Cleaners translate French
1,066 parallel translation
Sorry, old chap, you've forgotten the cardinal rule for window cleaners.
Désolé. Vous avez oublié la règle d'or des laveurs de vitres.
Maybe you sent it to the cleaners Oh, no It should be in the closet Where's that address book?
- Elle est peut-être à la blanchisserie. - Non. Où est mon carnet d'adresses?
- Not yet Make your call to the cleaners
- Pas encore. Appelle la blanchisserie.
Rodeo Cleaners? This is...
La blanchisserie Rodeo?
Now I am going to call the cleaners
Je vais appeler la blanchisserie.
We're safe as far as the dress is concerned It's at the cleaners
Tout va bien au niveau de la robe. Elle est à la blanchisserie.
[Door Opens ] [ Boy] Rodeo Cleaners
Blanchisserie Rodeo.
Well, she must've put it outside for the cleaners when she got back from the airport
Elle a dû la mettre dehors, dans le sac, en rentrant de l'aéroport.
She's gone off to Crete with the man from the dyers and cleaners.
Elle est partie en Crète avec le teinturier.
It's the cleaners.
Ici le pressing.
I took your suit to the cleaners. The woman kept finding money in all the pockets.
La vendeuse du pressing trouvait de l'argent dans tes poches.
It's 9 : 30 and the cleaners have been here for half an hour.
Les hommes de ménage sont là.
He's dreamt of me making bolts and vacuum cleaners.
Il rêve de me voir fabriquer des boulons et des aspirateurs.
I'm not gonna make vacuum cleaners.
Je ne fabriquerai pas d'aspirateurs.
- Like my business. I sell vacuum cleaners.
Je connais, je vends des aspirateurs.
- Oh, you do? You sell vacuum cleaners?
Des aspirateurs?
As a matter of fact, I had just brought my pants in to the cleaners and I was sort of angry with them because last time I asked them to sew a button on and they hadn't.
J'étais allé chez le teinturier et je rouspétais au sujet d'un bouton...
Here's the cleaners confirmation of returning the garment on Friday.
Le nettoyeur s'en est chargé dans la matinée.
Sandro thinks so too but he must wear that dark one at the moment. I had to send his grey coat to the cleaners. It was splattered with mud.
Sandro n'a pas vraiment le choix de porter le noir, j'ai envoyé le beige chez le teinturier, il était couvert de boue.
His wife hadn't threw it away or sent it to the cleaners.
Sa femme ne l'avait pas encore jetée ni emmenée chez le pressing.
The street-cleaners of the public conscience
C'est-à-dire, un balayeur de la conscience publique.
Hyme's Cleaners.
Teinturerie Hyme.
I still think it's a bit suspicious, your sending it to the cleaners.
Faire nettoyer tout si vite, c'est suspect.
We have the clothes which he found necessary to send to the cleaners in a hurry.
On a les vêtements qu'il a fait nettoyer d'urgence.
And, of course, have everything... sent to the cleaners immediately.
Tu vas immédiatement... tout envoyer au pressing.
The boss is gonna take me to the cleaners.
Le boss va me nettoyer.
Normally considered slow, he's incredibly fast as he wanders around, sweeping up, taking the defence to the cleaners.
Considéré comme lent, il peut être incroyablement rapide quand il s'agit de tromper les défenseurs.
They're always looking for cleaners nowadays.
Les femmes de ménage sont rares aujourd'hui.
I ´ m selling vacuum cleaners. Here ´ s the latest model...
Voici le dernier modèle des aspirateurs Brandisi.
The lottery ticket I found in your suit when I took it to the cleaners?
Le billet de loterie que j'ai trouvé dans ton costume en allant au pressing?
- l'm lucky my tuxedo's in the cleaners.
- Au moins mon smoking est au pressing.
- Blue blazer. It might need a trip to the cleaners.
Il faut peut-être le faire nettoyer.
Malcolm Pomeroy, Pomeroy Dry Cleaners.
Malcolm Pomeroy, du nettoyage à sec Pomeroy.
Oh, and just around the corner there's a supermarket and a cleaners.
Oh, il y a un supermarché et un pressing au coin.
The boss'll take him to the cleaners and he'll lose it all anyway.
Pas de problème. T'en fais pas, Paragulis lui repiquera tout son pognon.
One more time, I'll take you to the fucking cleaners!
Si tu continues, je te casse la gueule!
My tux didn't come back from the cleaners.
Mon smoking n'était pas prêt.
please. they line up to get into my dry cleaners.
Ils font bien la queue chez le teinturier.
Murder on Thursday... dry cleaners the next day.
Le meurtre le jeudi, le teinturier le lendemain...
Flrst they were welcomed as our cleaners, our Illegal workers. Now they are undeslrables who have lived In a church for months.
Venus pour être nos balayeurs... aujourd'hui indésirables... et retranchés pendant des mois dans une église.
Six months'worth of free dry cleaning at Ritz Cleaners!
Six mois de nettoyage à sec gratuit!
Darn thing looks like it was made out of... green pipe cleaners.
On dirait qu'il est fait de cure-pipes verts.
Whenever there was a lift problem, cleaners had been there the day before.
La veille de chaque accident, le service de nettoyage était passé.
It's at the cleaners.
Je l'ai donnée à nettoyer.
The victim killed in the dry cleaners, Mrs, ah, Haskel. What's her background? What do we know about her?
La femme tuée à la laverie, Mme Haskel, que sait-on sur elle?
The real question is, do they have dry cleaners there?
On ne sait pas s'il y a des teinturiers.
Can you send this to the cleaners for me? - Certainly, sir.
Faites-moi nettoyer ça!
- It's at the cleaners.
Tu le veux pour ce voyage?
- Cleaners.
- Oui.
The carpet cleaners?
Les shampouineurs de moquette?
All the rest of them are at the cleaners.
Les autres sont au pressing.
clean 572
cleaning 155
cleaner 43
cleaned 51
clean it up 100
clean up 73
clean clothes 16
clean sheets 28
clean it 35
clean yourself up 47
cleaning 155
cleaner 43
cleaned 51
clean it up 100
clean up 73
clean clothes 16
clean sheets 28
clean it 35
clean yourself up 47