But here we are translate French
1,145 parallel translation
But here we are, after all. I take it all back.
Mais le voilà enfin.
I did not believe in it, but here we are.
Je n'y croyais pas, mais nous y voilà.
I know it is, but here we are.
Je sais, je sais. Mais nous voilà!
Father, I know this will sound a little strange, but here we are alone, at night in a taxi, and it's a little embarrassing, but I would like to confess.
Mon révérend... Ça va vous paraître bizarre, mais on est seuls dans ce taxi et je voudrais me confesser.
We open tomorrow, we've only had two weeks rehearsal, we don't know where we are, but here we are.
On est la veille de la première, mais on est là... on est sur le coup. - C'est vrai, chou.
What we had was so special... but here we are.
Notre amour n'était pas comme les autres. Mais... voilà où on en est arrivés.
But here we are, still, in an alley, asking questions with no answers.
Mais nous voilà toujours dans cette allée, à nous poser des questions sans obtenir de réponses.
You may lose a guy who did five rape-murders... ... but here we are staking out some asshole... ... so burnt-out on crack he thinks he's Doris Day.
On ratera peut-être notre violeur... mais on coincera cette ordure qui fume tellement de crack... qu'il se prend pour Doris Day.
But, we are talking about religious fanatics here
Mais c'est vous-même qui avez parlé de fanatisme religieux et d'intolérance.
But our lives are worthless if we don't get out of here.
Mais nos vies valent bien la peine que nous prenions ce risque.
But, sir, we are all accomplices here.
Monsieur, nous sommes tous complices, ici.
But if she was here I'm sure she'd be saying just what we're saying now : These are the best burgers this side of heaven.
Mais si elle était ici, je suis sûr qu'elle penserait que ce sont les meilleurs burgers de ce côté-ci du paradis.
But here, we are all a bit strange.
Mais ici, on est tous un peu étranges.
No one here wants a war, Captain but we are prepared to take them on if that is what they want.
Personne ici ne veut la guerre. Mais nous sommes prêts à nous battre.
But, Homer, how long are we supposed to sit here... and listen to you bad-mouth us to the Man Upstairs?
Combien de temps tu vas déblatérer sur nous avec le voisin du dessus?
But we are the world here
On est dans un autre monde, ici.
But we are here, Also, to forgive
On tue. On commet l'adultére.
Not to be too dramatic. but these are all statements of alleged maltreatment that we have collected over our time here. And. um...
J'ai ici des témoignages de personnes ayant subi des mauvais traitements que nous avons recueillis pendant notre séjour.
But here below the shield we are protected and safe.
Mais sous le bouclier, nous sommes protégés et en sécurité.
But Mr. Merrick... we are very discreet here, as you know.
Mais M. Merrick... nous sommes très discrets ici, comme vous le savez.
What are you saying happened here? We don't know. But the woman has access to a gun.
On vérifie toujours nos preuves avant de témoigner.
I don't mean to alarm anyone, but we shall be slain if we are caught here.
Je ne veux inquiéter personne, mais on nous tuera si on nous trouve ici.
I know I'm the new guy here and it's not my place to speak up, but what are we doing?
Je sais que je suis nouveau et que ce n'est pas à moi de parler, mais que fait-on ici?
Our monitors are pointed at deep space, but the messages we intercepted, that Briggs showed you, were sent from right here in these woods.
Nos moniteurs sont pointés sur l'espace, mais les messages interceptés, Que Briggs vous a montrés, Viennent de cet endroit dans les bois.
I hope you don't mind us dropping in like this, but when I heard the Enterprise was to be in this sector we took the first transport and here we are.
J'espère que tu ne nous en voudras pas, mais sachant que l'Enterprise était dans le secteur on a pris le premier vaisseau et nous voilà.
There is death in the air here, but we are not talking about it.
La mort flotte dans l'air, ici, mais on n'en parle pas.
Y our parents are on the way... but we will have to keep you here in the Chemical Dependency Unit overnight.
Vos parents vont bientôt arriver, mais nous devrons vous garder cette nuit dans le service d'addictologie.
There are plenty of you here, but we've only got two spots to fill.
Nous n'avons besoin que de deux ramasseurs.
But the fact remains, here we are, there is no freighter.
Le fait est, il n'y a pas de cargo.
But if they are not here, there is very little we can do.
Mais si elles ne sont pas présentes, nous ne pouvons pas faire grand chose.
We're not here to prove that god exists, but we are here to prove That a being just as invisible and yet just as present exists.
Si nous n'avons pas à prouver l'existence de Dieu... nous devons prouver qu'un être, aussi invisible... et présent, existe!
You know, it is better to give than to receive. But because you don't want us to stay here, we are not able to buy.
Vous savez, c'est plus sain de donner que de recevoir puisque vous voulez pas que nous restions et bien nous sommes pas en mesure de nous acquitter.
You may have noticed, but things are not going well down here. We believe we can help.
Nous croyons pouvoir aider.
But while you are here, you're welcome to everything we have.
Tant que vous êtes ici, vous pouvez tout partager avec nous.
I hate suits who are here when they want something, but if we need help they're nowhere to be found.
Je hais ces pingouins!
Leroy, I want to be on the air for all to see split screen we have here, using not only the cameras who are here at Hill Media but also those with you in the trenches.
Leroy, je tiens à être à l'antenne pour que tous voient l'écran partagé que nous avons ici, en utilisant non seulement les caméras qui sont ici à la colline Media, mais aussi celles qui sont avec vous dans les tranchées.
Indeed, they are, your ladyship, but we never sit in here after dinner.
en effet, elles le sont, votre Grâce, mais nous ne nous asseyons jamais ici après dîner.
Granted, I'm stuck in Medlab most of the time and granted, I'm usually the last to know anything around here and granted, we've all been busy lately but could someone please tell me what the hell these Shadows are?
Il est vrai que je suis bloqué à Medlab la plupart du temps... que je suis le dernier informé sur ce qui se passe... et que nous avons tous été très occupés... mais qui peut me dire ce que sont les Ombres, bon sang!
Face it, Professor, we are all tiptoeing around this great, big ego-trip of yours but the fact is, things are not so bad here.
Je vous croyais mort vous aussi. Je viens te faire un cadeau.
Face it, Professor, we are all tiptoeing around this great, big ego-trip of yours but the fact is, things are not so bad here.
Au centre, les capitaines attendent le lancé.
We have to be prepared for trouble. I realize that, but while the Cardassians are here I want the Bajorans to get used to seeing them walking on the Promenade... buying from their shops, eating from their restaurants... getting to know them as something other than brutal overseers.
Pendant leur séjour ici, je veux que les Bajorans s'habituent à les voir sur la Promenade, dans leurs restaurants, et qu'ils apprennent à voir en eux autre chose que des brutes étrangères.
This is obviously very difficult, but we are not here to debate history.
C'est une situation difficile, mais inutile de débattre l'histoire.
Here we are. My research on 20th century Earth is a little thin, but I've done what I can.
Mes connaissances sur le 20e siècle terrien sont limitées, mais j'ai fait de mon mieux.
I know that you've suffered much because I've never had time to be with you, but now we are here, the two of us together, and we can do all we wanted. What we never did...
Je sais que t'as beaucoup souffert car j'ai jamais eu le temps d'être avec toi, mais maintenant nous sommes ici tous les deux et on pourra faire ce qu'on voulait et qu'on a jamais fait...
Look, it's your career, Zane, and I will support any decision that you make but if we are gonna make it we've gotta take care of our problems here on planet Earth.
Il s'agit de ta carrière et je soutiendrai ta décision. Mais si on veut y arriver, on doit régler nos problèmes sur terre.
I don't know how you do things up in Buckley town but down here we are protective of the other drivers on the roads.
Je connais pas vos méthodes, mais nous, nous protégeons les usagers de la route.
I probably won't be able to take it, but are we going to get out of here?
Je ne le supporterai peut-être pas... On va s'en sortir?
We'd love to, but my parents are here.
Ce serait super, mais mes parents sont lá.
We are the happy ones, not only to be here tonight, but for the beautiful hindquarter of pork you sent us.
Nous sommes heureuses, non seulement d'être ici, mais pour le jambon que vous nous avez envoyé.
But... The trick is, get used to the idea why are we here, cause...
Mais... le tout c'est de se faire à cette idée tant qu'on est là.
But if they changed history, why are we still here?
Pourquoi existons-nous encore?
but here's the thing 247
but here's the problem 16
but here it is 16
but here i am 78
but here you are 88
but here goes 21
but here's the deal 31
but here 306
but here's the good news 17
here we are 2264
but here's the problem 16
but here it is 16
but here i am 78
but here you are 88
but here goes 21
but here's the deal 31
but here 306
but here's the good news 17
here we are 2264
here we are now 19
here we are again 79
we are going 52
we are not the same 19
we are family 66
we are friends 99
we are 2563
we are free 37
we are together 51
we are brothers 40
here we are again 79
we are going 52
we are not the same 19
we are family 66
we are friends 99
we are 2563
we are free 37
we are together 51
we are brothers 40
we are coming 52
we are fucked 33
we are ready 99
we are done 75
we aren't 48
we are leaving 66
we are a family 40
we are who we are 38
we are a team 39
we are back 37
we are fucked 33
we are ready 99
we are done 75
we aren't 48
we are leaving 66
we are a family 40
we are who we are 38
we are a team 39
we are back 37