And his father translate French
4,238 parallel translation
Of course, I've got to kill everyone you know, starting with your boyfriend and his father.
Bien sûr, je devrais tuer tout ceux que tu connais, en commençant par ton petit ami et son père.
And his father ran the organization before him and his father before him, et cetera, et cetera.
Y su padre dirigía la organización antes que él y su padre antes que él et ainsi de suite. etcetera...
- and his father - Mm-hmm. and their friend Carl Weathers.
- et son père - hum mm et leur ami Carl Weathers.
And to teach me humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about wearing that proud lion that was my father's sigil and his father's before him.
Et pour m'apprendre l'humilite, les dieux m'ont condamne à te regarder te dandiner en arborant ce fier lion qui etait l'emblème de mon père et de son père avant lui.
To me and his father he's the apple of our eye.
Son père et moi l'avons élevé comme la prunelle de nos yeux.
- And his father served with me in the Illinois state legislature.
- Son père et moi avons servi ensemble à l'assemblée législative de l'Illinois.
And animals, and his father is useless.
Et il me revient cher, son père est inutile.
Then uncle Dario killed his wife and then himself and my father died of a broken heart two years later.
- Tous les documents que cet idiot gardait sur ses activités d'usurier, prouvant son implication avec le clan des Cuffaro.
I'm his father's lawyer and he asked me to... Who's his father? Michele Strangio, the President of the Province.
- Mon client n'en est pas à son coup d'essai, concernant les incivilités.
But he has time to call his son and tell him to join him at the Hotel Vulcano in Naples. Let's see if I've got it. At the Hotel Vulcano, when he arrives from Rome, Giovanni finds his father who tells him what happened and persuades him to help him.
Il se dit qu'en cas extrême, ce peignoir pourrait le sauver, et quand il réalise que les avocats que papa lui a promis ne sont pas là quand il en a besoin, il nous met la puce à l'oreille en évoquant le peignoir.
He's unable to refuse his adoptive father and agrees.
C'est une copie de l'enregistrement que m'a donné Zito.
You think that he sees the world as this cold, dark place, and he cares about nobody but a very few people on a shortlist. His son, his father, Rosalyn and you. And you think you're on the top of that list.
Vous pensez qu'il voit le monde comme quelque chose de froid et sombre et qu'il se fiche du monde entier, mis à part juste quelques personnes sur une courte liste, son fils, son père, Rosalyn et vous et vous croyez être la première de la liste.
His father had emigrated from Italy and had stoked coal.
Son père avait émigré d'Italie et travaillait dans le charbon.
Managed to take five AP classes while working on his father's reindeer farm and starting and running a shelter for homeless sled dogs.
Il a suivi cinq cours avancés tout en travaillant à la ferme de son père et en gérant un refuge pour les chiens de traîneau abandonnés.
His brother is out of favor... and this could be an attempt to cast himself as a possible successor to his father.
Son frère n'est plus aimé. Il essaie peut-être de devenir le successeur de son père.
If a boy has had the courage to abandon his old father and not write to him once in 59 days, he's not likely to write on the 60th.
D'abord, quand un garçon a eu le courage d'abandonner son vieux père, et de ne pas lui écrire une seule fois depuis 59 jours, il n'y a guère de chance pour qu'il lui écrive le 60e.
I'd stay single... and raise my child until his father comes back.
D'élever mon enfant par le travail, en attendant que son père revienne.
And how did Panisse become a father at his age?
Et comment Panisse a pu devenir père à son âge?
My mother's a lesbian, and my father has had his penis in your mom.
Ma mère est lesbienne et mon père a mis son pénis dans ta mère.
My father wrestled courageously with his flora and tree type guides.
Mon père s'est débattu courageusement avec ses guides sur les fleurs et les arbres.
every night in his setting room father took off his boots and muttering some cryptic statements after raising glass of whiskey upto his lips precisely every 45 seconds.
Tous les soirs, dans son salon, papa retirait ses bottes et marmonnait une phrase énigmatique après avoir porté un whisky à ses lèvres précisément toutes les 45 secondes.
Father was so impressed. He took off his hat and slapped it on my brother's head.
Papa était tellement impressionné qu'il lui avait posé son chapeau sur la tête.
My father has always been sure of what is right. Now he has been assailed by doubt and scrabbles for hidden gold under the rotting boards of his own floor.
Même mon père, qui était si sûr de savoir ce qui est bien et juste, se met à douter et cherche l'or sous sa pauvre terre, alors qu'il n'existe que dans sa pauvre tête, pas dans les murs
His real father left and started a new family.
Son vrai père est parti et a refait sa vie.
But my father kept his office and continued his research.
Mais mon père gardait son bureau et continuait ses recherches.
And it was last night that you told me that it is many years since your father abandoned his experiments with the hydrotherapy.
Vous m'avez dit hier soir qu'il avait abandonné depuis longtemps ses expériences d'hydrothérapie.
But even without her name, he knew his only chance with her was to be a real producer, and that meant getting a signature from a father whose face he hadn't seen in ages.
Mais même sans son nom, il savait que sa seule chance avec elle était d'être un vrai producteur et ça voulait dire obtenir la signature d'un père qu'il n'avait pas revu depuis des siècles.
And so, with his father's rights in hand,
Ensuite, avec les droits de son père en mains,
J.B.J., a weekend weatherman, all-week party boy and a huge disappointment to his father.
J.B.J., présentateur météo le week-end, fêtard tout le temps et une énorme déception pour son père.
Why must Father tear up the advertisement his children have made, and throw it in the fireplace?
Pourquoi le père déchire-t-il l'annonce que ses enfants ont faite et la jette-t-il dans le feu?
And I think that that is just the bare minimum that a son can expect from his father, don't you?
Je pense que c'est le strict minimum qu'un fils peut attendre de son père, pas vrai?
You begged me not to send Theon to negotiate with his father and I ignored your advice.
Vous m'avez supplier de ne pas envoyer Theon pour négocier avec son père et j'ai ignoré votre conseil.
His father and I were in the men's room at a Patriots game...
Son père et moi étions aux WC à un match des Patriots...
I imagined Alceste was forced by his father to ride a horse. He fell, and ever since he's limped.
Donc je me suis dit que Alceste avait été forcé par son père à monter à cheval, qu'il était tombé et qu'il boitait depuis.
He's turning 14, and he needs his father.
Il va avoir 14 ans et il a besoin de son père.
Oh, he was a most handsome and most courteous young man, who his father cherished dearly, and whom he also cherished.
Oh! Un fort beau et fort courtois jeune homme, que son père chérissait fort et auquel il le rendait bien.
Ram has just returned and is already having differences with his father.
Ram vient de rentrer et déjà avoir des différences avec son père.
He has detailed knowledge of communications between his father and significant people, known and unknown, in Istanbul, Berlin and in Pakistan.
Il a une connaissance approfondie des communications entre son père et des gens influents, connus et inconnus, à Istanbul, à Berlin et au Pakistan.
And until this court confirms that he will remain anonymous, he's refusing to reveal key pieces of information that he's gathered from his father's computer files.
Et tant que cette cour ne confirmera pas qu'il peut demeurer dans l'anonymat, il refuse de révéler des renseignements essentiels qu'il a recueillis des dossiers de son père.
And, presumably, if it were to be revealed in open court that Emir informed on his father and worse, that he's now in a position to provide the Security Services with invaluable information, there is a strong probability that his life would be in danger?
Vraisemblablement, s'il était révélé en audience publique qu'Emir a informé son père et pire, qu'il est maintenant en position de fournir au service de sécurité une information de très grande valeur, il y a une forte probabilité que sa vie soit en danger?
I believe his testimony will expose the malpractice and incompetence of the Security Service, and demonstrate that his father was nothing more than a pawn in the hands of Ml5, who used him to snare genuine terrorists in an operation that went tragically
Je crois que son témoignage exposera la faute professionnelle et l'incompétence du service de sécurité, et démontrera que son père n'était qu'un pion dans les mains du MI5, qui l'a utilisé pour piéger de véritables terroristes
A father rips a child from his home, from everything he knows and tosses him into the claws of his worst enemy.
Un père qui éloigne un enfant de sa maison, de tout ce qu'il sait et le jette dans les griffes de son pire ennemi.
If he is stingy as his father, we suggest a green and yellow logo - - With a sunflower or a butterfly on. It is by the book.
- S'il est niais comme son père, on fera un logo vert et jaune et on colle un tournesol ou un papillon.
O Lord, Holy Father, almighty and eternal God, expel the devil and his kin from this person, from the head, from the hair, from the brain, from the brow, from the ears, from the nostrils,
Seigneur, saint Père, Dieu éternel et tout-puissant, bannis le diable et ses cohortes hors de cet homme, de sa tête, de ses cheveux, de son cerveau, de son front, de ses oreilles, de ses narines, de sa bouche, de sous sa langue,
He has set out not only to play the roles that made his father and brothers famous, but to bring to the stage a new style of acting, an in-the-moment naturalism and realism all his own.
Il désirait non seulement interpréter les rôles qui ont rendu son père et ses frères célèbres, mais d'apporter au théâtre un nouveau jeu d'acteur, un réalisme et un naturalisme sur le vif qui n'appartiennent qu'à lui.
My sister and his nurse are endeavoring to compose my father to sleep now.
Ma sœur et son infirmier tentent de faire dormir mon père.
On Friday, my mother saw my father in Pollsmoor Prison and obtained his answer to President Botha's offer of conditional release.
Ce vendredi, ma mère a rencontré mon père à la prison de Pollsmoor, et elle est repartie avec sa réponse au président Botha qui lui propose une libération sous condition.
My father would labour 14 hours a day till his hands were raw, risking life and limb, fighting the merciless sea, all to put food on the table, a roof over our heads, warmth in our stove.
Mon père travaillait 14 heures par jour, jusqu'à ce qu'il ait les mains à vif, risquant sa santé et sa vie à combattre la mer impitoyable. Tout ça pour mettre à manger sur la table, un toit sur nos têtes, de la chaleur dans le poêle.
I mean, there were widows everywhere after the war and your father chose to walk out on me and his young son.
Il y avait des veuves partout après la guerre et ton père a choisi de me fuir moi et son fils.
Just imagine : father is so weak that he asked his sons come and see him.
En tout cas s'il appelle ses fils chez lui, c'est qu'il s'affaiblit, notre papa.
The biggest gift my father has given me is the example he's set by donating his time and talents to others in need.
Le plus grand cadeau que mon père m'ait donné c'est l'exemple de donner son temps et ses talents aux personnes dans le besoin.
and his brother 20
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his daughter 27
and his family 18
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his daughter 27
and his family 18
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26
and his son 20
his father 174
father 10424
fathers 85
father of the year 25
father and son 35
father brown 114
father christmas 18
father jack 19
father beocca 17
his father 174
father 10424
fathers 85
father of the year 25
father and son 35
father brown 114
father christmas 18
father jack 19
father beocca 17
father quinn 28
father abbot 27
father crilly 18
and happy birthday 27
and how old are you 36
and here 683
and here you go 26
and hopefully 74
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
father abbot 27
father crilly 18
and happy birthday 27
and how old are you 36
and here 683
and here you go 26
and hopefully 74
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and how are you 102
and here they come 18
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and how are you 102
and here they come 18
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and him 200
and honey 21
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and here's why 34
and he's 185
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and him 200
and honey 21
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and here's why 34
and he's 185