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You told me that translate Spanish

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I mean,'cause I think when you told me that you hated your job, that seemed real. I mean, from an HR perspective. That seemed real.
Creo que cuando me dijiste que odiabas tu trabajo eso me pareció verdad, desde el punto de vista de RH.
A little birdie told me that you like sweet cakes, mangos, and toe rings.
Un pajarito me dijo lo que te gusta pasteles, mangos, y anillos para los pies.
A little birdie told me that you...
Un pajarito me dijo que a ti...
The boy that you told me about?
del chico que me comentaste?
She told me that you stole the codes.
Me dijo que robaste los códigos.
An old contact of mine from the State Department told me that you were having a hard time down here, so...
Un antiguo contacto en el Departamento de Estado me dijo que tenías problemas por aquí, así que...
Someone once told me that to be a good leader you have to know when to make the hard choices.
Seis meses después.
When rich told me that the tumor had kept you trapped inside the body of a 7th-grader and that's why you've never had sex or an erection, I felt so happy for you.
Cuando Rich me dijo que el tumor te había dejado atrapado en el cuerpo de un alumno de séptimo grado, y que ese era el motivo por el cual nunca habías tenido sexo o una erección, me alegré mucho por ti.
I'm leaving for that cooking retreat thing I told you about.
Debo empacar. Me voy a ese retiro de cocina del que te hablé.
And Toby told me his father was a painter, and that, you know, kind of realization that you could be a painter popped... You know... blew all the wiring.
Tomar consciencia de que podía ser pintor... me provocó cortocircuito en todos los cables.
Okay, anyway, look. I was told that you might have some answers?
Mira, me dijeron que tú podías tener algunas respuestas.
- That's enough. - No, I've taken your abuse...'cause I told myself you were worth it... that the work was worth it.
- No, he tolerado tu abuso porque me dije a mí mismo que tu trabajo lo valía.
I was told by a confidential source that even if your golf game was more screwed up than a soup sandwich, you're one of the premier Plant Managers in the South.
Me dijeron por una fuente confidencial que, incluso si tu juego de golf fuera más jodido que un sándwich de sopa, que tienes la primicia en gerentes de planta del Sur.
He also told me even though you've only been at Imperial for three years, that you were bright enough to at least listen to what I was recruiting for before making up your mind.
También me dijo que aunque sólo has estado en Imperial por tres años, que eras lo suficientemente brillante para al menos escuchar por lo que te estoy reclutando, antes de decidirte.
Because it's just that I remember when you were in high school, you told me how much you wanted to be a photographer, travel the world.
Pero recuerdo que cuando estabas en bachillerato me dijiste que anhelabas ser fotógrafo y viajar por el mundo.
I told them that I'm getting married next week, and you're not well because your wife just died.
Que yo me casaré la próxima semana y que tú estás mal porque tu esposa acaba de morir.
Frank, I really wanna let you know that when you told me the rules don't apply to me it was really helpful.
Frank, quiero que sepas que cuando dijiste que las reglas no se aplican a mí, me ayudaste mucho.
She told me that she was very sure he never met you.
Me dijo que estaba muy segura de que nunca te conoció.
You're the one that told me there was no other ship there, they're out there because of you, right?
Dijiste que no había otra nave. Debido a eso ellos salieron, ¿ verdad?
School sent me over. Told me to give you that.
- Ah, ah... la escuela me mandó me dijeron que le diera esto
He told me that if you died...
Me dijiste que si morías...
What I do know about you is that you're an American, because my friends here told me that you were talking while you were unconscious which of course is typically American, isn't it?
Lo que si se sobre ti, es que eres americano, porque mis amigos me dicen que hablabas mientras estabas inconciente es tipico de un americano... y juzgando por tu maldita negativa a hablar ahora que estas plenamente conciente
Um, you know, Gabby told me that you were giving private lessons.
Gabby me dijo que dabas clases particulares.
I told you not to point that thing at me.
Te dije que no me apuntaras con eso.
I told them that you had not touched me - that I ran away.
Les dije que no me habías tocado y que había huido.
It's just that when you told us to meet you at the van, I didn't realize you'd be living in it.
Cuando me dijiste que nos viéramos en la camioneta no sabía que vivías en ella.
I wish you had told me that at the beginning, young man.
Desearía que me hubiera dicho eso al principio, joven.
I never told you this, but that morning, he begged me not to send him away.
Nunca te he contado esto, pero... esa mañana, él me rogo que no lo enviara lejos.
That's what she told me, "Nigger, you in my way."
Eso dijo. " Negro, estás estorbando.
Well, I was told you have a car that was adapted, for wheelchairs.
Bueno, me dijeron que tiene un auto adaptado, para usar su silla de ruedas.
Louisa told me that you're a personal trainer.
Louisa me dijo que eras entrenador personal.
Lou told me that you were a bit of action man, before.
Lou me dijo que eras un hombre de acción antes.
So, since I have you for a second, you told me to remind you exactly a year ago today that it's been three years since my last pay increase.
Bien. Ya que te tengo aquí... dijiste que te recordara hace exactamente un año... que ya pasaron tres años desde mi Último aumento de sueldo.
You know what? A little birdie told me that Takoro was merging with Samson International.
Me dijo un pajarito... que Takoro se fusionaría con Samson Internacional.
You told me to prove myself, that's what I'm trying to do! Let me do it!
Dijiste que probara mi valía y eso quiero hacer. ¡ Déjame hacerlo!
You told me a couple of years ago I could buy that information off of you.
Me dijiste hace un par de años... que podría comprar esa información de ti.
That's what you told me a few years back.
Eso es lo que me dijiste hace unos años.
Oh, you're throwing me out, because I told a woman like that the truth?
Me estás echando, ¿ porque le dije? ¿ A una mujer como esa la verdad?
You told me on the phone that you were having hallucinations.
Me dijiste por teléfono que tenías alucinaciones.
I'd like to tell you a story now that I've never told anyone before.
Me gustaría contarte una historia que no le he contado a nadie antes.
Hey, you haven't told me why you shot me with that damn net.
Oye, no me dijiste por qué me disparaste con esta maldita red.
- Now, a little Birdy told me you're very bitter about land deals that happened between our families.
Bien, un pajarito me contó que estás muy amargado por el negocio de tierras que ha pasado entre nuestras familias.
Aren't you the mother fucker that told me that that's the safest place to put my money?
No eres tú el hijo de puta que me dijo que ese era el sitio más seguro para guardar mi dinero?
I just told you that was him out there on the floor, like, hours ago. What more do you want from me?
Ya le he dicho que estaba ahí afuera, en el suelo, hace horas. ¿ Qué más quiere de mí?
You once told me that your power is truth.
Una vez me dijiste que tu poder es la verdad.
But I am told that you no longer wish for me to honour my duty to serve you as your king because of the colour of the wife I have chosen.
Pero me dicen que ya no deseas que honre mi deber Para servirle como su rey Por el color de la mujer que he escogido.
He told me you would say that.
Él me dijo que dirías eso.
Henry told me to leave you that.
Henry me dijo que te dejara esto.
If you had told me beforehand, I would have been more than happy to agree to do that.
Si me hubieras avisado antes, lo habría hecho con mucho gusto.
Because you've already told me that you'd lost your keys.
Porque ya me habías dicho que habías perdido las llaves.
I know how absurd it is, but just because you can't hear me today I want to make the effort to tell you things that I've never told anyone.
Sé lo absurdo que es pero precisamente porque hoy no me puedes oír quiero hacer el esfuerzo de contarte cosas que nunca le conté a nadie.

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