And his friend translate French
1,993 parallel translation
There's this guy, Eddie, and his friend, Leonard.
Il y a ce gars, Eddie, et son ami, Leonard.
Lisa, this is my sarcastic son Dan and his friend Sarah.
Lisa, voici mon fils sarcastique Dan et son amie Sarah.
Well, i came out here On my break to have a smoke, And that guy was on the ground, and his friend said- -
Je suis sorti fumer une cigarette pendant ma pause, et il y avait cet homme par terre, et son ami a dit...
This is Mrs Cooper, Simon and his friend Will are ill, goodbye.
C'est Mme Cooper, Simon et son ami Will sont malades, au revoir.
Him and his friend Diego gave everyone a hard time.
Il y avait son ami Diego qui faisait chier tout le monde.
Yesterday, Dodge said him and his friend, Roger, played dress-up and made funny faces at each other.
Hier, Dodge disait que lui et son ami Roger, s'étaient déguisés et se faisaient des grimaces.
I'm a doctor, and his friend Dom is in bad shape.
Je suis médecin, et son ami Dom est mal en point.
Minkov's reaming my ass in legal technicalities, and Barry Stone is gonna lose his shit if he doesn't see his old friend, Doug.
Minkov me harcèle avec des détails juridiques, et Barry Stone va piquer une crise s'il voit pas son vieux pote Doug.
I've killed a man who used to be his friend, and now I'm out there every day slowly killing another man... who used to be his friend, in order to catch another guy... who used to be his friend.
J'ai tué un homme qui était son ami. Je suis en train de tuer lentement un autre homme qui était son ami pour attraper un autre homme qui était aussi son ami.
You tell him that you're his friend, and that you're going to help him, and that everything's gonna be all right.
Tu lui dis que tu es son ami, que tu vas l'aider et que tout va bien se passer.
The mother and the friend of his eight - - brothers and sisters sat in a hospital bed I gues I guess the mother was living with my father at the time.
Dieu merci, c'était vite expédié, j'étais vite essoufflé. Ma mère et huit de ses amies, mon frère, ma sœur, ils m'entouraient tous à l'hôpital. Ma mère devait vivre avec mon père à l'époque.
You killed my friend and his family and that makes you a murderer.
Vous avez tué mon ami et sa famille, vous êtes un assassin.
- The boy next door. His oldest friend. And closest.
- Le fils des voisins,... son meilleur ami, jusqu'au jour où...
No, and he thought his best friend was real.
Non, et il croyait avoir un vrai ami.
So, Leela, I understand your friend here is a physician, and I'm not seeing a ring on his claw.
Alors, Leela, ton ami ici présent est médecin, et je ne vois pas d'anneau à sa pince.
And to top it off, his friend just died in combat.
Et de plus, son ami vient de mourir au combat.
- And we found his best friend.
- On a trouvé son meilleur ami.
He'll be nice and loopy and happy to see his old friend Sergei.
Il sera gentil et joyeux et content de retrouver son pote Sergei.
And it took the death of his best friend to realize sometimes strength comes to us all.
Il a fallu que son meilleur ami meure pour comprendre que c'est en nous que se cache la force.
My friend says Serena told him some story about you, and he's on his way to fill me in, unless you want to do that first?
Mon ami dit que Serena lui a raconté des histoires sur toi et qu'il va me les raconter, à moins que tu veuilles le faire avant?
Emerson Cod had lied to his best friend and mother about two things.
Emerson Cod avait menti à sa meilleure amie et mère sur deux choses...
He founded My Best Friend, Inc., and found, among his frescorts,
Il fonda Mon Meilleur Ami S.A., et trouva, parmi ses amiscorts,
He's my friend and interlocutor, but I changed his voice.
C'est lui mon ami et mon intervenant, mais j'ai changé sa voix.
Dwight Dixon was visiting the dead daughter of his dead friend... and found her coffin... empty.
Dwight Dixon rendait visite à la fille morte de son ami mort... et trouva son cercueil... vide.
I moved in with my gay friend, Daniel, and his little boyfriend.
J'habite chez Daniel, mon ami gay, et son petit ami.
And after he made it, his friend yells out to him, "How did you do it?"
Une fois arrivé, son ami lui hurle : "Comment as-tu fais?"
I ask him... I asked him if he goes outside during recess, and he said that he hardly does, except maybe with Malcolm, his one barely friend.
Je lui ai demandé s'il sortait pendant la récré, il m'a répondu : " Presque jamais,
Friend of his came by this morning. A girl he carpools with saw the door open and the blood.
Une copine de covoiturage est passée, a vu la porte ouverte et le sang.
"Gus is survived by his best friend Shawn Spencer and 12 cats."
"Gus laisse son meilleur ami Shawn Spencer et douze chats."
And his supposedly psychic friend.
Y compris ce Guster. Et son soi-disant ami médium.
He never imagined that when his friend, Heather, said she needed help on her homework, she wanted to get drunk and have sex.
Il n'avait jamais imaginé que quand son amie, Heather Dreeban, disait qu'elle avait besoin d'aide pour son devoir, qu'elle voulait en réalité se saouler et avoir des rapports.
To Subway... with Chuck and his little bearded friend.
Avec Chuck et son petit copain barbu.
Just having a lovely chat with Anwar and his, um, new friend.
Je papotais avec Anwar et sa... nouvelle amie.
And him, with his hands in his pockets it's Maël, my best friend.
Et lui, les mains dans les poches, c'est Maël, mon meilleur ami.
Me, my friend, and his aunt.
Moi, mon pote et sa tante.
You know, Brooke, Owen's my friend, and I know he's really into you, but... he's just kind of always been about his independence, too, you know?
Tu sais, Brooke, Owen est mon ami, et je sais qu'il tient vraiment à toi, mais... il a toujours beaucoup tenu à son indépendance, tu sais?
I left my best friend for dead, and then I stole his wife.
J'ai laissé mon meilleur ami pour mort, et je lui ai pris sa femme.
Yeah, he's a friend of mine, and you guys came across his work because he's a member of the PIF.
Oui, c'est un ami, et vous, vous interrompez son travail parce qu'il est membre du FIP.
With the help of his good friend Zhou Qingquan, the wounded lp Man successfully fled Fo Shan with his wife and son.
Avec l'aide de son bon ami zhou Qingquan, L'homme lp blessés fui succès fo shan avec sa femme et son fils.
That's a somewhat milder version of what your killer did to his friend, and I gotta tell you, Brenda, I am so sick
C'est une version moins violente de ce que ton meurtrier a fait à son ami, et je dois dire, Brenda, que j'en ai marre
He and his little pathetic friend Jason were...
Son pitoyable copain Jason et lui...
I know I didn't do it by the book, but the book doesn't cover this, and I'm his friend.
Je sais que ce n'est pas réglementaire, mais ces situations ne sont pas prévues, et je suis son ami.
Answer's no. You just killed your friend and his family.
Tu viens de tuer ton ami et sa famille.
My best friend is locked up in a loony bin, wearing gloves because he blew up his own hands and he feels sorry for me.
Mon meilleur ami est enfermé dans un asile de fous, il porte des gants parce qu'il a brûlé ses propres mains et il est désolé pour moi.
He's pissed because his best friend sexually assaulted three marine privates, and I'm the bad guy'cause I put him away.
Il est en colère car son meilleur ami a agressé sexuellement 3 soldats, C'est moi la méchante car je l'ai mis en prison.
When I say go, you, Astro, will ask Peter a question I will flip this switch, which will stimulate our naked friend's brain and Peter, you will hear his response.
À mon signal, Astro, vous poserez une question à Peter. J'appuierai sur l'interrupteur qui stimulera le cerveau de notre ami nu et Peter, tu entendras sa réponse. Des questions?
I tried to talk to Toby and be his friend, but that is like trying to be friends with an evil... snail.
J'ai essayé de parler à Toby et d'être son ami, mais ça revient à essayer d'être ami avec un... escargot maléfique.
We've been going together for nearly 3 years, and he still introduces me as his friend.
On est ensemble depuis près de 3 ans et il me présente toujours comme une amie.
If you're not prepared to do the time don't pretend to do the crime and laugh and get free drinks and not stand up for your friend who, incidentally, has been in plenty of fights with his brothers.
Si tu ne peux à assumer les conséquences ne prétends pas avoir commis le crime et ne ris pas et refuse des verres gratos et défends ton ami qui, au passage, a été dans pas mal de bagarres avec ses frères.
It's just, Noser's my best friend, and he's in really big trouble with his entitled tool of a landlord.
Il a de gros ennuis avec son petit con de proprio. - Pip?
And the Supreme Court of the United States has always, always stood up for the little guy as they did for Oliver Brown a black man who fought for his third-grade daughter to go to the same school as her best friend who was white.
Et la Cour Suprême des États-Unis... a toujours défendu les petits gars. Comme pour Oliver Brown, un Noir luttant pour que sa fille... puisse aller à la même école élémentaire que sa meilleure amie qui était blanche.
and his friends 16
and his brother 20
and his mother 31
and his father 24
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his daughter 27
and his family 18
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26
and his brother 20
and his mother 31
and his father 24
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his daughter 27
and his family 18
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26
and his son 20
his friend 45
his friends 61
friends 2160
friend 1938
friendly 281
friendship 155
friends with benefits 24
friends forever 21
friends and family 37
his friend 45
his friends 61
friends 2160
friend 1938
friendly 281
friendship 155
friends with benefits 24
friends forever 21
friends and family 37