You poor dear translate Spanish
154 parallel translation
Oh, you poor dear!
¡ Te has quemado, pobrecito!
You poor dear.
Un amor pobre.
Oh, you poor dear, Are you hurt?
Oh querida pobrecita, ¿ te hiciste daño?
Oh, you poor dear.
Oh, pobre.
Oh, you poor dear.
Oh, pobrecilla.
And you, you poor dear.
Y tú, mi pobre y querido Richard.
Ah, you poor dear boy... Such a joy you were...
Mi cielito... mi gavilancito adorado...
You poor dear.
Pobre querida.
Oh, you poor dear child.
Ah, pobre criatura querida.
Oh, that's awful, you poor dear, but don't worry.
Es horrible, pobre niña, pero no te preocupes.
Oh, Marjorie, you poor dear child. Poor dear child?
Marjorie, pobre querida chica.
- You poor dear.
- Pobrecito.
- Oh, you poor dear boy.
- Pobre muchacho.
Oh, you poor dear.
Oh, pobre querida.
- Oh, you poor dear!
- ¡ Ay, pobrecito!
You poor dear.
Oh, you poor dear.
If you will forgive this poor, crippled stump, my dear... I am very happy to know you.
Disculpe a este pobre lisiado, querida, estoy encantado de conocerla.
Claude, dear, I know you have the heart of a lion, but if you want to see your poor, old mother die of heart failure, you go down into that cellar.
Claude, querido, sé que tienes el corazón de un león... pero si quieres ver a tu pobre madre morir de un ataque al corazón... baja a ese sótano.
"Dear Mr Blake, when you called me a poor sport, I was too angry to argue, but now I've had a chance to cool off and I'd like to prove to you that you are wrong."
" Querido Sr Blake, cuando me llamó pobre incomprendida, estaba demasiado enfadada para responderle, pero ahora he tenido la posibilidad de reflexionar y me gustaría demostrarle que está equivocado.
Honey, let me butter your bread for you. You don't see very well, poor dear. Noble lords, greetings.
Déjame untar tu pan, tu no ves bien, mi pobre vieja...
Poor dear. How she must have loved you.
Pobrecilla, cuánto debió de quererte.
Poor dear, she went all through the Siege of Paris, in 1870, you know.
Ella vivió el sitio de Paris, en 1870. ¡ Figúrate! .
- Why, you poor, dear boy.
- Pobre muchacho.
My poor dear, I'm asking too much of you.
Mi pobre querida, pido demasiado de ti.
Calm down, my dear Costa. You know drinking is bad for you. After what happened to poor Bregana...
Calma, calma querido Costa... es malo beber, Ud. lo sabe... sobre todo después de lo que le pasó al pobre Bregana.
Oh, dear me, I'm poor at names you know?
Se me olvidan los nombres.
You're making a very poor breakfast, my dear.
Londres no te sienta bien.
My dear princesses, when you're poor, you work!
Mis queridas princesas, cuando eres pobre, trabajas!
My poor dear, don't you understand?
Querida mía, ¿ no lo entiendes?
Poor dear, you haven't had a wink...
Pobrecito, no has pegado ojo...
Would you say this coach represents one more little trinket for our poor, dear marquise?
Pensad que esta carroza podría ser otro detalle para con nuestra pobre querida marquesa.
My dear friend, you cannot insult our nobility by asking them to pay... and the poor, as everywhere, are too poor... leaving us only the middle class as paying customers... people like myself.
Queridos míos, no querreis ofender a la nobleza pidiéndoles que paguen y los pobres, como en todas partes, son demasiado pobres y queda solo la burguesía, que es la que podría pagar, gente como yo.
You remind me of your poor mother, and all the sorrows I brought down on her, dear dog.
Me recuerdas a tu pobre madre,... y lo canalla que fui con ella.
Poor dear architect, all that's left for you is Veronal!
Pobre arquitecto. Tendrás que tomar "Veronal".
I know you will conduct yourself in a manner which would make your poor, dear mother proud of you.
Me consta que te comportarás de forma que enorgullecería a tu pobre y querida madre.
It was a sweet thought, your giving that poor, dear man the very plot they gave to you.
Cariño, es muy bonito que Ie des al pobre... Ia parcela que había elegido para ti.
Ally, your poor, dear mama, may she rest in peace, she used to worry about you.
Tu pobre querida mamá... que en paz descanse, siempre se preocupaba por ti.
You're a very beautiful young girl, considering you've grown up without your poor dear mother.
Eres una joven muy hermosa... considerando que has crecido sin tu pobre madre.
You've forgotten something, poor dear. Your role in the trial.
Hay una cosa que parece que has olvidado completamente, querido,... y es el que tú vas a jugar un papel muy importante en este juicio.
You're like poor dear old Sharpey...
Eres como el bueno de Sharpey.
Well, you mean that I am foolish, but no matter,... your late father felt the same, but you see,... the poor dear, when he wanted to make an example of seriousness, he'd sing rancheras,... and he was a banker.
Bueno, quieres decir que soy una insensata, pero no importa, lo mismo decía tu difunto padre, pero ya ves, el pobrecito cuando quería dar un ejemplo de seriedad se ponía a cantar rancheras, y era banquero.
- Poor dear! Are you engaged? - No.
Tienes novia, no yo tampoco
You look like Howard my poor, dear departed husband.
Usted se parece a Howard mi pobre, querido y difunto esposo.
You got that poor dear man talking to himself.
Has hecho que el pobre hablara consigo mismo.
I'm sorry to tell you this, my dear, but Mr. Pollock is as poor as a church mouse.
Lo siento por ti, querida, pero el Sr. Pollock es pobre como las ratas.
- You poor, dear, dear man!
- ¡ Pobre hombre!
- You frightened him. - Poor dear.
¡ Le ha aterrorizado!
Oh, dear, still trying to get your poor wife to stand up for you, aren't you?
Por Dios, sigue tratando de que su esposa... lo respalde, ¿ no es cierto?
You have poor instincts, my dear. It's the other one, Ogden Mears, who has the money.
Tienes pobres instintos querida, es el otro, Ogden Mears, el que tiene el dinero.
you poor thing 253
you poor baby 27
you poor man 25
you poor 71
poor dear 42
dear 8636
dearie 304
dearest 185
dear lord 403
dear brother 72
you poor baby 27
you poor man 25
you poor 71
poor dear 42
dear 8636
dearie 304
dearest 185
dear lord 403
dear brother 72
dear sister 43
dear diary 140
dear dad 43
dear heart 25
dear me 160
dear mom 32
dear cousin 23
dear jesus 20
dear lady 79
dear friend 125
dear diary 140
dear dad 43
dear heart 25
dear me 160
dear mom 32
dear cousin 23
dear jesus 20
dear lady 79
dear friend 125
dear mother 63
dear mrs 34
dear god 1253
dear son 27
dear girl 45
dear man 23
dear mom and dad 20
dear father 41
dear guests 21
dear madam 32
dear mrs 34
dear god 1253
dear son 27
dear girl 45
dear man 23
dear mom and dad 20
dear father 41
dear guests 21
dear madam 32