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You talked to him translate Spanish

994 parallel translation
If you talked to him, you couldn't help feeling the greatness of his soul.
Si hablaras con él, no podrías dejar de sentir la grandeza de su alma.
- When you talked to him last night, did he -
Cuando habló con él anoche, ¿ le? Un momento, por favor.
You talked to him?
¿ Hablaste con él?
( shouting ) You talked to him on the phone?
- ¿ Qué te ha dicho?
You... You talked to him?
Tú... ¿ Hablaste con él?
Me... a complete stranger. You mean you didn't know him and you talked to him?
A mí, un completo desconocido.
- Have you talked to him?
- ¿ Has hablado con él?
You talked to him in that lingo, Poldi.
Hablabas con él en ese idioma. - Nada.
Have you talked to him?
¿ Has hablado con él?
That's the really unpleasant aspect about this situation. The fact that you talked to him...
Lo que menos me gusta es que hayas hablado con él.
- If you talked to him, another man...
- Habla tú con él. Entre hombres...
- But you talked to him.
- Pero habló con él.
You talked to him.
Hablaste con él.
You talked to him?
- ¿ Hablaste con él?
Have you talked to him?
- ¿ Has hablado con él?
Surely you talked to him last night?
¿ No hablaste anoche con él?
You talked to him.
Han estado hablando.
Dale, I was with mark Fleming this afternoon when you talked to him about the floor plans of this house.
Dale, yo estaba con Mark cuando lo llamaste por los planos.
You talked to him when you went uptown yesterday, didn't you?
Hablaste ayer con él, ¿ verdad?
When you spoke to your poor brothers, you talked about peace, Maria... today a mouthpiece of Joh Fredersen incites them to rebel against him...
Cuando tú hablabas a tus pobres hermanos, María, hablabas de paz... hoy una boca movida por Fredersen llama a la rebelión...
You are a fool, if you are to let yourself be talked round by him.
Eres un loco, si permites que él te convenza.
Phone me after you've talked to him.
Llámame cuando hayas hablado con él.
You'd better wait outside until I've talked to him.
Está en camino. Esperen afuera hasta que haya podido hablar con él.
No one ever talked about you to him.
Nadie nunca le habló de usted
You see, he was with the other woman when I talked to him.
Verá, estaba con la otra mujer cuando hablé con él.
You haven't talked to him yet, I guess.
Todavía no he hablado con él.
You've seen Brick, you've talked to him
Ud ha visto a Brick, ha hablado con él...
Yeah, sure. I didn't want him around when I talked to you.
No quería que estuviera cuando te hablara.
I should have gone over and talked to him. No, I'll tell you when I want you to talk to him.
Le hablarás cuando yo te lo diga.
To tell you the truth, I'm the one that talked him into being a prize fighter.
A decir verdad, yo lo convencí para que se hiciera boxeador profesional.
You've, uh... Talked to him recently?
¿ Ha hablado recientemente con él?
If you'd come as soon as you found out where Floyd was I could have talked to him, and he'd still be alive.
Si hubiera venido apenas supo dónde estaba Floyd yo podría haber hablado con él y él aún estaría vivo.
You stay right there and I'll call you After I've talked to him.
Te llamaré cuando haya hablado con él.
Don't you think I've talked to him a hundred times?
¿ No crees que hablé con él cien veces?
You've seen Vince? You've talked to him?
Ha hablado Vd. con Vince.
When you talked to me about him... I was impressed by by how much you felt for him.
Cuando me hablaste de él... me impresionó el aprecio que le tenías.
Don't you think it would be better if i talked to him alone? Suit yourself.
¿ No crees que es mejor que hable yo con él?
Did delong tell you i talked to him?
¿ Te dijo Delong que hablé con él?
Well, you've already talked to him, Judge.
Ya se lo ha pedido.
You mean you really talked to him?
¿ Está seguro de que habló con él?
- You haven't seen him, talked to him since?
- ¿ No le viste ni hablaste desde entonces?
You hold it against me? Since you have talked to him, he will have his 100 F.
Ya que le hablaste de eso, le voy a dar cien francos.
I thought perhaps if you talked to Mother... told her how well he's doing at the lab, what a wonderful future you see ahead for him... well, she might forget that his father manufactures overalls.
Pensé que quizá si hablaras con mi madre... sobre lo bien que va en el laboratorio y el futuro maravilloso que le espera... podría olvidar que su padre fabrica overoles.
I told him that you and I talked, the way I... the way I've always wanted to talk to Roger.
Le he dicho que hablamos... Y nunca he podido.
When you've talked to him put an apple in it as a sign.
"cuando lo veas y le hayas hablado, me mandas una manzana, esa será la señal".
Would you mind very much if I got to Dorsey and talked to him about you?
¿ Le molestaría mucho a usted Si llegara donde Dorsey Y le hablara sobre usted?
I'll bet you talked a blue streak to him.
Apuesto a que hablaste hasta por los codos con él.
Does, does Tom know you're here? Yes, I just talked to him.
¿ Tom ya sabe que está aquí?
.. the other day he came here, the way he talked about you and himself he tried to be fair as any man could be in his position probably the effort was too much for him in the end, but fine of him just the same
El otro día cuando vino aquí, su forma de hablar de ustedes.. Intentó ser mucho más justo de lo que cualquiera en su situación. Tal vez demasiado al final, pero de todos modos, un magnífico esfuerzo.
If somebody talked to you like I did just now, I'd kill him.
Si alguien te hablara como yo lo he hecho, le mataría.
You should have talked to him.
Deberías haberle hablado.

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