And his family translate French
2,804 parallel translation
And the militant Islamist group Al-Shabab took credit today for the murder of the exiled Somali politician Samata Rahim and his family.
Et les militants du Groupe islamiste Al-Shabab On revendique aujourd'hui l'assassination de l'exile politique Samata Rahim et de sa famille.
À Mario et ses proches
Look, maybe it'll just help the boy and his family to deal with it.
La victime et sa famille ont peut-être besoin d'en parler.
Toward a better life for himself and his family.
Pour obtenir une vie meilleure pour lui et sa famille.
Leave him and his family alone.
alors laissez le tranquille lui et sa famille.
You're writing about a classmate and his family.
Tu parles d'un camarade et de sa famille. Il pourrait le prendre mal.
I need you to help make sure that Louis and his family don't know that she's trying to leave the city.
j'ai besoin de toi pour s'assurer que Louis et sa famille ne sache pas qu'elle essaye de quitter la ville.
Some people say they've seen the ghost of the boy and his family.
Certains disent avoir vu... son fantôme et ceux de sa famille.
His acquittal was a relief for him and his family, and also a huge victory for justice.
Mon client Réjean Hinse a passé 8 ans en prison pour un crime qu'il n'a pas commis : son acquittement, c'est un soulagement pour lui et pour sa famille, mais c'est aussi une grande victoire pour la justice.
He and his family could lose their benefits.
Lui et sa famille peuvent perdre leurs allocations.
"He is holding it hostage, demanding that we escort and protect him" and his family safely back to Norway before he will hand it over.
Il s'en sert pour exiger qu'on l'escorte avec sa famille en Norvège.
You think Victor's crew is gonna let Brody and his family live once they get his money out of dodge?
Tu crois que le gang de Victor va laisser vivre Brody et sa famille une fois l'argent en lieu sûr?
Mr Farr, and his family, and his friends... a-and me.
M. Farr, et sa famille, et ses amis... et moi.
Jody Farr isn't in the dock any more and, now, when it suits you, you've decided to blame him and his family.
Jody Farr n'est plus sur le ban des accusés et maintenant que ça vous arrange, vous avez décidé de le blâmer sa famille et lui.
- This woman is connected to a certain ex-chief and his family.
- La femme est reliée a un certain ex-chef et sa famille.
Division collaborated with Sergei Semak to kill Nikolai Udinov and his family.
Opération "Feu Pâle". La Division s'est alliée à Semak pour tuer Nikolai Udinov et sa famille.
Someone who's out of work and wants to feed his family.
Quelqu'un sans travail qui veut nourrir sa famille.
The family business was a neighborhood bar run by my other brother Jacob and his wife.
La famille avait un bar géré par mon frère Jacob et sa femme.
Her father went crazy, from ingesting all those chemicals from taxidermy. Slaughtered his whole family and sat them at the Thanksgiving table.
Un père de famille pète les plombs, boit des biocides pour taxidermie, massacre sa famille et assoit les cadavres à table.
You know, that jail thing... you know, he had it worse than I did, you know, with his family and everything.
Il a vécu pire que moi. Sa famille et tout le reste.
Apparently, they think his whole family and extended family is bad, and has ties to KSM.
Apparemment, ils pensent que toute sa famille et ses proches sont hostiles, et sont liés à KSM
So you just start an insurrection, hand out guns and massacre his family?
Tu veux sonner la révolte, distribuer des armes et tuer sa famille?
He left Ellis Hospital well enough to go home and happy to be alive, with supporters from his Schenectady PD family cheering him on.
Il a quitté l'hôpital Ellis et il est rentré chez lui, heureux d'être en vie, pendant que ses collègues du poste et sa famille l'encourageaient.
And he ventured to the USA to track down all the members of Charlie Company who raped and butchered his whole entire family.
Il décida de partir aux États-Unis pour traquer tous les membres de la compagnie Charlie qui avaient violé et massacré toute sa famille.
That made it all the more compelling for us to make sure that we did everything right in terms of er... establishing who he was and getting him back to his family.
Du coup, il était impératif que l'on fasse tout le nécessaire pour savoir qui il était avant de le rendre à sa famille.
Our priority was his safety and to make sure he was reunited with the family.
On devait veiller à sa sécurité pour pouvoir le rendre à sa famille.
I lit the dealership fire, almost burning myself to death in the process just so I'd have an excuse to murder my brother and serve a full term in jail, get released get a Third-World heart transplant then write a book, start my own motivational talk show give up my fortune, move to a remote diner so I could burn it down and collect the $ 65,000 insurance policy then get rid of my son, and move in with his family who hates me.
J'ai allumé l'incendie, dans lequel j'ai d'ailleurs failli brûler, juste pour avoir une excuse pour assassiner mon frère et aller en prison, en être libéré, subir une transplantation cardiaque, puis écrire un livre, lancer mon propre talk-show, dilapider ma fortune, partir pour un restaurant éloigné pour pouvoir le brûler et toucher les 65 000 dollars de l'assurance, puis me débarrasser de mon fils et venir m'installer chez sa famille qui me hait.
But being around Nate's family, you know, his son, Jamie, and the baby it's nice.
Mais depuis que je connais la famille de Nathan : son fils et le bébé... C'est sympa.
And what about Quentin Fields his family, what about him?
Et Quentin Fields, et sa famille?
Bring me his family and I will see you are rewarded beyond your wildest dreams.
Amène-moi sa famille et je te récompenserai au-delà de tes rêves les plus fous.
Our thoughts are with his wife and with his family.
Nos pensées se tournent vers sa femme et sa famille.
I gave Dermot Matthews the first job he or anyone in his family had even heard of for a generation. And what do I get for it?
J'ai donné à Dermot Matthews le premier emploi dont lui et sa famille aient vu la couleur depuis des années, et qu'est-ce que je récolte pour ça?
You promised to take care of his family and assigned him a doctor, so if he did have any health problems, he could keep them in-house.
Vous avez promis de prendre soin de sa famille, vous lui avez assigné un médecin, de manière à pouvoir, en cas de problème de santé, le garder à la maison.
The little rich boy, who has forsaken his family and his partner.
Le riche qui a délaissé sa famille et son compagnon.
Sa famille faisait partie de l'aventure et ils faisaient partie de nos vies.
I have tried unsuccessfully to get Luke to explain to me why you have possession of his pants, and Ripp says it's against the law to waterboard immediate family.
Quoi, Carlene? J'ai demandé à Luke, de m'expliquer, sans succès, pourquoi tu détenais son pantalon, et Ripp m'a dit qu'on ne pouvait pas noyer sa famille.
If we turn him then he's our responsibility, and the only thing that we know about him is that he'd be willing to sell out his own family for a better offer!
Si on le transforme, il sera notre responsabilité. Et la seule chose qu'on sait de lui c'est qu'il serait prêt à vendre sa propre famille. pour une meilleure offre!
And that his life with his family was some temporary bandage on a permanent wound.
Sa vie de famille n'était... qu'un bandage provisoire sur une blessure inguérissable.
You were traumatized by what Dafoe and his cabal did to your family, and I'll testify to that.
Tu étais traumatisé par ce que Dafoe et son complot ont fait à ta famille, et j'attesterai ça.
Guess the old man's still riled at how me and her shamed his family.
J'suppose que son vieux est toujours énervé qu'elle et moi on a fait honte à sa famille.
- Okay. Well, Bodaway and his crew, they're gonna be a threat to you and your family until they see your sister dead.
Eh bien, Bodaway et son gang, resteront une menace pour vous et votre famille jusqu'à qu'il voit votre sœur morte.
and his family. What's your name again?
Quel est votre nom?
He showed you his overwhelming fear of the Farr family and his HOPELESS dependence upon them.
Il vous a montré sa peur écrasante de la famille Farr et sa dépendance désespérée envers eux.
'His girlfriend is vulnerable'and there are care proceedings in the family court for his daughter.'
Sa petite amie est fragile et une procédure a été ouverte au tribunal des affaires familiales pour sa fille.
You know, Maslow's hierarchy of needs tells us that in order for Travis to access his own creativity, he must first have a sense of belonging, and if his family's not giving him that, he would be driven to seek out a surrogate family, you know?
La Pyramide des besoins de Maslow nous dit que pour que Travis ait accès à sa créativité, il doit d'abord avoir un sentiment d'appartenance, et si sa famille ne lui apportait pas ça, il a pu aller en chercher une de substitution.
He said that if I hurt his family, he would do the same to my wife and my daughter.
Il a dit que si je touchais à sa famille il ferait de même à ma femme et à ma file
"Dempsey sent over two of his gorillas- - " an Irishman, and a Cuban on loan from some Havana mob family. "
Dempsey m'envoya deux de ses sbires... un Irlandais et un Cubain prêté par quelque clan de la Havane.
And so when he made his pitch, you, wanting to rehabilitate your family name, cooperated.
Il vous a vendu le truc, et vous avez coopéré pour laver l'honneur de la famille.
Right, but in the alternate universe, he must've taken the job and moved his family.
Bien, mais dans l'autre univers, il a pris le job et quitté sa famille.
Ade, Navid has spent the last two years looking after his family, running a studio and dealing with his uncle.
Navid a passé deux ans à s'occuper de sa famille, faire tourner le studio, et s'occuper de son oncle.
And who knows what was going on with his family, with his wife, with his kids.
Et qui sait ce qui se passait avec sa famille, Avec sa femme, ses enfants
and his brother 20
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his father 24
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his daughter 27
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his father 24
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his daughter 27
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26