You tell him translate Spanish
25,866 parallel translation
Did you tell him to stop?
¿ Le dijiste que parara?
If you tell him to stop, he needs to stop.
Si le dices que pare, debe parar.
Why'd you tell him?
¿ Por qué se lo dijiste?
So why did you tell him that you loved it?
¿ Entonces por qué dijiste que lo adorabas?
You tell him there is no coming back from this if my boy dies.
Usted le dice a él no hay volviendo de esta si mi niño muere.
What'd you tell him?
¿ Qué le dijisteis?
What did you tell him?
¿ Qué le dijiste?
We have an appointment with the Bronx DA in the morning, unless you're okay with throwing your future away, I suggest that you tell him everything you know.
Tenemos una reunión con el fiscal del Bronx por la mañana, a menos que quieras tirar tu futuro por la borda, te sugiero que le digas todo lo que sabes.
Tell us again about that time when you were a kid and you thought you saw him smile.
Oh, sí. Cuéntanos más acerca ese momento cuando eras un niño Y pensabas que lo vio sonreír.
Well, sorry, I'm not gonna tell him his son is cured just because he said he was gonna give us a million dollars. You shouldn't have recommended the medicine.
No voy a decirle que su hijo está curado solo porque dijo que iba a darnos un millón de dólares.
you'll tell him that I never stopped wearing the glasses.
dile que nunca dejé de usar la gafas.
What are you doing? I'm calling Fred to tell him I'm not gonna
Estoy llamando a Fred para decirle que no voy a
So, I guess I won't tell you I really like him and, I'm seeing him again tomorrow night.
Así que, supongo que no te diré que me gustó mucho y, que lo veré mañana por la noche.
Okay, okay, just tell him what you know, Becks.
Escucha, dile solo lo que sepas, Becks.
But I got to tell you, when I had him... he was a hammer and every black guy was a nail.
Pero he de decirte, que cuando estaba bajo mi mando... él era el martillo y todos los negros eran un clavo.
When are you gonna tell him how you feel?
¿ Cuándo le vas a contar lo que sientes?
Tell me you haven't been thinking about cutting the brakes on Josh's car and having him accidentally veer off the road to run over Ruben.
Dime que no has pensado en cortar los frenos del auto de Josh y que accidentalmente se desvíe de la pista y atropelle a Ruben.
And while you're at it, tell Linus he should thank me for teaching him to be less trusting.
Y mientras estás en ello, Linus decir que debería agradecerme por enseñarle a ser menos confiada.
You gonna tell him?
Lo vas a decir?
And you can't tell him.
Y no se le puede decir.
Hey! Tell him what you did.
Dígale lo que ha hecho.
So I tell him, there's no future in red bricks, you should invest in yellow bricks!
Así que le digo, no hay futuro en ladrillos rojos, usted debe invertir en ladrillos de color amarillo!
Would you just tell him, please?
¿ Se lo puedes contar, por favor?
And when they tell me a priest in America wants to know what they do, I say you must bring me to him.
Y cuando me dijeron que un sacerdote en América quería saber lo que hacen, les dije, llevadme con él.
I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told him.
Yo voy a decirle lo mismo que le dije.
You know him, I cannot tell him.
Lo conoces, no le puedo decir.
Well, I could just tell him what to say to get a CAT scan and send him to you.
Bueno, yo podría decirle qué decir para conseguir una tomografía axial computarizada y lo enviará.
You could tell him since you already peeped.
Le podrías decir algo ya que tú ya le has echado un vistazo.
Tell him you don't need the distraction, because you're focused on one education plan and one education plan only...
Dile que no necesita la distracción, debido a que está centrado en un plan de educación y sólo un plan de educación... Su propia.
So, believe me when I tell you that no one wants to see him put away more than Kamekona.
Así que, créeme cuando te digo que nadie quiere verle detenido más que Kamekona.
He will, because you'll tell him.
Él, porque usted va a decirle.
Maybe when he or she gets older, you can tell him I didn't want to give him up,
Tal vez cuando el o ella crezca, pueden decirle que no quería renunciar a el,
Just tell me whether or not you can save him... as a doctor. Enough with the complicated stuff.
Suficiente de cosas complicadas.
Tell me, can you save him?
Responde, ¿ puedes salvarlo?
You should tell him your side of the story, and then tonight, while I am lying next next to him naked in the glow of beeswax candles, I'll tell him mine.
Deberías decirle a el tu lado de la historia, y en la noche, mientras yo esté acostada muy muy cerca de él desnuda con resplandor de las velas, le dire la mía.
You want to tell me what's going on? Dixon was meant to die, and you were meant to kill the man that killed him.
Se suponía que Dixon moriría, y se suponía que tú debías matar al hombre que lo asesinó.
Well, if you do still care about him, you should tell him to drop the case.
En fin, si aún te preocupas por él, deberías decirle que deje el caso.
But if you find Billy, tell him Imogene was hoping to have a drink with him, see where the night took them.
Pero si encuentran a Billy, díganle que Imogene espera poder tomar un trago con él, para ver adónde los lleva la noche.
Hey, can you tell Patrick I can cover for him tomorrow?
Hey, ¿ puedes decirle a Patrick puedo cubrir para él mañana?
And when you see Drake, tell him I'm looking for him.
Y cuando ves Drake, dile que lo estoy buscando.
Tell us exactly what happened when you approached him.
Cuéntenos exactamente lo que pasó cuando se acercó a él.
He told me to tell you to call him.
Me dijo que te dijera que le llamases.
So if you can talk some sense into him and tell him to get productive and do things, that's great.
Así que si pudieras hacerlo entrar en razón, decirle que sea productivo y haga las cosas, sería genial.
Get away from him, that's all I can tell you.
Aléjese de él, es todo lo que puedo decirle.
Well, I will tell you that, um, I have no contact with him at all.
Bueno, le diré, no tengo ningún contacto con él.
If you care anything about what's left of your little family unit, you might want to tell your ex-husband to cry uncle because when I get done with him...
Si te importa algo de lo que queda de tu pequeña unidad familiar, puede que quieras decirle a tu exmarido que se de por vencido, porque cuando termine con él...
You call him and tell him to get out immediately from the kitchen
Tienes que llamarlo y decirle que salga de la cocina ahora
Please tell me you dragged him out in cuffs.
Por favor dime que lo sacaron esposado.
Jason can tell you about that. You're replacing him.
Le dará los detalles Jason, que es la persona que Ud. sustituirá.
You know, when I first heard that he died, all that I wanted to do was to tell him how I felt, and then the next thing I know, he's standing in front of me and telling me about his wedding. Wow. Come on, that's it?
Sabes, cuando escuché que había muerto, todo lo que quería hacer era decirle cómo me sentía, y después lo siguiente que sé es que está delante de mí y hablándome sobre su boda.
Can I talk to him? - Can't tell you that.
- Eso no puedo decírtelo.
you tell him that 29
you tell 24
you tell me the truth 27
you tell me 1648
you tell me everything 17
you tell the truth 18
you tell me now 18
you tell me that 18
you tell her 118
you tell me where she is 17
you tell 24
you tell me the truth 27
you tell me 1648
you tell me everything 17
you tell the truth 18
you tell me now 18
you tell me that 18
you tell her 118
you tell me where she is 17
you tell her that 18
you tell us 95
you tell it 16
you tell' em 46
you tell them 83
tell him yourself 23
tell him 1314
tell him i said hi 19
tell him to come 17
tell him i'm busy 16
you tell us 95
you tell it 16
you tell' em 46
you tell them 83
tell him yourself 23
tell him 1314
tell him i said hi 19
tell him to come 17
tell him i'm busy 16