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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ Y ] / You talked to her

You talked to her translate Spanish

759 parallel translation
You talked to her mother?
¿ Habló con su madre?
You talked to her although I forbade it
¡ Ha estado hablando con Manuela, a pesar de que se lo prohibí!
You talked to her?
¿ Habló con ella?
Well, I think that it would be good if you talked to her about the physical act of love.
Creo que estaría bien si le hablases del acto físico del amor.
Okay, you talked to her. What did she say?
Habló con ella. ¿ Qué le dijo?
No, but I thought maybe if you talked to her, you could get...
Pero pensé que quizás si hablaras con ella, podrías...
- You talked to her?
- Has hablado con ella?
On the set, when you talked to her?
¿ Durante el rodaje, al hablar con ella?
- Have you talked to her?
¿ Has hablado con ella?
- And you talked to her, eh?
- Y hablaste con ella, ¿ eh?
- And then you talked to her.
- Y entonces, hablaste con ella.
You talked to her? Yes.
- ¿ Le has hablado?
- Haven't you talked to her?
- ¿ No has hablado con ella?
You talked to her.
Hablaste con ella.
If my ball and chain ever talked to me... If she even dared to raise her... - Do you know what I would say?
Escucha, si mi mujer me hablase de esa forma si ella se atreviera, ¿ sabes lo que haría?
And you're not Mrs. Carleton Random, because I talked to her... on the phone not 10 minutes ago.
Y Ud. no es la viuda de Random, porque yo hablé con ella... por teléfono hace 10 minutos.
But what if I told you I've never talked to her, never even seen her.
Pero si te dije que nunca Ie hablé, que nunca Ia había visto.
I saw her distinctly and talked to her. After you'd gone up to bed, we had quite a cozy little chat.
La vi con claridad y hablé con ella después de que subieras a acostarte.
Well, you see, Carol talked to her father and her father said that maybe my father would sponsor a program on his radio station so Oogie and I can be on the air.
Bueno, verás, Carol habló con su padre y su padre le dijo que quizás el mio patrocinaría un programa en su emisora de radio para que Oogie y yo actuaramos.
Would you mind if I talked to her once in a while?
¿ Le importa que le hable de vez en cuando?
Well, the last time I talked to her, she was helping you.
La última vez que hablamos, la estaba ayudando a usted.
Uh, have you talked to her parents?
¿ Has hablado con sus padres?
You didn't talk to her, you... talked to me.
No habló con ella, habló conmigo.
You're the young man who talked to her on the street?
¿ Es usted quien habló anteayer con ella en la calle?
You have talked to her.
Has hablado con ella.
I thought perhaps if you talked to Mother... told her how well he's doing at the lab, what a wonderful future you see ahead for him... well, she might forget that his father manufactures overalls.
Pensé que quizá si hablaras con mi madre... sobre lo bien que va en el laboratorio y el futuro maravilloso que le espera... podría olvidar que su padre fabrica overoles.
I thought Tommy's mother could come and live with you and Marty. - I talked to Tommy's brother and I said "You gotta take her for a couple of years!" And he says "Oh, no!" - Well...
Se me ocurrió que la mamá de Tommy podría mudarse con ustedes.
You say you've talked to her, you say you know where she's at... you'll tell us, and that'll be all.
Dijo que había hablado con ella, dijo que sabe dónde está... díganoslo y listo.
Not after seeing her with that other guy... in bed. You could have at least talked to her.
Podías haberte puesto.
He about whom... I mean her about whom, I've already talked to you about.
De la cual, por cierto, ya les he hablado.
You shouldn ´ t have talked to her.
Hiciste mal hablando con ella.
Who talked to you about her?
¿ Quién le habló de ella?
You talked to what's-her-name lately, in Omaha?
¿ Has hablado últimamente con tu mujer de Omaha?
If you had just talked to her, she wouldn't have killed herself.
Si simplemente hubieses hablado con ella, no se habría suicidado.
If they found a woman dead in the woods half an hour after you talked after you talked with her, you would try anything to avoid them pinning it on you.
Si encontraran una mujer muerta en el bosque media hora después de hablar después de hablar con ella, intentaría evitar que se fijaran en usted.
You've already talked to her.
Ya ha hablado con ella.
You talked to her this night!
¿ Has hablado con ella esta noche?
There isn't But if you talked to her...
- No la hay.
Excuse me, Giuseppe, but shouldn't you have talked to her?
Giuseppe, perdona, ¿ pero tú no tenías que hablarle?
You could at least have talked to her.
Por lo menos podrías haber hablado con ella.
- Sure. I just talked to her, and she kind of would like to see you again.
- Hable con ella y tiene ganas de verte.
'Cause he talked to her about little things, you know.
Porque él le hablaba de ciertas cosas.
Talking that woman out of going to the railroad... you might have talked her into getting herself killed.
Al convencerla para que no fuera al ferrocarril... le dirías que pueden matarla.
Well, anyway, I'll tell her I talked to you.
Bueno, ha sido un placer hablar contigo.
- You haven't talked to her yet.
- Aún no has hablado con ella.
I stayed with him, talked to him, tried to help him, and now that wonderful woman who devoted her life to him has been replaced like you replace a cleaning woman.
Me quedé con él, le hablé, traté de ayudarle, y ahora esa maravillosa mujer que le dedicó su vida... ha sido reemplazada como una criada.
I haven't talked to her in about a year, you know.
Hace un año que no hablo con ella, ¿ sabes?
You have not talked to her about this hellish story about mine and its history?
Le estaba contando que noticia sensacional sería lo de la mina.
You bought $ 40 worth of fuckin'film, and you never even talked to her.
Compraste $ 40 rollos de jodidas fotos, y nunca le hablaste.
Uh, have you seen Jane or talked to her?
¿ Has visto a Jane? ¿ Has hablado con ella?
Have you talked to her?
¿ Has hablado con ella?

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