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But he's fine translate French

547 parallel translation
but the women are not going crazy because of his fine six-pack. The central reason is Hallyu - because Korean Dramas exist, he is receiving love. As per one book which is written by one expert of the Korean broadcasting system, even if young people in Vietnam don't know the name of their Chief Secretary of the Communist party, it's said that there is nothing they don't know about Hallyu star Jang Dong Geon.
54 ) } 시원 24 ) } THE FRENCH
I'm not saying it because the lad's mine, but he's a fine boy.
Je dis ça impartialement, pas parce que c'est mon enfant. Mon enfant, c'est un beau petit.
But suppose he doesn't? A fine thing!
Mais s'il ne le fait pas?
Plenty of fine stuff in him. Can't help but be. He's Isabel Amberson's son.
C'est certain, puisqu il est le fils d'Isabelle
Oh, we've cut each other for 27 years. But he's a fine teacher. None better.
Nous sommes brouillés depuis 27 ans mais c'est un excellent pédagogue.
For who is he, whose chin is but enriched... with one appearing hair, that will not follow these culled and choice-drawn... cavaliers to France?
Qui est celui dont le menton s'enrichit, ne serait-ce que d'un poil, qui ne voudrait pas suivre cette fine troupe de cavaliers jusqu'en France?
You may be a fine rider, but The Pie would know your heart's not in it. He'd know you don't believe.
Flan saurait que le coeur n'y est pas, que vous ne croyez pas en lui.
Then he paid a visit to the kitchen, had a row with the chef, enraged, he relinquished the Crown, but after all tempered justice with mercy and now he is running along the Royal road checking that everything is fine.
Ensuite il est allé dans la cuisine, s'est querellé avec le cuisinier, en colère il a tout de suite abdiqué. Mais ensuite il est passé de la colère à la bienveillance, et maintenant, il court sur le chemin vers le palais, et vérifie si tout est prêt pour le bal.
But I'd be glad for Frank... because he's a fine man. And because he's innocent.
Mais je serais heureux pour Frank, parce qu'il est un brave homme... et parce qu'il est innocent.
Your father's a very fine man, But what you may not happen to know is that he's not in love with me.
Ton père est charmant, mais il n'est pas amoureux de moi.
We'd say, "He's a fine man, but he's not very good."
- Nous disions "c'est un brave homme, mais pas bien fort".
He's fine for a ride on a roller coaster, but I'm tired of it.
On s'amuse bien avec lui, mais j'ai eu ma dose.
He's daffy at times, but he sets a fine table and gave me this excellent cigar.
Il est parfois loufoque, mais il sait recevoir et il m'a donné ce cigare.
Sure, he needed you, and it was good, a fine dream, but it's over with, done, finished.
C'est vrai, il avait besoin de toi, et c'était un joli rêve, mais c'est terminé, à présent. C'est fini.
Oh, he's fine now, but what he's gonna feel like in the morning.
Maintenant, ça va. Mais demain matin il sera malade, j'espère.
But he's a very fine boy, a very reliable gypsy, most of the time.
Mais c'est un garçon très bien, un gitan sérieux, la plupart du temps.
I thought he was arrogant But he's fine.
Je pensais qu'il était arrogant mais c'est quelqu'un de bien.
But my boss old J.B. Jeffries, he's got a fine swimming pool right here in town.
Mais mon patron, M. Jeffries, possède une belle piscine, chez lui, en ville.
Steve's a little rough, but he's a fine boy.
Il est un peu rude. Mais c'est un bon gars.
He's fine, Doc, but do come in... because I'm going to make some black coffee for Clay.
Il va bien, mais entrez, je vais faire du café bien fort pour Clay.
He'll go to Buenos Aires, but that's fine.
Il nous emmènera à Buenos Aires, il est en excellent état.
You have to ask him hard hard questions. but be careful because he's diabolically cunning. fine. we'll ask you a question that we've already put to your colleague Singuzzi.
Faites-lui des questions très difficiles. Il doit tomber! Certaines questions pièges...
He's wounded but doing fine.
Il est blessé mais ça va.
- Then everything's fine! - But he left again!
Mais il est reparti!
He pulled a muscle during the reaction, but otherwise he's feeling fine.
Le sérum est efficace. Il s'est froissé un muscle, mais il va bien.
He can always play Romeo with his fine clothes, but he's nothing but a thief, a liar.
Il peut toujours faire le joli cœur avec son bel habit, mais c'est rien qu'un voleur, un menteur.
- He wants to do good. - [Man # 3] His program's fine overall, but he doesn't understand us. - He'll never understand us.
C'est son programme... mais il ne nous comprendra jamais.
- Be quiet! Fine, but you're acting strange. You say he's in Grenoble when he's not.
- Tu me dis qu'il est à Grenoble, moi, je le vois à Annecy, alors, je m'étonne.
Well, fine, marvelous, but, I mean, I think he's asking you to swallow quite a bit, don't you?
- Formidable. Mais là, c'est quand même quelque chose.
He may have been a fine samurai before, but... now he's nothing compared to me, Banemon of the Konos.
Vous nous faites marcher. Je pensais que vous auriez ces 100 ryo. C'est une grosse plaisanterie!
- Do you mean that he's a - - But a fine doctor. And a great nurse.
Si vous voulez bien m'excuser, j'ai rendez-vous avec Tuttle pour déjeuner.
See, my dog had a little operation, and the vet was kind of upset because I had to leave him there, but he's just fine, he's moving around.
M. Clayton! Je viens juste de voir M. Berozski.
He's fine, but you should see the other guy.
On est tombés sur un yakuza fort comme un boeuf.
He doesn't own it, remember, but it's a splendid villa... with a fine view of the village... and the village jail.
Elle n'est pas à lui, cette belle villa qui donne sur le village... et sur la prison!
But he's fine.
Vous savez, la sieste.
Fine, go with him. But bring him back as soon as he's done.
Bien, accompagne-le.
Air is fine, but oxygen.... lf he's on wall oxygen, tell me how many liters of flow.
De l'air, d'accord, mais pour l'oxygène... S'il est branché sur oxygène, le débit est de combien?
I know I may not win out because, though I pretend I can't stand Felix I know he's a fine man and he'd make a good husband. But I know one thing. I love you.
Vous me direz peut-être non... parce que, même si je n'aime pas Felix... je sais que c'est un homme bien et qu'il ferait un bon mari... mais je sais aussi que je vous aime.
And I think Bobby's doing a fine job with the ranch but he could be a big help down in Austin.
s'il y avait une merde de cheval dans la grange. Ouais, il y en a.
I have no more information, but it's possible he bailed out and he's fine.
Je n'ai pas d'autres détails. Il se peut qu'il ait pu sauter de l'avion.
He's in the hospital. He's done to a turn, but he'll be fine.
Il a pris du plomb dans l'aile, mais ça ira.
WEll, he's in an incubator right noW, but he's going to be fine.
Il est dans un incubateur, mais tout va bien.
He's fine as an errand boy, but now I'll make him do the really dirty work.
Il est bien pour faire le joli cœur, mais bientôt, je vais lui coller le sale boulot.
Well, he certainly didn't become prime minister on account of his looks, but he's a fine speaker.
Il n'est pas beau, mais bon orateur.
Maybe a little crispy around the paws, but otherwise he's fine.
Il a peut-être les pattes un peu grillées, mais sinon tout va bien.
"He's hard as nails on the outside, " but a real fine Southern gentleman underneath.
Il est dur comme des clous à l'extérieur... mais c'est un vrai gentleman du Sud à l'intérieur.
They know he's a thief, but the fraud is a technical fine line.
ils savent qu'il vole. Mais la fraude n'est pas évidente.
Now, he just had a little bit of Mrs. Bundy's cooking, and he's in the bathroom, bent over, but he's going to be fine.
Il a goûté à la cuisine de Mme Bundy et il est dans la salle de bain, penché sur les toilettes, mais il va se remettre.
But you said he`s doing fine.
Mais vous avez dit qu'il allait bien.
It's fine, but he don't wanna hear it from a secretary.
Je conseille de vendre, mais lui n'écoutera jamais une secrétaire.
He's absolutely fine, sir, but...
Y pète le feu mais...

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