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But you weren't there translate French

203 parallel translation
But I don't know. I always figured that if you weren't scared, there was nothing to be brave about.
J'ai toujours pensé que sans peur, il n'y a pas de quoi être courageux.
Made it to the relief point, but you weren't there, sir.
Nous avons gagné le point de relève mais vous n'y étiez pas.
But there's a child dead in that house who might be alive if it weren't for you.
Un enfant est mort dans cette maison qui serait peut-être encore en vie sans vous.
But there hasn't a day you weren't with me... or a night... on patrol, or ashore... in town or pushing some kids through the jungle with... a baby in my arms.
Pas un jour je n'ai cessé de penser à toi... ni une nuit... en mer ou à terre... ou quand, dans la jungle, je tenais... un bébé dans les bras.
I went down to the canteen, but you weren't there.
Je suis allé à la cantine. Vous n'y étiez pas.
But you weren't there.
Mais vous n'y étiez pas.
But when I did make parole, you weren't there.
Mais quand j'ai eu ma libération conditionnelle, tu n'étais pas là.
So I caught the first plane to San Francisco, but... you weren't there.
J'ai pris le premier avion pour San Francisco, mais... tu n'étais pas là.
I know. It's difficult to understand... but, see, you weren't there, you didn't see him like I did, Sid.
Je sais que c'est dur à comprendre, mais tu ne l'as pas vu comme je l'ai vu.
By the way, You weren't married when you moved to Edo as a salesman, and you had many women while you were there, but how are you doing now?
Au fait, tu n'étais pas marié quand tu es venu faire commerce sur Edo, pourtant tu avais plein de femmes là-bas, et maintenant?
We went to the hotel, but you weren't there.
Tu n'étais pas à l'hôtel.
He tried to run on the water, the story goes but you weren't there to hold his hand!
Il voulut courir sur l'eau, mais tu ne lui as pas tenu la main.
I went to your room to tell you about it... but you weren't there, so I guessed you'd gone downstairs.
- Je suis venue t'avertir, mais tu n'étais pas là. J'ai pensé que tu étais descendu.
I don't know what you watched there, but you weren't watching here!
Mais ici, rien! Ne crie pas!
But if there is something, I'd just as soon you weren't around.
Mais s'il y a quelque chose. je préfère que tu n'y sois pas.
But you were there all the time, weren't you?
Mais vous étiez tout le temps là-bas, non?
- I phoned but you weren't there
- J'ai essayé d'appeler, mais vous étiez partie.
But how do you know that if you weren't there?
Mais comment le savez-vous?
Maybe it feels hot to you because you weren't there freezing your ass off... but I was!
Tu la trouves chaude, parce que tu ne gelais pas là comme moi.
But they didn't have a nice bamboo grove. And you weren't there.
Mais leur bambou était mauvais et tu n'étais pas là.
I passed your bus near the border, but when I got there you weren't on it.
J'ai dépassé le car, mais tu n'y étais plus.
I went back to look for you, but you weren't there.
Quand je suis revenu, tu avais disparu.
But you, weren't you there?
Vous n'étiez pas là?
I went to your house, but you weren't there then.
Je suis passée chez toi, mais tu n'étais pas là.
I wish you weren't under him. But you are, and that's that. There we are.
J'aimerais que vous ne soyez pas son subordonné, mais vous l'êtes, un point c'est tout.
But when you weren't there, it was the worst time of my life.
Mais tes absences, sont les pires de ma vie.
I made it very clear that you weren't home, but look, she's still there.
Je lui ai bien dit que vous n'y étiez pas, mais regardez, elle est encore là.
But you see... there weren't nothing wrong with me.
Oui monsieur. Mais vous voyez, il n'y avait rien qui clochait chez moi.
Jenny tried to bully us... into going over there for dinner tonight... but I said you weren't quite ready for it.
Jenny essayait de nous avoir à dîner chez elle ce soir... mais j'ai dit que tu n'étais pas encore prêt pour ça.
But that doesn't mean there weren't moments when I truly wanted you here.
Mais ce n'est pas pour autant que je ne te désirais pas.
Your car was there, but you weren't there.
Ta voiture était là mais pas toi.
Tu n'étais pas là-bas, tu n'en sais rien!
You say we could have won, but you weren't there.
Vous dites qu'on aurait pu gagner, vous n'étiez pas là.
- I was trying to reach you. I went by your house, but you weren't there.
Je t'ai cherchée jusque chez toi, sans succès.
Harry, in a month's time when you're at home all day and there's... nowt but dole coming in, at Ieast I can know that I did summat. It weren't much, but it were best I could do and at least it were summat.
Quand tu seras là toute la journée à attendre ton chômage, je me dirai que j'ai pas fait grand-chose mais que j'ai fait de mon mieux.
I came by your office today for lunch, but you weren't there.
Je suis passé à ton bureau à l'heure du déjeuner, mais tu n'étais pas là.
I have just been talking to you, but you weren't there.
J'étais en train de vous parler mais vous n'étiez pas là.
But supposing I put it to you That they weren't there?
Maintenant, supposez que je vous dise que la drogue n'y était pas?
Wanted... to see you... but you weren't there.
Voulais... te voir... mais tu n'étais pas là.
You weren't there the day your bomb dropped on her... but take a look.
Tu l'as pas vue prendre le coup sur la tête mais... regarde.
And I went back to the place in the mall... where you were before, but you weren't there.
Là oû vous étiez avant, mais vous n'y étiez plus.
Maybe you feel you weren't there for her that night. But you can be there for her now.
Peut-être pas ce soir-là, mais vous le pouvez maintenant.
Maybe, but I'd feel a hell of a lot better if you weren't out there alone.
Je me sentirais mieux si je ne vous savais pas seul.
When I died, I looked for you, but you weren't there.
Quand je suis mort, je t'ai cherchée, mais tu n'étais pas là.
We discussed that in last Tuesday's meeting, but you weren't there.
Nous avons discuté de cela mardi dernier, mais vous n'étiez pas là, non?
I tried to call you, but you weren't there.
J'ai appelé mais tu n'étais pas là.
You weren't driving, but it was your car... and you were there, Natalie!
- Mais c'était ta voiture! Tu étais là, Natalie.
Listen, he probably knew you'd end up nailing'the fat guy... maybe one or two more, but he had to know you weren't walking'out of there.
Il se doutait bien que tu descendrais le gros, et un ou deux de plus, mais il savait que tu n'en réchapperais pas.
I tried the other side but you weren't there either.
De l'autre côté, tu n'y étais pas non plus.
I came back home but you weren't there.
Quand je suis rentrée, tu n'étais pas là.
But you weren't there, commander, were you?
Mais vous n'étiez pas sur la piste pourtant.

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