As your attorney translate French
175 parallel translation
But speaking as your attorney...?
Mais étant votre conseiller...
As your attorney, i could take certain steps - hello, rex.
En tant qu'avocat, je pourrais... - Bonjour Rex. - Ellen.
As your attorney, I think you've made a bad deal.
En tant qu'avocat, c'est un mauvais marché.
Lance, as your attorney, I recommend some sort of agreement.
Je vous conseille de consentir à un arrangement.
Then, six hours later, designate me as your attorney.
6 h après, désignez-moi comme avocat.
As your friend and as well as your attorney I took the liberty of suggesting what I consider a sensible bequeath
En tant qu'ami et aussi en tant qu'avocat, je me suis permis de te suggérer de faire un legs.
As your attorney, I suggest that you just take it a little easy
Je te conseille de ralentir
Because as your attorney, I'm trying to be honest with you.
Je suis votre avocat, j'essaie d'être franc avec vous.
I have to tell you, Frank, as your attorney, there's nothing I can do.
En tant que votre avocat, je ne peux rien faire.
Have you affirmed Mr. Scoville as your attorney?
Avez-vous confirmé que Me Scoville est votre avocat?
As your attorney, I advise you to leave this room at once.
Étant ton avocat, je te conseille de quitter cette pièce sur-le-champ.
You mean, you employ Mr. Baker as your attorney but you can't walk down the street with him?
Alors, M. Baker est votre avocat... mais vous ne pouvez pas marcher ensemble?
Ben, as your attorney, your friend, and your brother,
Ben, en tant que ton avocat, ton ami, et ton frère,
Haven't you appointed me as your attorney?
Vous m'avez choisi.
Excuse me, but as your attorney, I've got to know.
Pardon. Je suis ton avocat, je dois savoir.
As I should, as your attorney.
Ce qui est normal, étant votre avocat.
Has your attorney explained that this plea has the same effect as a guilty verdict by a jury?
Votre avocate vous a-t-elle expliqué que cette plaidoirie aura le même effet qu'un verdict de culpabilité?
As your attorney, you have to trust me.
Fais confiance à ton avocat.
As your attorney, I think this is very ill-advised.
Votre avocate vous le déconseille vivement.
As your attorney, I advise you to rent a very fast car with no top.
En tant qu'avocat, je te conseille de louer un bolide décapotable.
Well, as your attorney, I advise you to buy a motorcycle.
En tant qu'avocat, je te conseille d'acheter une moto.
As your attorney, I advise you to drive at top speed.
Écoute ton avocat, fonce.
As your attorney, I advise you to drive over to the Tropicana... and pick up on Guy Lombardo. He's in the Blue Room with his Royal Canadians.
En tant qu'avocat, je te conseille d'aller au Tropicana te faire le show de Guy Lombardo et ses Canadiens Royaux.
As your attorney, I advise you to take a hit out of the little brown bottle... in my shaving kit.
En tant qu'avocat, je te conseille de boire un coup au flacon marron dans ma trousse de toilette.
As your attorney, it gives me great pleasure to inform you that you are now the largest manufacturer of buffalo feed in the entire Southwest.
j'ai l'honneur d'être l'avocat du plus gros producteur de fourrage de tout le sud-ouest. redites-moi ça.
Your Honor, District Attorney Wade intended to make the closing address himself, but as you know, he is in the midst of his campaign for governor.
Monsieur le juge, le procureur Wade voulait prononcer le dernier réquisitoire, mais comme vous le savez, il fait campagne pour être élu gouverneur.
As counsel for these defendants, Your Honor ladies and gentlemen of the jury I must point out that my clients are not on trial for treason against any philosophy of government as our esteemed district attorney seems to think.
Comme avocat de la défense, je dois faire observer à la cour et aux jurés que mes clients ne sont pas jugés pour trahison d'une idéologie, comme notre estimé procureur le croit.
Your wife and her attorney were here and they gave their testimony as to your negligence.
Votre femme et son avocat sont venus témoigner de votre négligence.
I honor your position as an attorney...
Je respecte votre position d'avocat.
In your experience as an attorney, would this not indicate premeditation?
Selon votre expérience, cela ne révèle-t-il pas... - la préméditation?
Would Your Honor kindly explain to the jury that since the district attorney ´ s put me in the position of a witness that I am committed, as the defense attorney, to cross examine myself?
Votre Honneur pourrait-elle expliquer aux jurés... que puisque le procureur m'a fait appeler en tant que témoin... je peux faire un contre-interrogatoire de ma propre personne?
I think you should talk to a psychiatrist about him... and consult an attorney on your rights as his wife.
A mon avis, va consulter un docteur. Et un avocat. Tu sauras à quoi t'en tenir.
- Because, as I've tried to explain to you, the district attorney pre-empted him for Bruce King. Your interests are adverse.
- Comme je vous l'ai dit, le procureur a accordé l'assistance judiciaire à Bruce King.
Now, if your attorney tries to defend on that basis, you won't have a chance.
Si ton avocat base ta défense sur cela, tu n'as aucune chance.
As your ex-attorney, I advise you not to worry.
Étant ton ex-avocat, je te conseille de ne pas t'inquiéter.
This is finally it, folks, my last year as your district attorney.
Nous y voilà les amis, c'est ma dernière année en tant que procureur général.
Your first case as an Assistant District Attorney began with my phone call at 3 : 05 a.m.
Votre première affaire en tant que vice-procureur a commencé avec mon appel à 3h05 du matin.
You might like to bring along Leland Palmer as your attorney.
Vous devriez être accompagné de Leland Palmer, en tant que votre avocat
You've given me notjust the power of attorney but the blank paper of your destiny on which I can write the history of your downfall as and when I like.
Vous ne m'avez donné une simple procuration mais le papier blanc de votre destiné sur laquelle vous avez signé votre chute comme je l'aime.
You gotta know what you're talking about first. You do your homework, jailhouse lawyer... can make as much as any mid-level attorney on the street.
Quand il est futé, un conseiller taulard gagne comme un petit avocat.
Mr Hillard, since you've determined to act as your own attorney, you are entitled to make a closing statement at this time.
M. Hillard, puisque vous avez décidé d'assurer votre propre défense, vous avez maintenant le droit de prendre la parole.
Therefore, in my capacity as attorney, I beg Your Honor to irrevocably and completely suspend this unjustifiable and unfounded action, according to the law.
En suite de quoi, Votre Honneur, je demande en ma qualité de mandataire, l'annulation définitive et sans appel de cette action injustifiée et indéfendable selon les dispositions en vigueur.
Mr. Bryce, as you probably know from your attorney, the condition of a plea bargain is that you recite the facts of your crime.
Comme vous devez le savoir par votre avocat, les conditions d'une négociation de peine exigent un récit de votre crime.
Mrs. Sutphin, I have no legal choice... but to let you take over as your own attorney.
Madame, juridiquement, je ne puis que vous laisser assurer votre propre défense.
As Gotham's new district attorney I can't allow your pet nut to run loose in my city.
En tant que procureur de Gotham, je ne peux tolérer que Batman circule tranquillement dans ma ville.
Mr. Young, I will be acting as your defense attorney.
Je suis chargé de vous défendre.
Lf, by chance, an arresting officer pocketed this evidence, and it is not returned, then even an attorney as good as I am cannot ensure your wellbeing.
Si jamais un des policiers l'avait prise et qu'elle ne soit pas rendue même un bon avocat comme moi ne saurait vous sauver.
As district attorney, I have worked hard for this city... to repair the faith, the belief and the leadership... of your elected officials.
En tant que procureur, j'ai oeuvré pour cette ville, lui rendant confiance dans les élus.
We at the U.S. Attorney's Office, as well as my colleagues here in the FBI... were about to move in on your tired asses... when Theo decided to kill you.
Nous, au bureau du procureur, et mes collègues du FBI... on était sur le point d'aller t'épingler... quand Théo a décidé de te tuer.
We're in trouble as your mom is charging by the Attorney General
Le procureur poursuit ta mère. C'est très ennuyeux.
As your district attorney, I'm making it my top priority to outlaw splicing completely.
En tant que procureur, ma nouvelle priorite sera de bannir l'animalisation.
as your friend 86
as your doctor 24
as your father 16
as your lawyer 31
as your husband 16
as your maker 19
as your boss 21
attorney 223
attorneys 22
attorney general 30
as your doctor 24
as your father 16
as your lawyer 31
as your husband 16
as your maker 19
as your boss 21
attorney 223
attorneys 22
attorney general 30
attorney's office 65
attorney at law 40
as you wish 846
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you were 223
as you want 26
attorney at law 40
as you wish 846
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you were 223
as you want 26
as you say 390
as you like 91
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as you may recall 29
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as you are aware 22
as you command 52
as you can tell 29
as you may recall 29
as you probably know 36
as you may have noticed 26
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as you said 191
as you well know 135
as you are 36
as you do 33
as you please 44
as you call it 56
as you 43
as you put it 48
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as you are 36
as you do 33
as you please 44
as you call it 56
as you 43
as you put it 48