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Connelly translate French

330 parallel translation
Hey, Connelly.
Hé, Connelly.
Jerry Connelly, the priest from the parish.
Jerry Connolly. Le curé de la paroisse.
Look, next time you get down to the hideout... ... look at that old door. You'll see right next to my initials, "J.C." Jerry Connelly.
Dans la cachette, vous verrez les initiales "J.C." Prês des miennes.
Father Connelly, I'd like to help you. I really would.
Je voudrais vous aider, sincèrement.
Very well, Father Connelly, I'm with you.
Je suis avec vous.
This is the way I figure it. - Connelly is Rocky's pal, who's a priest.
Oui, mais c'est le meilleur ami de Rocky.
Is Father Connelly still there? I must talk to him. It's urgent.
Je dois parler au Pêre Connolly, c'est urgent.
I'm Father Connelly, an old friend of Rocky's.
Je suis le Pêre Connolly, un ami de Rocky.
Rocky, Father Connelly has received permission to be with you. He just arrived. You'll see him, won't you?
Le Pêre Connolly a obtenu la permission d'être près de vous.
Here's Father Connelly. Let's ask him.
Voilà le Pêre Connolly.
- Anything happen? - Connolly speared a line drive, a beaut.
Une action de Connelly, de toute beauté.
- Car 401. Connelly.
Voiture 401.
I'm Frank Connelly, ship's detective.
Frank Connolly, inspecteur du bateau.
- Mr. - Connelly.
- Connelly.
Oh, yes, Mr. Connelly.
Oui, M. Connelly.
Let me tell you about him, Mr. Connelly.
Laissez-moi vous parler de lui, M. Connelly.
But all the while he was accepting my hospitality, Mr. Connelly, what do you think he was doing behind my back?
Mais tout en acceptant mon hospitalité, M. Connelly... savez-vous ce qu'il faisait derrière mon dos?
And Denise Connelly? - Who?
- Et Denise Connelly?
I realize at Denise Connelly.
Je me rends chez Denise Connelly.
Governor Connelly was struck in the chest. Unconfirmed reports say the President was hit in the head.
Le gouverneur Connally a été touché à la poitrine et selon certaines sources le président a été touché à la tête.
- Petey Connelly.
- Petey Connelly.
Any questions, come to Petey Connelly or me.
Petey Connelly et moi on est là.
James R Hoffa, Robert Ciaro, Peter Connelly, et al, for bribery, fraud, conspiracy to commit same.
James R.Hoffa, Robert Ciaro, Peter Connelly et autres, pour corruption, détournement de fonds, complot d'escroquerie.
Mr. Connelly, did anyone except you hear this alleged conversation between the defendants and Mr. D'Allesandro?
M.Connelly, est-ce que quelqu'un d'autre que vous a entendu cette conversation entre les accusés et M.D'Allesandro?
A hunting license issued to Peter Connelly.
Un permis de chasse au nom de Peter Connelly.
Tell Mr. Connelly I'll be there soon. Apologize.
Appelle M. Carnegie pour lui dire que j'arrive.
That's OK, Connelly.
- C'est bon.
- Connelly.
- Connelly.
- ln here, Mrs. Connelly.
- Ici, Mme Connelly.
Seeing that married Miz Connelly over in Wylie.
Tu vois cette Mme Connelly, là-bas à Wylie.
- My name is Jeanette Connelly.
Jeanette Connelly.
Ms. Connelly expects the backlog should be cleared in a couple of hours.
Nous devrions avoir rattrapé le retard d'ici deux heures.
That's why I hired Jarod, Mr. Connelly. He will make your beer blast through America's TV's on Super Sunday.
Jarod fera exploser votre bière à la télévision américaine.
[Connelly] I like the sound of that.
Ca me plaît. Voilà ce à quoi on pense.
- Connelly.
I think you look great, Connelly.
Vous avez de la classe, Connelly.
- Connelly!
Mrs. Connelly?
Mme Connelly?
You're going to the Connelly Institute, where you will be on 24-hour watch.
Vous allez à l'hôpital Connelly. Vous y serez sous surveillance permanente.
- Do you have a cough, Mrs. Connelly?
- Vous êtes enrhumée?
- June Connelly?
- June Connelly?
- Mrs. Connelly.
- Mme Connelly.
- Mrs. Connelly?
- Mme Connelly?
I pleaded insanity, served 10 years in the Conley Institute.
J'ai plaidé l'insanité et j'ai fait 10 ans à l'lnstitut Connelly.
- Mr. Connelly? - Yes.
M. Connelly?
- No. Martin Connelly, assistant attorney general, says they're out of money.
Connelly dit que la caisse est vide.
I just brought it up because this assistant A.G., Martin Connelly when he left my office this morning, he turned and said :
J'y tiens parce que Martin Connelly... m'a dit en sortant de mon bureau :
Father Connelly, are you all right?
Ça va, Père Connolly?
Nice to know you.
Mme Connelly.
Reported missing by her next-door neighbor... along with her five-month-old son... Jeanette Connelly.
Jeanette Connelly.
- Hi, Mrs. Connelly.
Bonjour, madame.

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