Well enough translate French
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We can hide the flag well enough, so they can't find it.
Bien cacher le drapeau.
Well enough.
Assez bien.
If you'd let well enough alone, we never would've come to this place, Mitch.
Si t'avais laissé les choses suivre leur cours, on n'en serait pas là aujourd'hui, Mitch.
Not well enough.
Pas comme il faut.
I know well enough their hardship.
Je sais très bien quelles épreuves ils traversent.
Your debt has become quite formidable, but you know that well enough by now.
Votre dette est devenue énorme mais vous le savez très bien.
Perhaps I'll see you there, if I feel well enough.
Peut-être t'y retrouverai-je, si je me sens bien.
Both immature but the female set well enough developed for you to have a baby.
Les deux étant immatures, mais l'appareil féminin assez développé pour concevoir un bébé.
Oh, I believe Mr Turner knows well enough what he's doing, Sir Martin.
M. Turner sait fort bien ce qu'il fait.
Well enough that we're getting married.
- Assez pour qu'on se marie.
But you knew him well enough.
- Mais vous le connaissiez bien.
We've lived well enough here for several generations.
On a suffisamment bien vécu ici depuis plusieurs générations.
A woman he knows well enough to know her birthday.
Une femme dont il connaissait la date d'anniversaire.
At every stage of its development, the evolving eye functioned well enough to provide a selective advantage for survival.
A toutes les étapes de son développement, l'oeil fonctionnait suffisamment bien pour donner un avantage sélectif pour la survie.
If you're well enough to come to school, you're well enough to stay.
Si vous vous sentez assez bien pour venir, vous l'êtes pour rester.
Or she knew them well enough to let them get very close.
Ou elle les connaissait assez pour les laisser approcher.
Old man seemed to take it well enough.
Le vieil homme semble bien encaisser.
Let me see if I've taught you well enough to stand up to an old man like me.
Voyons si ce que je t'ai enseigné est suffisant pour faire face à un vieillard comme moi.
Well enough, under the circumstances.
Assez bien, vu les circonstances.
Well, is this safe enough for you out here?
Ici, vous ne craignez rien?
Well, I guess you get people to believe in something enough to want to buy it.
Eh bien, je suppose que tu crois assez en ce que tu fais pour que les gens aient envie de l'acheter.
- Well, we don't have the... - We've already wasted enough time.
On a assez perdu de temps.
Yeah, well, I guess he has enough photos.
Il a assez de photos.
Well, that's fair enough.
Ça me paraît raisonnable.
Uh, well, maybe I can train them enough so they might survive.
C'est vrai que si je vous entraà ® ne vous arriverez peut être à survivre.
Y'all ain't got enough cops with enough sense or enough time to clear them crimes that already been committed and, as you well know, the ones that will be.
Vous manquez de flics qui aient assez de bon sens ou de temps pour résoudre les crimes déjà commis et ceux à venir.
Uh. Well, some folks prefer my wife's paintings, but I do sell enough to afford the occasional libation.
Certains préfèrent les tableaux de ma femme, mais j'en vends assez pour des libations à l'occasion.
- Well, fair enough...
- En effet...
Well, they want David Shore to executive produce, but they're going to give you a credit and enough money to get you back home.
Et bien ils veulent David Shore comme producteur exécutif. Mais ils t'engageront et te payeront suffisamment pour te ramener ici. Greg est...
Well, Anna taught me just enough to get me in the ballpark.
Anna m'en a montré juste assez pour que je me débrouille.
Yeah, well, it's not enough for me.
Ouais, eh bien... c'est pas assez pour moi.
Well, I suppose it's enough for me, too. - Mother.
Je suppose que ça suffit pour moi aussi.
Well, I've had enough excitement for one day.
C'est bon, j'ai eu assez d'émotions pour aujourd'hui.
You have to look to Mexico. Well, I think we worked together long enough, don't you?
Vous devez regarder du coté du Mexique je pense que nous avons travaillé ensemble assez longtemps, n'est-ce pas?
Well, you've just got to make it serious enough so they don't ask questions, and vague enough so you don't get caught up in the details.
Tu devrais juste le faire assez sérieusement pou qu'ils ne posent pas de questions, et assez vaguement pour que tu n'ai pas à donner trop de détails.
Well it could be, if there was enough of it.
Ça dépend de la dose.
But if I ever stop for long enough to question what I'm actually doing, the why of it, well, I couldn't really tell you.
- Tu peux me faire un rythme pour... Yeah... Salut Nick. Mais si jamais j'arrête suffisament longtemps pour m'interroger sur ce que je suis en train de faire, le pourquoi de tout ça, Et bien je ne saurai pas vraiment dire.
Well, insanity is always tough to prove, but your testimony could be just enough of a pain in the ass that the prosecution could plead this down to involuntary manslaughter.
Eh bien l'aliénation mentale est toujours difficile à prouver mais votre témoignage pourrait être un tel grain de sable que l'accusation pourrait s'abaisser à plaider pour homicide involontaire.
Well, Mr. Yoplait-er, maybe if you'd bothered to get to know the man, you would have grown close enough to enjoy the intimacy of a nickname.
Hé bien, Mr.Yoplait, peut être que si vous aviez daigné apprendre à connaître l'homme, vous auriez grandit assez pour l'apprécier. l'intimité d'un surnom.
Well, that's true enough.
" C'est tout à fait vrai.
Well, it's harder to keep an active VP out of the press than in it, but it's possible if we give the media just enough to keep them from starving.
Les vice-présidents actifs font souvent parler d'eux, et on peut donner juste assez aux médias pour les tenir en haleine.
No. Well, I don't want him bothered. He's enough on his plate with all this at work.
- Il se fait assez de souci avec le travail, je ne veux pas l'embêter.
Well, I found enough of it.
J'en ai trouvé assez.
I do too much, and it's, well, it's never enough.
J'en fais trop et ce n'est jamais assez.
Well, your new assistant was kind enough to tell us when you'd be back.
Ta nouvelle assistante a été assez gentil pour nous parler de votre retour.
- Well... you've ingested enough whiskey and weed to stun a horse.
- Et bien... Tu as ingéré assez de whisky et d'herbe pour endormir un cheval.
Tirek has stolen enough magic that he now has the strength to steal flight as well.
Tirek a volé suffisament de magie pour qu'il puisse voler les talents de voltige aussi.
And I'm old enough to recognize that all of this bullshit comes from a very deep, dank, dark, toxic well of insecurity, probably created by your absent father.
Je suis assez vieux pour voir que ces conneries sortent du puits profond, sombre et toxique qu'est ton insécurité sans douté générée par un père absent.
They can't speak the language well enough to ask for help.
Impossible de demander de l'aide.
Well, it's not enough.
Ce n'est pas assez.
Okay. Well, it always has been enough for me.
Ça a toujours été assez pour moi.
enough 5528
enough is enough 234
enough for today 16
enough about me 63
enough said 73
enough of this 129
enough chitchat 25
enough now 40
enough talking 31
enough of this shit 25
enough is enough 234
enough for today 16
enough about me 63
enough said 73
enough of this 129
enough chitchat 25
enough now 40
enough talking 31
enough of this shit 25
enough talk 56
enough's enough 35
enough already 193
enough games 17
enough of this nonsense 22
enough with the 22
enough of that 96
well done 4465
well hello 20
well spotted 23
enough's enough 35
enough already 193
enough games 17
enough of this nonsense 22
enough with the 22
enough of that 96
well done 4465
well hello 20
well spotted 23
well thank you 29
well played 346
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well you know 47
well that's good 18
well spoken 20
well no 77
well played 346
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well you know 47
well that's good 18
well spoken 20
well no 77
well in that case 21
well i'm sorry 20
well now 184
well i 89
well it's 16
well i never 20
well yes 116
well uh 21
well yeah 97
well actually 36
well i'm sorry 20
well now 184
well i 89
well it's 16
well i never 20
well yes 116
well uh 21
well yeah 97
well actually 36