probarse el jersey.
Do you think I could try your skateboard?
¿ Crees que podría intentar con tu patineta?
Could you try to sit up for me?
¿ Intentarías enderezarte por mi?
- You know you, don't have to press charges, you could just try to be more quiet.
- Mire, solo, no tiene que presentar cargos. Pero... trate de armar menos ruido.
I don't know, I was thinking maybe you could investigate it a bit more, figure out who did it, try to put him in jail.
No sé, pensaba que quizá podrían investigarlo un poco más, averiguar quién lo hizo y encarcelarlo.
Well... now that it's behind us... do you thinkthere's a chance we could give this... us... one more try?
Bueno... Ya que eso está olvidado... ¿ Crees que hay la posibilidad que pudiéramos darle a esto... darnos...
No, but I was just wondering if you could keep her for just a few hours while I try and go get it?
No, pero me preguntaba si podía cuidarla sólo unas horas mientras trato de ir a buscar...
Emme's new in town, so maybe you guys should get together later and could try the sights.
Emme es nueva en la ciudad, quizás puedan juntarse mas tarde y puedes mostrarle la vista.
Could you try to remember that and stop deflecting your own guilt onto her?
¿ Podrías dejar de reflejar tu propia culpa en ella?
You could at least try and be upset for me.
Al menos podrías intentar sentirte angustiada por mi.
We could maybe try to write a check later on, or like I said, we could send you guys some CDs.
Quizá podríamos enviarte un cheque más adelante... o podríamos enviarles unos CDs.
Look, you may not be the only person that she did this to, and she could do it again, so please, you have to try- -
Mire, puede que no sea a la única persona que le hizo esto, Y podría hacerlo de nuevo, así que por favor, usted tiene que tratar - -
I mean, it's... - I could see how you would sort of try to... - to lose yourself like that, but is... - is it wise to say so?
O sea, entiendo que quiera intentar perderse así,
You could at least try it!
¡ Podrías intentarlo, al menos!
Do you think that when this is all over, we could try again?
¿ Crees que cuando todo esto termine, podríamos intentarlo otra vez?
If you really want to feel like old times, I could, uhh... chase you around a while and try to capture you.
Si realmente te quieres sentir como en los viejos tiempos, yo podría perseguirte y tratar de capturarte.
Be careful, Harry, they could try again. Thank you, Lucas.
Ten cuidado, Harry, podrían intentarlo otra vez.
Ok, if you could just point to the jokes you object to. I'll try to freshen them up.
Si pudieses simplemente indicar los chistes que no apruebas trataré de renovarlos.
You could always try Elviss Gilroy.
Podrías preguntarle a Elviss Gilroy.
And you get to choose your own hours. So, if you ever get bored with the world of vice, you could give it a try.
Así que, si alguna vez te aburres con el mundo del vicio podrías darle una oportunidad.
How you were waiting for him to love you back. And I knew that I could never compete with your idea of him, so I had to try and make you destroy that myth yourself.
Cómo esperabas que te amara... y supe que nunca podría competir con tu imagen de él... así que tuve que tratar que destruyeras ese mito tú misma.
You could at least try.
Al menos podrías intentarlo.
And... maybe now we could try and be friends and... if you...
Y... quizás ahora podemos intentar ser amigos y... si tú...
Maybe you could've just looked at me and seen me and thought it was worth it to try, to make an effort to be a mother.
Alomejor podrias sencillamente haberme mirado, verme y darte cuenta de si valia la pena intentarlo, hacer un esfuerzo para ser una madre.
Try not to hurt anyone, if you could, when....
Intenten no lastimar a nadie cuando estén arriba...
No, i just wish i could start a relationship about 12 years in, When you really don't have to try anymore and you can just sit around together and goof on tv shows, And then go to bed without anybody trying any funny business.
No, me gustaría empezar una relación en 12 años más, cuando ya no lo intente, y sólo podamos sentarnos juntos a reírnos de la televisión, y luego ir a la cama, sin que nadie intente nada raro.
You could say that. I had a few doctors try.
Hice que unos cuantos doctores lo intentaran.
No bad guys, just a lot of debris, so if you could please just sit tight and try not to make the ceiling collapse, that would be great.
Nada de chicos malos, solo un montón de escombros, así que si por favor, pudieras sentarte ahí quieto e intentar no hundir el techo, ¡ eso sería genial!
you couldn't have known 62
you couldn't be more wrong 21
you could have fooled me 52
you could 500
you could say that 389
you couldn't wait 16
you couldn't 169
you couldn't have 43
you couldn't do it 34
you could have told me 63
you couldn't be more wrong 21
you could have fooled me 52
you could 500
you could say that 389
you couldn't wait 16
you couldn't 169
you couldn't have 43
you couldn't do it 34
you could have told me 63