And her brother translate French
914 parallel translation
Intuitively, the blind girl feels there was a relationship between the Bible and her brother.
Intuitivement, la jeune aveugle sent qu'il y a une relation entre la Bible et son frère.
- And her brother, Mr. Martin Trowbridge.
Et son frère, Mr Martin Trowbridge
The merchant's wife lost her father at Waterloo... and her brother was crippled for life in the fighting outside New Orleans.
La femme du marchand a perdu son père à Waterloo... et son frère est infirme depuis la bataille de Nouvelle-Orléans.
Their cousin Melanie and her brother, Charles.
Mélanie, d'Atlanta, et son frère Charles.
He was at dinner with Ms. Stapleton and her brother.
Il dînait avec Mlle Stapleton et son frère.
Sorry, Doctor, but whether you believe it or not... I'm trying to help Miss Hammond and her brother... and I have a feeling they'll need help.
Désolé Docteur, mais croyez-le ou non... j'essaie d'aider Mlle Hammond et son frère... et j'ai le sentiment qu'ils auront besoin d'aide.
She and her brother run this Italian place where I went in to eat.
Son frère et elle ont un restaurant italien.
Sibella and her brother, Graham, were my only close friends and we grew up together.
Sibella et son frère furent mes seuls amis d'enfance.
- And her brother-in-law.
- Et son beau-frère.
Sally and her brother were born here.
Sally et son frère sont nés ici.
And her brother took her in.
Et son frère l'a accueillie...
She told about the squalor and filth into which she and her brother were born and how they grew up like animals
Elle raconta comment ils naquirent dans la misère. Comment ils furent élevés comme des animaux.
Remember the story she told on the train about her and her brother?
Tu te rappelles de l'histoire qu'elle nous avait racontée dans le train à propos d'elle et son frère?
And I played a five-cent-limit poker with her brother, Joel.
Et j'ai joué au poker à 5 ¢ avec son frère Joël.
WaIter is, and it's a shame for a girl as pretty as alice to have to depend on her brother taking her out.
Walter, et c'est tellement triste qu'une jolie fille comme Alice doive compter sur son frère pour la sortir.
And I heard your brother tell her that he committed a murder.
Ton frère lui a dit qu'iI avait commis un meurtre.
Then, brother, you better grab her tomato juice and get going.
Là, vous avez intérêt à lui monter son jus de tomate vite fait.
Glad to, and God help you to find her, brother.
Avec plaisir, et que Dieu vous aide à la trouver.
Her brother is giving us a farewell party tomorrow night. We'll be married in London the following day. and then off to a honeymoon in Canada.
Son frère organise une soirée d'adieu demain, mariage le lendemain à Londres et lune de miel au Canada.
I even tried to buy her out, but first your brother and then Parada crossed me!
J'ai même essayé de l'acheter, mais votre frère et puis Parada m'ont trahi.
But you dread scandal, and if the papers dig up her brother -
Mais tu redoutes le scandale. Et si on ressort l'histoire de son frère -
And I'm sure glad you're her brother. Well, I'll see you later.
Et ravi que vous soyez son frère.
It started when she jumped her brother about Opal and ended up with young Henry where they found him.
Depuis l'engueulade au sujet d'Opal jusqu'au crime!
Cutler and his brother are boarding her now.
Cutler et son frère sont en train de monter à bord.
Maybe I was the last one to see her, except perhaps her mamacita and her little brother.
J'ai pu être la dernière à la voir, à part peut-être sa maman et son petit frêre.
And to the hearts of their sons... bring courage and the will to oppose evil... as this woman hath brought it to her son, Joseph... who in thine eyes... is the brother of all men.
Comme cette femme qui a inspiré le cœur de son fils Joseph, qui, à Tes yeux, est frère de tous les hommes.
Oh, and Achmet, her brother.
Et Achmet, son frère.
She woke her brother, they searched the desk, and they found the will.
Elle réveille son frère, ils fouillent, ils trouvent le testament.
And as for her brother...
Quant à son frère...
They'd put her through the wringer... and, brother, the things they would squeeze out.
Ils la cuisineraient et on verrait la sauce que ça donnerait.
And now her brother would be hidden in a nameless grave.
Son frère reposait anonymement.
Her brother knew I came to fix the radio and I told him all about myself.
Son frère sait pour sa radio, il sait tout de moi.
Last, and more dangerous than all of these, her brother is in secret come from France... and wants not buzzers to infect his ear with pestilent speeches of his fathers death, while he himself not hesitates to threaten... our own person.
Suprême péril : Laërte rentré en secret. Tout ce qu'on lui dit sur la mort de son père.
Doctor, you'll be doing my brother and me a favor... if you'll stop putting those grand ideas into her head.
Docteur, vous rendriez un grand service à mon frère et moi si vous arrêtiez de lui mettre ces grandes idées en tête.
Crawford Gowrie... Vinson and her younger brother.
Crawford Gowrie... et Vinson, son frère cadet.
Both my brother and sister spoiled her.
Mon frère et ma soeur l'ont gâtée.
Without her brother's consent she couldn't, and wouldn't.
Sans l'accord de son frère, elle ne peut pas.
Oh, she took the children and moved to Marseilles to her brother.
Oh, elle a pris les enfants et a déménagé chez son frère à Marseille.
- And Carlotta, does she know that her manager shot her brother?
Jamais entendu parler! Et Carlotta, elle sait que son frère a été descendu par son manager?
" That's no reason why she should pay for her sister's education......and buy her brother Marty a new car.
" Mais pourquoi paierait-eIIe pour l'éducation de sa soeur en plus d'acheter une voiture à son frêre?
And her brother?
Ce spadassin!
Neither Carmina, nor her husband Jorge... your son-in law and my brother-in-law.
Pas beaucoup. Ni Carmina, ni son mari Jorge. ton gendre et mon beau-frère.
Come here brother and leave her alone!
Vas-t-en mon frère Laisse la tranquille!
I believe it's people like her. Who will one day overthrow Big Brother and all he stands for.
Ce sont des gens comme elle qui un jour, feront disparaître Big Brother et tout se qu'il représente.
Then Jatila quietly takes her brother Ayan to her hiding place and says...
"Attends que je le dise à mon frère." Puis Jatifa emmène son frère Ayan dans sa cachette et dit : " Mon frère, regarde ceci.
And this is her brother Xano.
Voici son frère, Xano.
And her brother, Petya Rostov.
Pétia Rostov.
That same spring, Mrs. Pugmister rang her cowbell again... and my brother Jimmie was born.
Ce même printemps, Mme Pugmister a fait sonner sa cloche à nouveau. Mon frère Jimmie était né
We shot her brother and killed her father with our bombs.
Pourquoi ça? On a fusillé son frère et une de nos bombes a tué son père.
I'm afraid your brother and those drums were too much for her.
Votre frère et ses tambours l'ont affolée.
This is what she used on my brother and her sister. Hacked them to pieces.
C'est avec cela qu'elle massacra mon frère et sa s ur.
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here's the kicker 17
and here it is 109
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here's the kicker 17
and here it is 109
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
and her husband 30
and her 173
and her daughter 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
and her husband 30
and her 173
and her daughter 18
and her father 16
and her mother 27
and her son 20
her brother 85
brother 7165
brothers 633
brotherhood 38
brother and sister 38
brothers in arms 18
brothers and sisters 203
and her mother 27
and her son 20
her brother 85
brother 7165
brothers 633
brotherhood 38
brother and sister 38
brothers in arms 18
brothers and sisters 203