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You told him translate Spanish

10,414 parallel translation
You told him?
Le dijiste?
- You told him your son's gay?
- ¿ Le has dicho que tu hijo es gay?
You told him not to say anything to me.
Le dijiste que no me dijera nada.
It's bad enough that you told him to stay away, but the fact that you're just telling me now?
Es bastante malo que le dijeras que se mantuviera lejos, pero ¿ que me lo digas hasta ahora?
You threatened him, you told him he was gonna go to prison.
Le amenazaste, le dijiste que iba a ir a prisión.
And, um... strictly from a keeping-my-job standpoint, it would be so dope if you told him that.
Y estrictamente desde un punto de vista "quiero mantener mi empleo", ¿ estaría muy mal que tu se lo informes?
You told him I'd testify?
¿ Le dijiste que testificaría?
You told him?
¿ Se lo has contado?
Yeah, but you told him without asking me first, so now if I say no, I'm gonna be the bad guy.
Sí, pero le dijiste sin preguntarme primero, entonces ahora, si digo que no, voy a ser la mala del cuento.
You told him, but you didn't tell me.
Se lo dijiste a él, pero no a mí.
You... you told him that you did.
Usted... usted le dijo que usted lo hizo.
But you told him it wasn't his fault, right?
Pero le habrás dicho que no fue culpa suya, ¿ verdad?
I thought you told him.
Pensaba que se lo habías contado.
I just wanted you to know I told him not to because I don't need it, Dad.
- Solo quiero que sepas que le dije que no lo hiciera porque no lo necesito, papá.
You know you could have headed it off and just told him you changed your mind.
Sabe que podría haberle detenido y haberle dicho que había cambiado de opinión.
Tell him what you told me.
Dile lo que me dijiste.
I-I should have told you I was going to see him.
Debería haber dicho que yo iba a verlo.
Because..... well, because, from what I understand, from what you've told me about him, your boyfriend wouldn't want anything but the best for you, and he's selfless, you know, in that respect.
- Porque... bueno, porque, por lo que tengo entendido, por lo que me has dicho de él, tu novio solo querría lo mejor para ti, y es generoso, ¿ sabes? , en ese aspecto.
Told him you'd come in.
Le dije que vendrías.
I told him what you've been doing.
Le he contado lo que has estado haciendo.
So, he gave you a diamond necklace for helping him, but he just told me to go to hell when I asked for help.
Por lo tanto, él le dio un collar de diamantes por ayudarlo, pero él sólo me dijo ir al infierno cuando pedí ayuda.
When I told him you killing Nelly Benin was a fake, he bought it- - as you say- - hook, line and sinker.
Cuando le dije que la muerte de Nelly Benin fue fingida, se lo tragó... Como dices tú... punto, juego y partido.
I got the manager to set things up so you can watch it in there and I told him not to touch anything in the room in the meantime.
Tengo al encargado arreglando las cosas. y podras verlo ahi. y le dije que no tocara nada de la habitación mientras tanto.
I stopped seeing him because you told me Charmaine wouldn't let us visit, but it was just you.
Dejé de verlo... por que tú me dijiste que Charmaine no nos dejaba visitarlo, pero solo eras tú.
I told him not to take your case in the first place, because I knew you were a goddamn shakedown artist, but now someone I care about is in trouble, because you took a payout.
Le dije que no aceptara tu caso en primer lugar, porque sabía que eras un maldito chantajista, pero ahora alguien que me importa está en problemas, porque aceptaste un pago.
Ever since I was a little girl, you always told me these funny stories about Grandpa, but you never once took me to see him.
Desde que era una pequeña... siempre me contaste esas historias divertidas sobre el abuelo... pero jamás me llevaste a verlo.
And you know what the owner told him?
¿ Y sabes lo que el dueño le dijo?
Matty came to the house looking for you, and I sent him away and told him to leave you alone.
Matty vino a buscarte a la casa, y yo le mandé lejos y le dije que te dejara en paz.
What if I told you that I think I'm in love with Matty and I'm going out with him tonight to tell him?
¿ Qué pasa si te digo que creo que estoy enamorada de Matty y voy a salir con él y decírselo esta noche?
Wait a minute. You guys told him that?
Espera un minuto. ¿ Le dijisteis eso?
You've told him you have the king in your pocket?
¿ Le habéis dicho que tenéis al rey en vuestro bolsillo?
Oh, I told him all about you- - how you're richer than him, prettier than him, and moved into his house and carried on like he never existed.
Le conté todo sobre ti... que eres más rico y lindo que él, y que te mudaste a su casa y continuaste como si él nunca hubiese existido.
- Well, I just told him to not get all worked up about things, you know?
- Bueno, solo le dije que no se preocupe por todo, ¿ sabes?
I told him to only take half, but maybe he needed the whole thing because he's, you know, so much man.
Le dije que solo tome la mitad, pero tal vez necesitó tomar todo porque él es, ya sabes, un gran hombre.
I told him you have a crush on him.
Le dije que estás enamorado de él.
And I told you I wouldn't abandon Marcus and you were wrong about him.
Y te dije que no abandonaría a Marcus y estabas equivocada sobre él.
Beth, JJ must have told you his last name when you first met him.
Beth, JJ debió decirte su apellido cuando os conocisteis.
I told him, "I know what you did."
Le dije : "Sé lo que hiciste."
I-I told you I talked to him.
Te dije que hablé con él.
The one where you told me you thought you liked him.
En la que me dijiste que creías que te gustaba.
I told him that he wants to marry you, and..
Le dije que él quiere casarse contigo, y.
I told you about him.
Te conté sobre él.
I-I told him I... you know, I told...
Le dije... ya sabes, le dije...
You've sat here and told me you had no relationship with Reddington before he turned himself in, and now you're telling me he was close enough to your father to be with him when he died?
Usted se sentó ahí y me dijo que no tenía ninguna relación con Reddington antes de que él se entregara, y ahora me está diciendo que era lo suficientemente cercano a su padre para estar con él cuando murió?
I told him if you want to be a great killer, you must understand people.
Le dije que si quieres ser un gran asesino tienes que entender a la gente.
And I shall tell you what I told him.
Y te diré lo que le dije a él.
I told him, you know,
Le dije...
You must have called him and told him to perform so we wouldn't have to.
Debes haberlo llamado para decirle que actuase para que no tuviéramos que hacerlo nosotros.
And so I, you know, I told him, "About $ 200,000."
Y entonces le dije, "cerca de $ 200,000".
Well, it kind of made sense a little bit when we were told that, you know, he was trying to get out of New York because Jeanine Pirro was after him.
Casi tenía un poco de sentido cuando nos dijeron que estaba intentando escapar de Nueva York porque Jeanine Pirro iba tras él.
So everything that you told us before... that you have no recollection of ever having met him... that was a lie?
¿ Todo lo que nos había contado antes de que no recordaba haberle conocido era mentira?

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