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Butterfield translate French

178 parallel translation
He's painting a Mrs. Butterfield.
- Il peint une madame Butterfield.
Lucky I walked out on the Butterfields.
J'ai bien fait d'abandonner les Butterfield.
Oh, a very involved argument about La Butterfield's double chin.
Une dispute compliquée à propos du double menton de la Butterfield.
Up speaks Mr. Butterfield, and, uh...
Là, M. Butterfield prend la parole...
You did the right thing about the Butterfields.
Tu as bien réagi avec les Butterfield.
"Butterfield 8-2-0-8-5."
"Butterfield 82085."
Butterfield 84597.
Butterfield 84597.
Captain Butterfield, you're going back.
Capitaine, vous rentrez.
- Yes, to Butterfield, pal.
- Oui, par Butterfield.
Butterfield, 8-4-6.
Huit, quatre, six, Butterfield.
Operator, I've been trying to get Butterfield 8-3597 all morning.
J'essaie d'obtenir Butterfield 8-3597 depuis ce matin.
He's stopped the Butterfield stage from running he's stopped the U.S. mails from going through.
Il interdit toutes communications, civiles et militaires.
Maybe we save 600. Lieutenant Butterfield? In my opinion, sir, they sent this Nip over to suck us in.
Guet-apens peut-être mais ce Jap est sincère.
Oh, there's Mr. Judson, my librettist and Mr. Butterfield, my lyricist.
Oh, voici M. Judson, mon librettiste, et M. Butterfield, mon parolier.
Butterfield ". Razzmatazz's through.
Fini, la comédie.
This is Mr. Butterfield, whose work is not entirely unknown in the field of light verse.
M. Butterfield, dont le travail n'est pas totalement inconnu en poésie.
Here 81098 Butterfield.
Ici Butterfield 81098.
This is Ralph Hopkins, Butterfield 8-5598.
M. Hopkins à l'appareil.
Let me warn you. I'm Mr. Butterfield.
Je suis M. Butterfield, propriétaire de la ligne.
You see the Butterfield coach?
As-tu vu la diligence?
- This is Mr. Butterfield.
- M. Butterfield...
He used to drive the coach.
Il était au service de Butterfield.
Things come to a pass when the boss can't go to a man's funeral.
Je disais, M. Butterfield, qu'un patron se doit d'enterrer son employé.
As for your soul you'll have neither cooler nor hotter place than this.
La vôtre, M. Butterfield... manquera de fraîcheur où elle ira!
- Butterfield.
- Butterfield.
Butterfield isn't.
Le gros n'ira pas.
Butterfield's got some men downstairs. Go help him.
Va rejoindre Butterfield et ses hommes en bas.
Butterfield too.
Y compris Butterfield.
At five minutes to 3, Butterfield will walk out and leave you all alone.
A 3 heures moins 5, il t'abandonnera... et tu resteras tout seul.
Because Butterfield lost his gold shipment?
Parce que Butterfield a perdu son or?
Butterfield, I'm gonna take him out the back way.
Nous sortirons par derrière.
Here's some others who want to see you. Butterfield 8-9970!
J'ai le plaisir de vous présenter Butterfield 8-9-9-7-0.
Tu avais un peu des trois, vieux.
Paul Butterfield.
Paul Butterfield!
Thank you, Mr Butterfield, for a most enjoyable stay.
Merci, M. Butterfield, pour un séjour des plus agréables.
We need more chairs, Butterfield.
Nous avons besoin de plus de chaises, Butterfield.
( Woman ) Hello, Butterfield, you look well. ( Man ) Good evening.
( Femme ) Bonjour, Butterfield, vous regardez bien. ( Man ) Bonsoir.
Tell Mr Pinker I'm not at home, Butterfield.
Dire à M. Pinker Je ne suis pas à la maison, Butterfield.
You must get it before Butterfield goes to the post office.
Vous devez obtenir avant Butterfield se rend au bureau de poste.
I placed it on the hall table in the normal manner, but Butterfield unswervingly asserts that when he went to collect the letters, there was no parcel among them.
L posa sur la table salle de la manière normale, mais Butterfield affirme inébranlablement que quand il est allé chercher les lettres, n'y avait aucun colis entre eux.
Ever hear tell of Dan Butterfield?
Vous connaissez Dan Butterfield?
What, General Butterfield?
Le général?
Anyway, old Butterfield, he wrote a special call for this here brigade.
Bref, Butterfield a écrit une sonnerie pour cette brigade.
See, the call's like "Dan Butterfield."
Tu vois, c'est comme "Dan Butterfield."
Butterfield, he wrote a lot of bugle calls.
Butterfield, Il a écrit beaucoup de sonneries de clairons.
You ever hear "Butterfield's Lullaby"?
Tu as déjà entendu "Butterfield's Lullaby"?
Butterfield's what?
Butterfield quoi?
Jade Butterfield. Mmm.
Jade Butterfield.
Lieutenant Butterfield?
Butterfield, fit this overlay to the map I took off Makino, will you?
Ça s'éteint tout le temps ici!
Harry James, Max Kaminsky, Billy Butterfield...

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