And here it comes translate French
260 parallel translation
And here it comes.
Et voilà.
Second, I'm the only one who could possibly inherit Cecil's fortune... because third, and here it comes...
2 ) Que seule je puis hériter de la fortune de Cecil Fox.
And here he comes, just in time to get it.
D'ailleurs, le voici. Juste à temps.
- There, and it comes out here.
- Là. Et ça sort par ici.
Everybody comes here and fishes last... because it's the biggest and best bank, huh?
Ils viennent tous et y a toujours du poisson.
If anyone comes around here and tampers with any of the doors or windows, it breaks the contact.
Si quelqu'un touche une porte ou une fenêtre, il coupe le contact.
Put the mash in here and it comes out, uh...
On met la pâte ici et la bière ressort- -
He was here once before, and I told the boss about it, and the boss said if he comes back, to throw him out.
Il est déjà passé, je l'ai dit au patron qui m'a dit de le virer s'il revenait.
- And it comes out here.
- Et ça sort ici.
I noticed that it says here it comes to you with the admiration and affection of your students.
Et je vois que ça dit ici qu'il porte l'admiration et l'affection de vos étudiants.
I've been answering that question till I'm sick and tired of it. Everyone who comes here asks it.
Cette question-là, figure-toi, tout le monde me la pose.
You know, if anybody ever comes in here and gives you a $ 10 tip, scrutinize it carefully because there's a lot of counterfeit money going around.
Si quelqu'un vient ici et vous donne un pourboire de 10 $, examinez-le bien, car il y a de la fausse monnaie en circulation.
And now, folks, it looks like... Yes, it is, here she comes now...
Chers auditeurs, la voici,
But when it comes to pipes, he takes the long road, fiddles and faddles, turns a nut, gets a drop here and a drip there, when one good bang might turn the trick in a jiffy.
Avec les tuyaux il prend des gants, tourne un écrou par ci, fait tomber une goutte par là, alors qu'une bonne tape suffirait pour arranger ça.
Darling, believe it or not, there are places here in New York where you can put a nickel in the slot and something comes out immediately.
A New York, il y a des établissements où tu mets une pièce et où tu es aussitôt servi.
He put the cub in it, and as he's reaching for his britches here comes a-crashing.
Il met l'ourson dedans et, alors qu'il va prendre son pantalon, il entend un bruit énorme.
She comes here and takes it? And then becomes you, Juliana?
Elle est venue ici, l'a prise et est devenue vous, Juliana.
Uh oh here comes chatterbox and now it'll be all over town.
En avant la zizique! Toute la ville va le savoir.
All these trees standing here feeling so tall and so strong... and then someone comes along and says, "it's your turn".
Ces arbres sont là, ils se sentent grands et forts. Puis quelqu'un arrive et dit : "C'est ton tour."
Why he.. He comes here for help and I agree to give it to him. And he jumps off the roof.
Il me demande de l'aider, j'accepte et puis il saute du toit.
And above it comes here by pleasing.
Son mari est richissime.
It makes me happy when someone comes back... and brings his wife here to raise his family.
Je suis heureux quand quelqu'un revient... avec sa femme pour élever une famille.
He takes off his suit, ties it to the line and comes here.
Tandis qu'on attache la combinaison à l'autre bout de la corde que l'on monte ici.
And now, coming into the west turn, it's Probeck in 54 then Jim Davies, Hoot Mailer and here comes Brannan riding into fifth place as they hit the stretch.
Et voici Probeck et son n º 54 dans le virage ouest, suivi de Jim Davies, Hoot Mailer et revoilà Brannan, remonté en 5e alors que l'issue est proche.
Only reason he comes here to fix things is because of you, and you know it.
La seule raison il vient ici réparer, est à cause de toi, et tu le sais.
If I'm here when he comes to, and he sees me, after all that's happened... it could be fatal to him.
Si je suis là quand il reviendra à lui et qu'il me voit, après tout ce qui s'est passé, ça pourrait lui être fatal.
Now, these little cards create electronic impulses which are accepted and retained by the machine so that in the future if anybody wants a quotation from Hamlet the research worker types it into the machine here Emmy goes to work, and the answer comes out here.
Ces cartons font naître des impulsions électroniques que la machine reçoit et enregistre. Si quelqu'un demande un jour une citation de Hamlet, il suffira de taper la question sur le clavier. EMMARAC se déclenche et sa réponse sort d'ici.
Don't you think it's funny Uncle Mario gets on an airplane and comes down here?
Tu trouves pas ça bizarre qu'oncle Mario prenne un avion pour venir ici?
It's when the queen comes, mister, and you give her the leys to the burgh gates that are not here anymore.
C'est quand la reine vient, monsieur, et qu'on lui donne les clés des grilles de la ville qui n'y sont pas.
I feel wretched as it is, and here comes Ilya.
Oh, il ne manquait plus qu'Ilia.
You simply think the tune up here and it comes out clearly here.
Vous n'avez qu'à penser à un air, ici et il ressort par là, très clairement.
And by the time the truth comes out, if it ever does I shall be enjoying a well-earned retirement a long way from here.
Je profiterai d'une retraite bien mérité très loin d'ici.
As near as I can figure it out, there's a Negro man in jail who knows where Bubber Reeves is because Anna comes here and Calder tells her she's got one hour to find Bubber.
Si j'ai bien compris, il y a un nègre en cellule... qui sait où se trouve Bubber. Anna est arrivée et Calder lui a donné une heure pour le trouver.
Here comes Joe Hanakaw of Japan and Steve Davis of United States fighting it out for 10th place.
Et v oici le Japonais Joe Hanaka et l'Américain Steve Davis. Ils se battent pour la 1 0e place.
Through the teeth and over the gums. Look out, stomach, here it comes.
Sous les dents et les gencives... attention, estomac, il arrive.
A world destroyed and dead for at least a half million years, yet from it comes a voice, the energy of pure thought, telling us something has survived here for those thousands of centuries.
Pourtant, il en émane une voix, l'énergie de la pensée pure, qui nous dit que quelque chose a survécu pendant tous ces siècles.
See, the sun, like a big face here it comes, here it comes real slow over the edge of the world. And it looks out over the city and it goes :
Je vois le soleil, avec sa grosse bouille, il monte, il monte, tout doucement, jusqu'au bord de la terre, il regarde la ville, et lá, il...
It goes round and round in there and comes out here, decoded in Japanese.
Ça tourne là-dedans... et ça sort là, décodé en japonais.
Over the teeth and round the gums, look out belly, here it comes!
Qu'est ce qu'il y a de mieux que les plaisirs de la table?
And here comes Bertha again, steps to the back, knocks her down. She crosses the finish line and wins it.
Bertha revient a l'attaque et la met K.O.
You take one of these, go like this... ... in here, and out it comes.
On prend ça... on le met là, et ça vient.
Drop whatever you are doin stop your work and worry too sit right down and take it easy here comes Woody and Memphis Sue you just drop a card or letter we will sing a song for you easy-goin'country people
Lâchez tout ce que vous faites Lâchez votre travail et vos soucis Asseyez-vous et détendez-vous
It's long and low and dedicated to what makes the world go'round. ♪ Wait a minute Here comes Daddy Rich ♪
C'est long et bas et dédié à ce qui fait tourner le monde. "La Dîme" Attends un peu Voici Daddy Rich
Everything you see, comes from an antique period. And it arrived here... mysteriously.
Tout provient d'un temple antique et tout s'est retrouvé ici mystérieusement.
Only one sniff of me, and it's, cheerio, here comes supper!
S'ils me flairent, je leur sers de souper!
And, Magnum, I meant it about not being here when Wyndom comes out.
Et ne soyez pas là quand Wyndham sortira.
You put the candy in here and then when you lift up the head, the candy comes out and you can eat it.
On met le bonbon là-dedans, et quand on soulève la tête, le bonbon sort et on le mange.
Because here it comes, baby, loud and clear!
Parce que ça vient, bébé, fort et clair!
You stand right here, Frank, and when it comes out, you brain him with that axe.
Toi tu attends là, Frank, et quand il sort, tu lui fracasses le crâne.
The only thing that comes into Hickory is the train, and it's here for five minutes.
Seul le train vient à Hickory et il n'y reste que cinq minutes.
- Jagosz asked who comes here and gave me this, take it, go now, disappear - perhaps they'll forget.
Le commissaire Wiktor Jagosz a demandé qui vient ici et il récompensera les dénonciations. Disparaissez vite, docteur. Peut-être oublieront-ils.
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here they are 24
and here's the kicker 17
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here they are 24
and here's the kicker 17
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
here it comes 620
it comes and goes 36
it comes with the territory 18
it comes 41
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
here it comes 620
it comes and goes 36
it comes with the territory 18
it comes 41