Better yet translate French
955 parallel translation
Better yet.
Encore mieux.
Better yet, say I got sleeping sickness.
Que j'ai la maladie du sommeil.
Are you feeling better yet?
Bien remis?
Better yet, take a look at him.
Encore mieux, regardez-le.
Better yet that you ´ re impressed with the lad...
Heureusement que ce garçon vous fait déjà meilleure impression.
Or better yet, marry you right away.
Encore mieux, t'épouser immédiatement.
Better yet, two beautiful moves.
Au contraire, deux jeux précieux.
Better yet, go and find him.
Ou plutôt, allez donc le chercher.
Or better yet, a boy and two girls.
Encore mieux, un garçon et deux filles.
Better yet, I could call the press.
Encore mieux, je pourrais appeler la presse.
Or better yet, why don't you come out and see for yourself.
J'ai une meilleure idée, venez-voir par vous-même.
well, that's better yet.
C'est encore mieux!
- On film, it'll be better yet.
Ce sera encore mieux.
If not, better yet.
Et sinon, tant mieux!
Or better yet, stay where you are.
Ou alors, non, restez où vous êtes.
Better yet, why don't we meet for a late-afternoon drink, put our heads together?
Encore mieux. Prenons un verre ensemble. Pour en perler.
Better yet, do like she say.
Fais ce que je dis... ou plutôt... ce qu'elle dit.
Better yet, I'll fire you.
Ou mieux, je te fous á la porte.
Is Mommy better yet, Daddy?
Est-ce que maman va mieux?
Better yet, shall I tell them about you?
Ou, mieux encore, de toi?
of better yet, when we get to a tilling station.
Ou mieux, à Ia station service.
Better yet, why don't you bring it up.
Ou, plutôt, si vous me l'apportiez?
Better, better yet, please cast me aside.
"Ne te détruis pas " en m'épousant.
Better yet...
Ou plutôt...
Better yet, get him back here and I'll tell...
Ou mieux...
Or better yet, public need.
Un besoin du public, même.
- Or better yet... let them try me for...!
- Ou mieux, que je sois jugée pour...
Better yet... Take this!
Mieux encore... prenez ceci!
Better yet, to our association.
Mieux, à notre alliance.
Because it's the son of the bolognese industrialist who took it, the friend of Ren? , or better yet, the undersigned.
Car c'est le fils de l'industriel bolonais qui l'a pris, l'ami de René, ou mieux, le soussigné.
He just hasn't found his groove yet. He'll do better.
Quand il aura trouvé ses marques, ça ira mieux.
You might, from your appearance, be the wife of Lucifer yet you shall not get the better of me.
Vous pourriez être la femme de Lucifer, cela ne changerait rien.
Yet whatever you attempt, you do so much better than we who've been here for years.
Vous faites toujours mieux que nous qui sommes là depuis des années.
You better phone the Palace Hotel from outside and see if the Duke has checked in yet, huh?
Téléphone à l'hôtel Palace depuis l'extérieur. Vois si Duke est déjà arrivé.
I just thought maybe if you weren't asleep yet, you'd better have it.
Comme vous n'êtes pas endormie, j'ai pensé vous la donner.
You haven't seen me dance yet. My foot's all better now. Watch me.
Vous ne m'avez pas vu danser!
I don't think you'd better go yet.
Je ne pense pas que vous deviez y aller.
Mr. Kitchener will get the better of you yet!
M. Kitchener s'occupera de vous!
Maybe I better hold on to this for a little while yet.
Je le garde, finalement.
No man ever got the better of me... yet.
Jamais personne ne m'a pris en défaut... - pour l'instant. - Pas même une femme?
I am myself indifferent honest, but yet I could accuse me of such things... that it were better my mother had not borne me.
Moi, je n'aurais jamais dû être enfanté...
Better days are yet to come.
De meilleurs jours restent à venir.
No, not yet. Come along, darling. Better have the old one glazed.
Fais plutôt lustrer le vieux.
Why don't you use your own place, or better yet - no temper, please.
Modère tes propos!
It's better not to tell anything to the boys yet.
Mieux vaut ne rien dire encore aux gars.
- And in the second place... the woman has yet to be born who doesn't in her heart believe... she'll make her husband a much better wife than he has any possible right to expect.
Et il n'existe pas de femme qui ne pense être une bien meilleure épouse que son mari ne le mérite.
I never yet saw better sport.
Quel sport palpitant!
- He hasn't read the script yet. - I better go back...
Il n'a même pas lu la pièce.
Your sheep ain't out of the woods yet, mate. If we get through, you're gonna be hearing from us. You better shove off now.
Tes moutons ne sont pas encore sauvés, mais ils n'oublient pas.
We got a long way to go yet. The quicker you get going the better.
Ce n'est pas encore gagné, vous devez être prêts au plus vite.
Not yet, and that's why you'd better get out of this bed.
Pas encore. Tu ferais mieux de sortir de là,
yet here we are 31
yet somehow 19
yet here you are 18
yet again 70
yet here i am 23
better 1689
bette 147
better safe than sorry 106
better watch out 24
better than sex 19
yet somehow 19
yet here you are 18
yet again 70
yet here i am 23
better 1689
bette 147
better safe than sorry 106
better watch out 24
better than sex 19
better luck next time 114
better than me 42
better than ever 45
better you than me 22
better late than never 142
better than what 22
better than nothing 32
better than good 18
better than you 74
better than anyone 25
better than me 42
better than ever 45
better you than me 22
better late than never 142
better than what 22
better than nothing 32
better than good 18
better than you 74
better than anyone 25