And here they are translate French
961 parallel translation
They're snooping around looking for these two boys, and here they are.
Ils cherchent partout ces deux lascars qui sont ici.
And here they are, 500 years later.
Et les voilà 500 ans plus tard.
Yes, and there are places out here where there are oysters for several miles and, during low tide, they're exposed, probably at the time when they harvested them.
Oui, et là ceux sont des endroits où il y a des huîtres par milliers et, pendant la marée basse, elles sont exposés, probablement c ´ est le moment où ils les ont récoltés.
"They are bad things called devils " and I'd like your permission to put a cross and a picture of the Virgin Mary in here. "
Ils sont de mauvaises choses appelées des diables et j ´ aimerais votre permission pour mettre une croix et une image de la Vierge Mary ici.
And these natives here, are they of the same tribe?
Et ces ravissante sirènes sont-elles de la même tribu?
And you have them, you know, even if they are being wasted around here.
Et vous les avez, vous savez, même si elles sont gâchées ici.
There are other people here and they'd think I was immodest.
Nous ne sommes pas seuls, on pourrait me trouver indécente.
You take these people... into their car and see that they're well taken care of. Happy days are here again Happy days are here
Les jours heureux sont revenus...
They looked at me and I looked at them. They invited me down here and here we are.
Nous nous sommes regardés et ils m'ont invitée ici.
What are you gonna do? Hang around here until they come and get us?
Vous voulez rester ici et attendre les flics?
Here they are holding me as a material witness and I don't know nothing about nothing.
Ils me retiennent en tant que témoin, mais je ne sais rien de rien.
below here, they are extremely depressed... melancholy, impossible to live with and often become violent.
Sous cette limite, ils sont très déprimés... mélancoliques, impossibles à vivre et souvent violents.
They tell me Mantee and his gang are around here someplace.
J'ai appris que Mantee et sa bande traînent dans le coin.
So, there they are and here I am, and everybody's happy.
Ils sont là-bas et je suis ici, et tout le monde est content.
- Where are my clothes? - Here they is and they ain't dry.
- Où sont mes vêtements?
But I live around here and I know these kids are wild, but they don't mean any harm, really they don't.
J'habite ici, ces enfants sont un peu fous mais ils ne pensent pas à mal.
But they didn't count on Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, who will find the stamps that are hidden here, and take them away first.
Sherlock Holmes et Dr Watson. Les timbres sont cachés ici. Sous notre nez!
And I am thankful indeed that seated here today in this courtroom... are honest, wise, unsulliedjurors... who recognize Krayler's kind for what it is worth, and who must know in their hearts that they must set this woman free - a woman whose only crime was the protection of her soul... against the avarice of this man.
Et je suis reconnaissant que ce tribunal ait... des jurés honnêtes, sages et droits... qui sauront identifier Krayler pour ce qu'il est... et qui dans leur coeur savent qu'ils doivent libérer cette femme - une femme dont le seul crime est d'avoir protégé son âme... contre la concupiscence d'un homme.
All right, Whitey... but all fights here are according to Hoyle, and they're in the ring.
Très bien, Whitey. Mais toutes les bagarres se font en suivant les règles, sur un ring.
Here are the hills we've just left and there are the woods where they wait to take us through Varennes.
Voilà les collines que l'on a passées et voici le bois oû les hussards nous attendent.
I brought my family down here just as they are, stuffed shirts and all.
Je vous ai montré ma famille, dans toute sa prétention.
Here are the reports my dear Watson and very valuable they were to.
Excellents d'ailleurs. Ils m'ont bien aidé.
Before proceeding further, I'll remind the visitors in the gallery that they are here as our guests and should conduct themselves as such.
Avant de pousuivre davantage, je rappelle aux visiteurs du balcon, qu'ils sont nos invités, et doivent se comporter comme tels.
Knowing your friendship for Helen... and Geoffrey, it's safe to assume that you wouldn't be working here as calmly as you are... unless you knew where they were.
Connaissant votre amitié pour Helen- - et Geoffrey- - on peut en déduire que vous travaillez ici calmement... parce que vous savez où ils sont.
These John Does are the people that have been laughed at and ridiculed, but here they are... gay and happy, having travelled thousands of miles...
On les a surnommés "péquenots", on s'est moqué d'eux, mais ils sont venus nombreux et sont heureux d'être là. Leurs voisins les ont chargés de rendre hommage à leur héros, John Doe.
Little Joe, when you're good something in here starts singing. And the Lord seems to say, " Petunia all my angels are playing beautiful music because they feel so happy for you.
P'tit Joe, quand tu es bon, mon cœur se met à chanter et le Seigneur semble dire : " Pétunia, mes anges jouent une très belle musique parce qu'ils sont heureux pour toi.
But they won't, and as long as they are here, Boy will never be safe.
Non, tant qu'ils seront là, Boy ne sera pas en sécurité.
We will make a large number of training films, and for the army we are arranging to supply our overseas forces with all of our best feature pictures, many before they are even released here.
Nous allons tourner beaucoup de films pédagogiques et nous essayons d'organiser l'approvisionnement des troupes en films de qualité, certains avant même leur sortie en salles.
When they are brought in here, we'll put the heat on them and make them talk.
Quand ils seront là, on fera en sorte qu'ils parlent.
And so on until things here are as they should be.
Et ainsi jusqu'à atteindre les conditions idéales.
You know that Isabel and Gray Maturin are here with their two children. Are they?
Isabel et Gray sont ici avec leurs deux enfants.
- What are you doing here? - We're fighting against the bugs, and they're winning. A pesticide I invented my self.
Nous luttons avec succès contre les punaises.
It distresses me that we must meet here but they are redecorating my suite, and I cannot tolerate the smell of paint.
On repeint mon appartement. L'odeur est insupportable!
For the satirical rogue says here that old men have gray beards, that their faces are wrinkled, their eyes purging thick amber... and plum tree gum, that they have a plentiful lack of wit, together with most weak hams.
Ce coquin dit que les vieux ont barbe grise et figure ridée que leurs yeux pleurent de l'ambre, qu'ils ont la tête faible, comme les jarrets.
And here they are.
ca y est
Housework has been left undone, dishes still in the sink. Children unwashed and men unfed. The women of the town, friendly and unfriendly, are all here, all wondering if at last they're going to learn the secret of Rose's life.
Elles ont laissé en plan le ménage, oublié la vaisselle dans l'évier, le bain des enfants, le repas de leur mari, toutes les femmes sont là, par amitié ou non, et se demandent si elles vont enfin connaître le secret de Rosa,
Meanwhile they're going to say the worst things about us : That the only kind of guests that come here,... are libertines and parasites, cheats, thieves,... and now murderers.
On va encore dire sur mon compte que je n'ai comme convives que des débauchés, des pique-assiettes, des tricheurs, des parasites.
She said, "What about those who are here, because they don't know... what happened to their families and have no homes to go back to?"
Et ceux qui ignorent le sort de leurs familles... et n'ont plus de foyer.
Here they are, ladies and gentlemen, the greatest daredevils the world has seen.
Les voilà, mesdames et messieurs, les plus grands casse-cou du monde.
They receive all their treatments here, and all the rules of hygiene are observed.
Les règles de l'hygiène moderne sont observées.
There are a lot of rocks here and not much land, so they put the dead bodies there first and then move their ashes to the castle.
La terre ici est rocheuse et peu fertile. Ils mettent leurs morts là-bas, puis transportent les cendres au château.
The captured horses are kept in a canyon 45 miles east of here and about once a month, they run them to Bear Creek where they turn them over to the Confederate agents.
Les chevaux volés sont dans un canyon. La vente aux Sudistes se fait à South Fork tous les mois.
Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest, for Brutus is an honorable man, so are they all, all honorable men, come I to speak in Caesar's funeral.
Autorisé par Brutus et les autres, car Brutus est un homme d'honneur, ils le sont tous, tous hommes d'honneur, je viens prononcer l'oraison funèbre de César.
Here are the deeds to my parents house, and to the tomb, which they thought would give them immortality.
Voici les titres de propriété de mes parents qui leur assurent l'immortalité.
It is true that many Pharaohs are planted here. I have yet to see anyone of them here putting out any shoots. And they certainly don't see the gifts.
Je n'ai encore jamais vu un pharaon partager ses richesses et les offrandes qu'on leur fait, je les leur rafle.
- They want to know who we are and what we're doing here.
Lls veulent savoir qui on est.
But others were, and unless I am badly mistaken they are here now.
D'autres oui, et à moins de me tromper, ils sont là.
Well, they were here when we came... and there were more deer than there are now.
Ils étaient là quand on est arrivés, et il y avait plus de cerfs à l'époque.
Todd and Chivington? What are they doing here?
Que font là Todd et Chivington?
They are here... and the others.
Ils sont là... ainsi que les autres.
Yes, I know there are traitors here in my own committee, but I want them and those they invited to hear your answer.
Je sais qu'il y a des traîtres ici, dans mon propre comité, mais je veux qu'eux et leurs invités entendent votre réponse.
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
here they are 545
here they are now 16
they are coming 72
they are 1447
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
here they are 545
here they are now 16
they are coming 72
they are 1447