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Butch and sundance translate French

125 parallel translation
You and me, it's like Butch and Sundance.
Toi et moi, c'est comme Butch et Sundance.
Butch and Sundance?
Butch et Sundance?
Butch and Sundance : The Early Years.
Les joyeux débuts de Butch Cassidy et le Kid.
Who's left? Butch and Sundance.
Butch et Sundance.
Like Butch and Sundance, Lewis and Clark, Lucy and Ethel.
Comme Butch et Sundance, Lewis et Clark, Lucy et Ethel.
You think Butch and Sundance live too?
Aussi vivant que Butch et le Kid?
Since kids, we was like Butch and Sundance.
On est Butch Cassidy et le Kid.
Butch and Sundance.
Butch, et Sundance.
- Like Butch and Sundance!
Vous avez vu Butch Cassidy et le Kid?
You guys are like Butch and Sundance peering over a cliff to the boulder-filled rapids 300 feet below thinking you better not jump because there's a chance you might drown.
Vous êtes comme Butch et Sundance... au bord d'une falaise de 100 m de haut... qui hésitent à sauter de peur de se noyer.
We were like Butch and Sundance! Oh, my God!
On aurait dit Bonnie Clyde!
We're sort of like the intellectual Butch and Sundance of the SGC.
On est la version intello de Butch Cassidy et du Kid.
Butch and Sundance got cornered and killed by the Bolivian army.
Butch et le Kid se sont fait piéger et tuer par l'armée bolivienne.
Butch and Sundance together again It'll be just like the old days.
Butch et Sundance réunis à nouveau. Ce sera comme dans le bon vieux temps
- Butch and Sundance. - You're the good-looking one.
Plus beau que moi. Snazzy!
Butch and Sundance, out in a blaze of glory. Hey, Vince.
Emportés après un coup d'éclat.
We'd be like Butch and Sundance, Bonnie and Clyde!
Les nouveaux Butch Cassidy et le Kid, Bonnie et Clyde!
I was thinking... we should be a team, you know? Not just during the escape, but after. Like, like butch and sundance.
Je me disais... on pourrait faire équipe.
Butch and sundance died.
- Butch et le Kid sont morts.
Me and you - Butch and Sundance!
Butch Cassidy et le Kid.
- Butch and Sundance, Eddie Fucci.
Eddie Fucci. - Qui?
Look, Perry, just because we had a couple of nice conversations and a few backyard beers last summer, it doesn't mean we're Butch and Sundance, all right?
Perry, ce n'est pas parce qu'on a eu quelques bonnes conversations et bu quelques bières ensemble l'été dernier qu'on est comme Butch et Sundance, d'accord?
That's so much worse than the ending of Butch and Sundance.
C'est pire que la fin du film.
Like Butch and Sundance.
Comme Butch et le Kid.
Not exactly the Butch and Sundance moment I was hoping for.
C'est pas le moment du film que je préfère.
Butch and Sundance, not Brokeback Mountain.
comme pour Butch Cassidy et le kid, pas le secret de Brokeback Mountain.
We're like a regular Butch and Sundance.
On ressemble vraiment à Butch ( Cassidy ) et Sundance ( son acolyte ).
We'll work together like Butch and Sundance. Right, kid?
On va travailler ensemble comme butch et sundance d'accord gamin?
This isn't a Butch and Sundance deal, taking off for Mexico.
Ce n'est pas une évasion à la "Butch et Sundance", de partir au Mexique.
Butch and Sundance went to Bolivia.
Butch et Sundance sont partis en Bolivie.
But what about Butch and Sundance?
- Que sont devenus Butch et Sundance?
Butch and Sundance build a wall.
Butch et Sundance construisent un mur.
Butch and Sundance my hole.
Butch et Sundance mes fesses.
Yeah, actually that's something I just do with my Dad. That whole Butch and Sundance thing.
- Ouais, mais c'est un truc entre mon père et moi, le truc de Butch et Sundance.
- Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
- Butch Cassidy et le Kid.
Yeah, we'll be like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, huh?
On sera comme Butch Cassidy et le Kid.
Like Butch and Sundance?
Comme Butch et le Kid.
There I was in the middle of an arbitration between two of my biggest clients... and I get pulled out because Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid here... want to pull a fast one. Now, I want an explanation.
J'étais en plein règlement de litiges avec deux de mes plus gros clients et je dois partir parce que Butch Cassidy et Sundance Kid veulent se tirer d'une mauvaise passe.
Wouldn't that have been great if Butch and Sundance...
Ça aurait été génial que Butch et le Kid s'embrassent, non?
Well, then they would've had more reason to shoot them, I suppose... if Butch and the Sundance Kid had kissed at the end.
C'était une raison de plus pour les abattre.
Back on Earth there were two train robbers in the North American West Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
Avant sur Terre, il y avait deux grands voleurs dans l'Ouest de l'Amérique du Nord : Butch Cassidy et Sundance Kid.
There was a rumor going around that William Goldman the screenwriter who had written Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid The Princess Bride, and a famous script doctor that he had written most of Good Will Hunting.
On a dit que William Goldman... le scenariste de Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid... The Princess Bride, un cale dans le metier... avait ecrit une grande partie de Good Will Hunting.
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
"Butch Cassidy et le Kid"...
Modern-day Butch Cassidy and Sundance.
Les nouveaux Butch Cassidy et Sundance!
Butch cassidy and the sundance kid. It's...
Butch Cassidy et le Kid.
Butch's last line before he and sundance Run out to face the bolivians.
La dernière réplique de Butch avant que lui et le Kid n'attaquent les Boliviens.
From Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
de Butch Cassidy et Billy le Kid.
Why do I keep seeing the ending of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid?
Pourquoi je revois la fin de Butch Cassidy et le Kid?
Psycho Butch and Sundance.
Butch le taré et Sundance.
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
Butch Cassidy et le Kid.
You've seen Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
Vous avez vu Butch Cassidy et le Kid?

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