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But you're fine translate French

697 parallel translation
Fine, I'II go too but you're not going to blackmail me
- Moi aussi, je vais en faire, si tu veux, mais tu me feras pas chanter.
That was a very fine speech of yours but I know as well as everybody else here that you're really only getting at me.
Beau discours, mais je sais comme tout le monde ici que vous tentez de vous en prendre à moi.
Well if you're all officers, we won't mention any names, but in comes your fine captain drink as a pig... and orders 3 bottles of champagne... then he lifts up one leg like this and brings it down on my piano and starts to play it with his boot.
Un officier. On ne cite pas de nom, mais votre capitaine entre, soûl, iI commande du champagne. II lève une jambe,
It's poor victuals for fine folks but it's all we've got, and you're welcome to it.
Nous vous l'offrons de grand cœur.
- I'm fine, but you're in trouble.
- Bien, mais vous avez des ennuis.
You're acting your part fine, but I'm a bad audience.
Vous jouez bien votre rôle, mais je ne suis pas bon public.
Strictly speaking, you're liable to a fine but as senior warden, you'll hear no more about it.
Vous méritez une amende... mais comme c'est vous, vous n'en entendrez plus parler.
You're a fine boy, but I'm just not in love with you.
Tu es un gentil garçon, mais je ne suis pas amoureuse de toi.
But basically you're fine.
Mais vraiment tu as l'air bien.
You're fine and strong, but you're just sensitive... that's all.
Tu es intelligent et fort, mais tu es aussi sensible, c'est tout.
Why, that's fine, but you've got to audition for us if you're going to work for us.
Dans ce cas, il faut qu'on vous auditionne.
- You're underweight, but you look fine. - I feel fine.
Vous êtes dans une forme olympique!
Fine, I don't know in two hours, but you're not until for another half hour!
Alors vous ne commencez pas avant une demi-heure.
- Yes, sir. - You're a fine doctor but you've a lot to learn about the army.
- Vous êtes un bon médecin... mais vous ignorez tout de l'armée.
In a few days when you're better, you'll see your little girl. But I feel just fine.
On attend que vous alliez mieux.
You're early, but that's fine. Come in.
Tu es en avance, mais ça ne fait rien, entre!
- Fine, but... you're not supposed to talk now, so...
- Beau, mais... Vous n'êtes pas supposé parler maintenant, alors...
But it's not true! You're looking fine.
Mais ce n'est pas vrai, tu as bonne mine.
You got a little overemotional, but you're fine now.
Vous vous êtes un peu emportée, mais ça va aller.
We're still terribly busy, but Doctor said to tell you... that Mrs. Zellaby's fine.
La mère se porte très bien, M. Zellaby.
- Father. You're a very fine lawyer but you're paying me nothing to handle the case, so, please let me handle it.
Vous êtes un très bon avocat, mais vous ne me payez pas, alors laissez-moi m'en occuper.
You're a nigger, weighing almost a ton, but you have fine feelings and a delicate spirit...
Tu es noire, tu pèses près d'une tonne, mais tu as du sentiment et l'âme délicate.
Watch out! Everything's fine as long as you're healthy. But when you're sick...
Quand on a la santé, ça va bien, mais quand on l'a plus, la maladie, c'est quelque chose.
Just fine. But you're too skinny.
Eddie, tu es trop maigre.
Yeah, thank you for your kind fuss and for your fudge... but we're doing just fine.
Merci pour vos bonnes intentions et pour le chocolat, mais nous n'avons pas besoin d'aide.
You're a fine doctor. You know what you're doing. But you only have one pair of eyes.
Tu es un bon médecin, à toi de juger mais tu n'as que deux yeux.
You're a fine sea dog, captain, but it seems to me that the Battledore could well do with a woman's hand at the helm.
Vous êtes un excellent loup de mer, Capitaine, mais le Battledore pourrait très bien fonctionner avec une femme aux commandes.
- OK. But that's a fine thing for people to see, like you're praying to a fella.
Vous aviez l'air malin, à prier devant moi.
But as you can see for yourself, they're fine.
Mais ils ne s'en portent pas moins bien.
You're doing fine, but don't lean that way. Just...
Ne vous penchez pas par là.
Jamaica, you'd have made a fine skipper but you're short on guile.
Il faut y aller cette nuit à une heure. PIKE : Tu aurais fait un bon capitaine, mais tu manques de ruse.
Ah, but it'll be fine I promise you just pretend you're working on a role, right down to the props
Tout ira bien. Je te le promets. Fais comme si c'était un rôle, tu auras les accessoires.
Thank you but we're fine here.
Merci, mais on est bien ici.
Oh, you're good, kind, fine people for saying that but I can see it.
Oh, vous êtes si bons, gentils, vous êtes des gens bien pour dire ça. Mais je peux la voir.
- Be quiet! Fine, but you're acting strange. You say he's in Grenoble when he's not.
- Tu me dis qu'il est à Grenoble, moi, je le vois à Annecy, alors, je m'étonne.
But you've got a cast iron alibi too. If they don't get me you're fine.
Tu as un alibi en béton, toi aussi, tant qu'on ne m'attrape pas.
You may have been a fine samurai before, but now you're just a hired hand.
Avant, t'étais peut-être respectable mais maintenant, t'es un mercenaire.
When you went off to war, they said you were fine and intelligent But now you're mad, because because you sing like the birds, you chase after butterflies and...
Quand tu es parti à la guerre, tu avais tous tes esprits.
Fine, the kids! But you're here, six months later, still thinking about her.
D'accord... mais tu penses encore à elle au bout de six mois.
But you're a fine person.
Mais tu es quelqu'un de bien.
I don't know how you're gonna feel about this, but... Walker thinks that you'd make a fine governor in this state.
Je ne sais pas ce que vous allez en penser mais Walker dit que vous feriez un excellent gouverneur pour cet état.
You're fine on the outside, but nothing inside.
L'apparence, rien de plus.
Yeah, well, you say you're fine, but me, I'd like another opinion because I'm not too anxious to move to Eastbridge and after four months there, be told by my sweet wife we got to move again
Il se trouve que je ne suis pas d'accord. Si on s'installe à Eastbridge, qui me dit que ma femme ne voudra pas partir parce qu'elle n'aime pas la netteté de ses voisines?
- But you're fine.
Mais vous n'avez rien.
But don't forget we have to... pa pa bap pa parababap bap
But don t forget we have to... Keep your style... you re just fine...
You're a very fine person, Mr. Baggins. And I'm very fond of you but you're only quite a little fellow in a wide world, after all.
Tu es une personne admirable, Bilbo Baggins, et je t'aime bien... mais tu es une toute petite personne au sein du vaste monde.
She's fine, but you're great, too.
- Elle est bien, mais toi aussi.
- But you're fine, Cindy.
Tu ne risques rien. Tu parles!
But, really, you're fine.
Mais franchement, ça va.
A drink is fine, but after that, you're on your own.
cun verre, d'accord, mais aprés je te laisse seul.
Well nobody with such a fine fiery color as you're blessed with Mr. Wilson. But then I suppose it's only worth your while to put yourself out of the way for sake of a few hundred pounds.
Mais c'est sans doute inutile de vous importuner pour une histoire de 200 £.

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