And he didn't translate French
7,599 parallel translation
I would like to know how he walked seven Miles in his shirtsleeves and didn't freeze to death.
Je voudrais savoir comment il a pu marcher 11 km en bras de chemise sans mourir de froid.
We're also a little ashamed of him because he didn't wear a coat at his inauguration, caught a bad cold and died 32 days later.
Nous avons aussi un peu honte de lui. parce qu'il ne portait pas de manteau à son inauguration, il a attrapé un mauvais rhume et est mort 32 jours plus tard.
And he didn't derail my mayorship.
Et il n'a pas mis fin à mon mandat de maire.
I pushed him off, I pushed him off,'cause I didn't want to and he...
Je l'ai repoussé, je ne voulais pas. Mais il...
Then he showed up with Rachel, and I didn't know what to do.
Un jour, il a ramené Rachel.
I asked him, and he didn't correct me.
Je lui ai demandé, il ne m'a pas corrigée.
He said he didn't want to be buried in the ground, and he didn't want people fussing over him.
Il a dit qu'il ne voulait pas qu'on l'enterre ou qu'on en fasse tout un plat.
He didn't think much of it at first. Then he went out in the backyard and your grandfather was standing at the grill flipping steaks, and they were all burnt.
Au début, ça ne l'a pas gêné, puis il est allé dans le jardin et il a vu ton grand-père qui retournait des steaks complètement brûlés.
Having seen some movies, I'm pretty sure the guy didn't leave any fingerprints... Unless he wanted you to find them, in which case it becomes this whole labyrinth-themed... Thing and I'm really not sure you're ready for that, officer.
Ayant vu quelques films, je suis sur que le type n'a pas laisse la moindre empreinte sauf si il voulait qu'on le retrouve, dans ce cas ça ressemblerait a " l'affaire du labyrinthe et je ne suis pas vraiment sur que vous soyez prêt pour ça, Officier
I'm not mad at Adam, but if I was, it'd probably be because he's deceitful and because he didn't tell me he was in love with someone else, if that's even a word you two are using.
Je ne suis pas en colère contre lui, mais si je l'étais, ça serait probablement parce que c'est un trompeur, et parce qu'il ne m'a pas dit qu'il était amoureux de quelqu'un d'autre, si c'est un mot que vous utilisez.
And even if I didn't change my mind, it wouldn't matter because he's with you now.
Et même si je n'avais pas changé d'avis, ça n'a pas d'importance, il est avec toi.
Jason, he didn't want to pay up and he threatened to expose me.
Jason a refusé de me payer. Il menaçait de me balancer.
Because you didn't listen to me last time with Milo, and he ended up dead, and you were under investigation.
Parce que tu ne m'as pas écouté la dernière fois avec Milo et il a fini mort et toi, en examen.
I-I didn't know he was gonna point it at me, so... don't do drugs and stay in school.
Je ne savais pas qu'il allait me montrer donc... ne vous droguez pas et restez à l'école.
And he didn't think that it was fair for people to pay for electricity, so he was gonna power the entire town for free.
Et il pensait qu'il était injuste que les gens payent leur électricité, donc il voulait fournir la ville entière gratuitement.
He promised he'd leave his wife, and he didn't.
Il m'avait promis de quitter sa femme, et il ne l'a pas fait.
He didn't love me, he didn't want me, he danced with me because he was kind and he didn't want to see me hurt.
Il ne m'aimait pas, ne me désirait pas, il a dansé avec moi car il ne voulait pas me blesser.
He didn't say never, and so he kept putting it off.
Il n'a pas dit jamais, et il a continué à reporter.
When he was about 12 or 13, if there was a man on telly who took his shirt off, and believe me, men didn't take their shirts off back then,
Quand il avait a peu près 12 ans ou 13 ans, si il y a avait un homme à la TV qui enlevait son T-shirt, et croyez-moi, peu d'hommes enlevaient leurs T-shirts à l'époque,
He didn't turn up for work, and Mr Jayasundera said, "Right, that's it!"
Il n'est pas venu bosser et M. Jayasundera a dit :
It was the only thing that came to my mind to do, but he didn't like it when I laughed, and I could see that, so I laughed some more.
C'est la seule chose qui m'est venue à l'esprit, mais il n'a pas apprécié quand je riais, je l'ai bien vu. Alors j'ai encore ri.
Dougal said he let out a small sound and dropped like a rock and didn't get up again.
Dougal m'a dit que mon père a laissé échapper un son qu'il est tombé comme une pierre et qu'il ne s'est plus relevé.
I brought it to him, and he showed me his badge, but he said he was in this big rush and he had to go right away, so I didn't fill out the paperwork.
Je lui ai apporté, et il m'a montré son badge, mais il m'a dit qu'il était pressé et devait partir immédiatement, donc je n'ai pas rempli la paperasse.
And listen, I-I told Alonso that Ted was crazy, that no one would believe him, you know, but he didn't listen.
Et écoute, j'ai-j'ai dis à Alonso que Ted était fou, que personne ne le croirait, tu vois, mais il m'a pas écouté.
And obviously, it was moronic, but I'm sure that he didn't mean to...
et évidemment c'était débile, mais je suis sure qu'il ne pensait pas...
He said that the DNA test didn't matter and that he was still Tom's father.
Il a dit que le test ADN n'a pas d'importance et qu'il était toujours le père de Tom.
As you're all aware, they stood up to President Petrov and forced him to listen to the truths that he didn't want to hear.
Comme vous le savez tous, ils ont tenu tête au président Petrov et l'ont forcé à écouter les vérités qu'il refusait d'entendre.
If it's Sean and he survived and he's here, why didn't he come home?
Si c'est Sean et qu'il a survécu et qu'il est là, pourquoi il n'est pas rentré chez nous?
At this point, sports psychologists explained it was entirely mental. No man would ever break the other's serve because, A... He didn't believe he could, and, B... he didn't want to.
les psychologues sportifs disaient que tout ça relevait du mental. et B ) il ne voulait pas.
There is a bad guy out there who's found the weakness in your source code, and he's set up his own online shopping network for babies, and you didn't say anything!
Il y a un sale type dehors qui a trouvé une faille dans votre code source, et monté son réseau de vente de bébés en ligne, et vous n'avez rien dit!
And he didn't have to marry me.
Il n'était pas obligé de m'épouser.
He didn't even want to come back and pack up his stuff.
Il n'a même pas voulu revenir pour faire ses affaires.
Well, you didn't discuss it with me, and now I've got Jeff Fordham sending over jewelry for our daughter, and he's saying that she works for him.
Tu n'en as pas parlé avec moi, et maintenant j'ai Jeff Fordham qui envoie des bijoux pour notre fille, et il dit qu'elle travaille pour lui.
He got divorced, spilled wine on the carpeting and didn't care enough to replace it.
Il a divorcé, renversé du vin sur la moquette et s'en moquait trop pour la remplacer.
Algie went on and on about how pretty you were, but he didn't do your silhouette justice.
Algie nous parlait sans cesse de votre beauté, mais il n'a pas rendu justice à votre silhouette.
He didn't tell me his name, but he told me all about the new house and the remarkably modern vacuum system.
Il n'a pas dit son nom. Mais il m'a parlé de la nouvelle maison et du système d'aspiration moderne.
You saw him and you didn't stop him? He wasn't suspicious?
Et vous n'avez rien fait?
If we didn't have the laptop and the notebook, would you still think he fits the profile?
- Si on n'avait pas le portable et le carnet de notes, tu penserais toujours qu'il correspond au profil?
He got Kieran like this by the throat and then he threw him down, and he didn't hurt him, not so much.
Ça lui a pas fait trop mal, mais c'est moi qui l'ai frappé.
I didn't say gay was a problem, just that he's gay and has problems.
J'ai pas dit qu'être gay était un problème.
And then he got pulled over, and he got a ticket, and I tried explaining to the cop that I have a curfew, but that didn't go over so well.
Ensuite il roulait trop vite, donc il a eu une amende, j'ai essayé d'expliquer au policier que j'avais un couvre-feu à respecter, mais il ne l'a pas vraiment bien pris.
That's because he left the house and didn't tell anyone where he was going.
Il est parti sans dire de ce qu'il allait faire.
What he didn't tell you is he took this tiny regional company and turned it into a national competitor for PCs almost overnight.
Il ne vous a pas dit qu'il a géré cette petite entreprise locale, devenue une des plus importantes du pays dans les PC, presque du jour au lendemain.
He ran saying he would fight and then he didn't fight.
Il a pas tenu ses promesses.
And Zaleski sought to beat Chema, didn't he?
Et Zaleski a barré la route à Chema.
I spent the night there, and he didn't say a word about that.
J'ai passé la nuit ici, il n'en a pas dit un mot.
Uh-huh. You know, and then I didn't tell him whatever it was that he wanted to hear, and he did it.
Je n'ai pas dit ce qu'il attendait et du coup il s'est suicidé.
I didn't even know that he was gay, until he woke me up and told me the next morning.
J'ignorais même qu'il était homo, jusqu'à ce qu'il me réveille pour me le dire le lendemain. Vous dormiez ensemble?
If Joe's making his living burning and rebuilding, then he didn't just do the two of us.
Si Joe gagne sa vie en brûlant et reconstruisant, alors, il n'a pas juste nous deux.
He says he didn't say anything earlier because he assumed that he had caused your fire, and he didn't think he could afford to fix another house for free.
Il dit ne rien avoir déclaré plus tôt parce qu'il estimait être la cause de votre incendie, et il ne pouvait pas se permettre de réparer une autre maison gratuitement.
But he stopped swinging, and you didn't.
Mais il a arrêté, toi tu as continué.
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here they are 24
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here's the thing 41
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here they are 24
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and here's why 34
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and here's why 34
and he's 185
and he's not 37
and her husband 30
and her 173
and her daughter 18
and he said 537
and he's gone 47
and he's back 17
and he's good 16
and her father 16
and he's not 37
and her husband 30
and her 173
and her daughter 18
and he said 537
and he's gone 47
and he's back 17
and he's good 16
and her father 16