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Translate.vc / English → French / [ C ] / Connell

Connell translate French

511 parallel translation
I'd have walked down the middle of O'Connell Street just to get a glimpse of the two of you.
J'aurais descendu la Grand-rue pour vous apercevoir.
And my name is Dave Connell.
Moi c'est Dave Connell.
Look Mr. Connell. I just can't aford to be without work.
M. Connel, je ne peux pas rester sans travail.
What are you doing? Get Connell at the Bullentin.
Appelez Connel au Bulletin.
Mr. Connell, one of those men is your John Doe.
Votre John Doe est là dehors.
When you're desparate for money, you'll do a lot of things Mr. Connell.
Il est prêt à tout pour de l'argent. C'est lui.
- Connell and Mitchell are at the house.
M. Connel et Miss Mitchell sont là.
- Why are you afraid of Connell?
Nous avons doublé nos ventes.
This is ridiculous Mr. Connell.
Mais enfin!
And from you Connell, I want a special John Doe edition everyday until the convention is over.
M. Connel, une édition spéciale doit couvrir la convention.
And Connell. I'd have the John Doe contract, and all the receipts and the money we advanced him and the letter from Miss Mitchell that I gave 1000 dollars for.
Connel, je voudrais le contrat de John Doe et le reçu des 1 000 $ signé par Miss Mitchell.
- How are you Mr. Connell.
Bonsoir, M. Connel.
- You must be wrong Mr. Connell.
Vous devez vous tromper.
What do you think about that? Me, hard-boiled Connell and I think it's terrific.
Moi, Connel le dur à cuire, je trouve que c'est formidable.
You tell the police to pick up Connell, I've got the girl here.
Que la police s'occupe de Connel.
- Hello Mr. Connell, have you seen him yet?
M. Connel, vous l'avez vu?
I've already mailed a copy of this letter to Mr. Connell.
M. Connel aura une copie de cette lettre.
Now this last question is a little irregular, Miss Connell.
Une question que je ne pose pas d'ordinaire.
- Miss Connell, it's dinner.
- Le dîner est servi, mademoiselle.
- Miss Connell?
- MIle Connell?
It seems we're dining by ourselves, Miss Connell. But I think I'll introduce you to everyone anyway.
Nous dînerons en tête-à-tête, mais je vais vous présenter la famille.
That's my chair, and this is Miss Connell, who is beautiful.
Voilà ma chaise. Celle de MIle Connell, qui est belle.
- Good night, Miss Connell.
- Bonne nuit, MIle Connell.
I've told you, Miss Connell, this is a sad place.
Je vous l'avais dit, cet endroit est triste.
If you'd only seen her, Miss Connell.
Si vous l'aviez seulement vue, MIle Connell.
And what's so alarming about the tower, Miss Connell?
Et qu'est-ce que cette tour a d'angoissant?
Please remember that, Miss Connell... particularly when some of the foolish people on the island... start regaling you with local legends.
MIle Connell, retenez bien. Surtout quand certains fous sur l'île vous régaleront de légendes indigènes, vous verrez que la superstition est contagieuse.
I can't tell you how glad I am to have you here, Miss Connell.
Comme je suis heureux de vous avoir.
But we have a more serious problem to deal with, Miss Connell.
Son état est grave.
Tell me, Miss Connell, do you consider yourself pretty?
Dites-moi, MIle Connell. Vous trouvez-vous jolie?
I really intended going out to the Fort and meeting you long before this.
J'avais l'intention de venir vous voir au Fort, MIle Connell.
He's a nice boy, too, Miss Connell... a very nice boy.
Il dit ça? Lui aussi est un bon garçon, un très bon garçon.
It's always stood there, Miss Connell.
Elle a toujours été là.
Miss Connell, I engaged you to take care of my wife, not my brother.
Je vous ai engagée pour vous occuper de ma femme, pas de mon frère.
What are you trying to do, impress Miss Connell?
Tu essaies de faire bonne impression?
Miss Connell... I think it will be better if I had Clement bring the rest of your dinner to your room.
MIle Connell, il vaudrait mieux que vous finissiez de dîner dans votre chambre.
Insulin shock treatment is an extreme measure, Paul... as Miss Connell pointed out when she suggested it to me, but...
Le traitement à l'insuline est exceptionnel, comme MIle Connell me l'a fait remarquer, mais...
Where have you been, Miss Connell?
Où étiez-vous, MIle Connell?
Bill O'Connell, a Rutgers graduate... had been employed in the Foreign Department of the Chase National Bank.
Bill O'Connell... avait travaillé en Europe... pour la Chase National Bank pendant deux années.
I'm your conducting officer. The name is Simpson. - Bill O'Connell.
Je suis le responsable de votre formation, Simpson.
- O'Connell didn't make any.
Lui n'a pas commis ïerreur.
O'Connell has been through it all before.
Il est déjø passé par lø.
- Colonel Van Duyvil, chief of Dutch Intelligence. Bill O'Connell.
Le chef des services secrets hollandais, Bill O'Connell.
Why did he engage a high-pressure editor like Connell for?
C'est un homme d'affaires.
- Get me Connell. - What was that? - What?
- J'ai vu passer quelque chose.
Not so much, that's it. - This is not the time for cheap publicity Mr. Connell.
Ce n'est pas le moment!
- Where's Connell?
If this hairy heathen resembles anybody... it's me wife's second brother Marcus V. O'Connell.
Elle ressemble à mon beau-frère.
He spent two years in the bank's European branches... then Hitler went on the march... and O'Connell returned to New York.
Puis, ø l'avènement ïHitler... il était retourné aux USA.
C'est O'Connell.
- He's in his quarters.
- O'Connell?

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