Alive and well translate French
679 parallel translation
Kang Hyun Min is still alive and well.
Kang Hyun Min est toujours vivant et va bien.
And maybe if he's alive and well, he's on some Northern road right now.
Peut-être est-il sur une route du Nord...
Alive and well.
Vivant et en santé.
Today, three are alive and well, the other dead.
Aujourd'hui, trois sont vivants et l'autre est mort.
R.l.P. cadaver, but since I'm still alive and well, allow me to admire your four cardinal points, that are indeed tremendous.
R.I.P., un cadavre, mais puisque je suis encore sain et sauf, permettez-moi d'admirer vos quatre points cardinaux, qui sont vraiment formidables.
You'd think we could be a little bit happy that the poor woman is alive and well.
On pourrait être heureux qu'elle est vivante et va bien.
But last night Nick was alive and well.
Hier soir, Nick allait bien.
Glad to see you alive and well.
Quelle joie de vous revoir sain et sauf!
He's alive and well, he's even put on weight.
Je te dis qu'il est sain et sauf, une bouille comme ça!
You're alive and well!
Tu es bel et bien vivant!
I left here alive and well and they didn't even leave her tail.
Je l'ai quitté vivante et ils n'ont même pas laissé la queue!
We were too busy talking about your boy... Coming out of the Navy alive and well to be concerning ourselves with unimportant matters.
Nous étions trop occupés à parler de votre garçon quittant la Navy sain et sauf pour parler de choses sans importance.
One moment a man is running around alive and well... and twelve hours later he's dead.
Un moment, on court ici et là, bien vivant... et douze heures après, on est mort.
- No, Rodrigo's alive and well.
Non, il va bien.
For returning to us the princess... alive and well... as by a miracle... and so delivering us from the ravages of our enemies... we dub thee Sir Jack... protector of the realm.
Pour avoir ramené la princesse... saine est sauve... comme par miracle... et par conséquent nous épargner des ravages de nos ennemis... nous vous armons chevalier... protecteur du royaume.
I'm pleased to see the old spirit of improvisation is alive and well.
Je suis ravi que nous gardions l'esprit d'improvisation.
Thank God you came back alive and well.
Dieu merci, tu es revenu sain et sauf.
When we find your father alive and well, you can paint in one of my daruma's eyes.
Quand nous retrouverons votre père bien vivant, vous pourrez peindre un des yeux de ma daruma.
Sergeant Murano is alive and well!
Le sergent Murano est vivant et se porte bien!
Now, as to your representatives, you have my sacred word as an Eminian that they are alive and well.
Quant à vos représentants, vous avez ma parole qu'ils vont très bien.
Alive and well.
Saines et sauves.
Captain Wilson, alive and well.
le capitaine Wilson. Il est vraiment en vie.
Jess Saes : God is alive and well in a sugar cube.
"Jess sae :'Dieu est vivant et vit dans un morceau de sucre."'
She's alive and well.
C'est une femme vivante et en bonne santé.
Not only is Monica Weston alive and well, but she and Dr. Dumurrier are, let's say, very close.
Non seulement Monica Weston est vivante, mais elle et le Dr. Dumurrier sont, disons, très intimes.
He " s alive and well so I found a new role for him that of pawn.
Le pilote est sain et sauf, et je lui ai trouvé un nouveau rôle, celui de pion.
And I'm alive and well.
Je suis en vie et bien portant.
I'm alive and well.
Je suis en vie et bien portant.
" Madam, your little boy, Daniel, is very much alive and well.
" Madame, votre petit Daniel se porte à merveille.
"He's receiving the best care." " Madam, your little boy, Daniel, is very much alive and well.
" Madame, votre petit Daniel se porte à merveille.
You're wrong. Anna Sartori's alive and well.
Non, Anna Sartori est vivante, elle aussi.
Elizabeth is alive and she is well.
Elizabeth est vivante et elle va bien.
Yes, and very much alive and quite well and awfully happy.
Oui. Bien en vie et très heureuse.
Well, we're alive and the past is behind us.
On est vivants et le passé est derrière nous.
I played to the well-known weakness of every woman alive and perjured my soul for a thousand years to come.
Toutes les femmes y sont sensibles. J'ai parjuré mon âme pour au moins 1000 ans.
You cannot say this. He may well be alive at this moment and your life has not yet begun.
Tu ne peux pas dire ça, il vit peut-etre en ce moment et tu n'es pas encore née.
Well, the fly's dead, the baby's alive and kicking. - No harm's been done.
Enfin, la mouche est morte et le bébé se porte bien!
They seem so... So... Well, so alive, and yet they're just wood and iron, beams and planks, and yet someone somewhere puts it together and it becomes alive.
Ils paraissent... si vivants alors qu'ils ne sont que bois, fer, poutres et planches.
We'll speed it up as much as we can, and if we get him while he's still alive, well, fine.
Nous accélérerons autant que nous pourrons, et si nous parvenons à le sortir vivant, parfait.
Well, who knows? A miracle might happen and a few of you might get through alive.
Peut-être que par miracle, certains d'entre vous aurez la vie sauve.
Mohei as well, his expression so alive and beaming...
Mohei aussi a le visage tout illuminé...
Yup, Old Gezo and his tribe left nothing alive once they raided a village. Well, nothing that is but the good ones, which I had to pay hard cash for.
Rien ne survivait où Geezo était passé, sauf les meilleurs
Sorry, I'm alive, I eat well, I drink well and... as well... and you, my friend!
Je regrette, je suis très vivant, je mange bien, je bois bien et très bien aussi... et vous, cher ami!
Well, I don't know what that is, but I told them if they didn't behave, I was gonna skin them alive and hang their skins up on the wall to dry.
Je ne sais pas, mais je leur ai dit que s'ils n'étaient pas sages, je les dépècerais et accrocherais leur peau au mur.
Well, alive or not, he's up and about again, isn't he?
Vivant ou pas, il est sur pied, non?
Well, your two minutes are up, Miss Burton, and I'm still alive, which proves your curse was just a lot of nonsense.
Les deux minutes sont écoulées, je suis en vie. Votre malédiction n'existe pas.
Well, I've had the jade in my possession for 14 days and 14 nights, and I'm still alive.
J'ai eu le jade pendant 14 jours et 14 nuits et je suis vivant.
Well, my hunch is that they're back on Gamma II, dead or alive, and I still want another search.
La mienne, c'est qu'ils sont sur Gamma II, morts ou vivants. - Et je veux reprendre les recherches.
Well, whether Mao Zedong is alive or not Lin Biao has a stranglehold on the Central Committee which Lin Shao-Chi can't break so it remains to be seen whether Zhou Enlai can get his finger out and get going in the second half.
Eh bien, que Mao Zedong soit vivant ou non, Lin Biao a la main mise sur le Comité Central et Lin Shao-Chi n'y peut rien. Il reste donc à voir si Zhou Enlai peut faire quelque chose et revenir en seconde période.
Yeah, well, I'm very much alive, and I mean to lodge a formal complaint.
Eh bien, je suis vivant et je veux déposer une plainte officielle.
"we are alive and well." we are alive and well.
"nous sommes vivants et heureux."
and well done 16
and well 178
well 438053
wells 385
weller 130
wellington 57
welles 22
wellesley 18
well done 4465
well spotted 23
and well 178
well 438053
wells 385
weller 130
wellington 57
welles 22
wellesley 18
well done 4465
well spotted 23
well hello 20
well thank you 29
well played 346
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well you know 47
well that's good 18
well spoken 20
well thank you 29
well played 346
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well you know 47
well that's good 18
well spoken 20
well no 77
well in that case 21
well i'm sorry 20
well now 184
well i 89
well actually 36
well it's 16
well uh 21
well enough 63
well i never 20
well in that case 21
well i'm sorry 20
well now 184
well i 89
well actually 36
well it's 16
well uh 21
well enough 63
well i never 20