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Get after him translate French

494 parallel translation
- Get under. Get after him.
- Rattrapez-Ie.
Get after him, now.
Allez le chercher!
Get after him! Hurry up! Get him!
Get after him! Hurry up!
Get after him! But if you have to shoot, do it!
Si vous devez tirer, n'hésitez pas.
too many Louis. Get after him!
- I'll get after him now.
- Je pars tout de suite.
- All right, boys, get after him.
Get after him, Billy.
Rattrapez-le, Billy.
Get after him, Sergeant.
Pourchassez-le, sergent.
- Let's stop jabbering and get after him!
Trêve de bavardages et en chasse!
Hurry! Get after him!
Allez, dépêchez-vous!
Rico tried to get him. Now they're after him.
Rico l'a raté, ils le coursent!
They've been after him six years and they've yet to get him.
Six ans qu'ils le surveillaient et ne qu'ils ne l'avaient toujours pas attrapé.
Then get up, get into your clothes and go after him.
Alors lève-toi, habille-toi et va le chercher.
Well, you could get the stewardess to look after him.
Une hôtesse pourrait s'en occuper.
When we get in touch with him... He'll put us on the track to find the man we're after.
Il nous dira où trouver l'homme qu'on cherche.
Get out another ship and take after him.
I sent him over to the laboratory to get some notes for me that I want to work on after dinner tonight.
Je l'ai envoyé au laboratoire me chercher des notes... sur lesquelles je veux travailler après diner.
After what happened today... I drove him down to the country to get him away from those people...
Après ce qui est arrivé, je l'ai emmené à la campagne pour l'éloigner de ces gens.
After you see him go, come in and get me.
Quand vous l'aurez vu partir, venez me chercher.
If we go after him in the dark, somebody's gonna get hurt. Ellen maybe.
Si on le poursuit dans l'obscurité... quelqu'un va être blessé...
We'll get the car and after they're in bed, we'll bring him in through the window.
Quand elles dormiront, on le passera par la fenêtre.
Private Mulligan didn't get his reprieve letter till 10 days after they hung him.
La lettre du sursis de Mulligan est arrivée 10 jours après sa pendaison.
How do keep him knowing these papers are a bluff until after I get Jarnac?
Comment lui cacher mon bluff jusqu'à ce que j'aie Jarnac?
After the concert, I'll get him to listen to you play, see who's right about your talent, you or me. - You know Arturo Toscanini?
Et après le concert, il viendra vous écouter.
We'll have to find a doctor who's willing to risk it, we'll have to get Frankie to him within an hour after the execution, and we've got to make sure there's no autopsy performed.
Il faudra un médecin prêt à prendre le risque, il faudra lui amener Frankie dans l'heure suivant l'exécution, et il faudra s'assurer qu'il n'y aura pas d'autopsie.
After I showed him how to knock this guy out, we get this big feed, see? - Yeah?
Quand il a étendu le mec, on nous sert un gueuleton.
Get him here by midnight. I can't do a thing after that.
S'il arrive vers minuit, je ferai ce que je peux, mais pas après!
Let's get him in here, after all we're not keeping any secrets from him now.
Amenez-le ici. Après tout, nous n'en sommes plus à nous faire des secrets maintenant.
If he's a legitimate case of a conscience-stricken thief I know where to get him. After we check.
Si c'est le remords qui l'envoie, on le retrouvera après vérifications.
They knocked him off to get their dough back after you left. - Come on.
Ils l'ont buté pour récupérer leur argent.
If you go after him, you'll get him.
Si vous courez après lui, vous l'attraperez.
Run after him! Get a policeman! Get two policemen!
Alertez un policier, deux policiers!
He'd go drinking after work, and sometimes when it would get late, he'd bring his drinking buddies home with him.
Il avait l'habitude de boire après le travail et quand il rentrait tard, il arrivait qu'il ramène ses camarades de boisson.
I'll get to Jesse if I have to send the coast guard after him.
Jesse viendra, même si je dois envoyer les garde-côtes à sa poursuite.
After Hall hangs, I won't rest till I get whoever sent those letters. Then get him.
Je ne cesseraijamais de chercher celui qui a écrit ces lettres.
Yes. After I gave him the cash from my drawer, he told her to get the cash from her drawer.
Il lui a dit de lui remettre sa caisse.
I sent you after a thief and you gave him a horse to get away on.
Tu étais censé arrêter un voleur, mais tu lui as donné un cheval.
We better get up there after him, Lieutenant?
Devrait-on monter le chercher?
Yes, she managed to get away from him after all.
Oui, elle est parvenue à partir loin de lui après tout.
You better watch him after you get married.
Tu ferais mieux de le surveiller une fois que vous serez mariés.
Then, after the fire and the crew ditching me, I made up my mind to get rid of him.
Après l'incendie et la fuite de l'équipage, j'ai décidé de me débarrasser de lui.
Get him on the blower for me as soon as I come off after the first act.
Appelle-le dès que je sors de scène, après le premier acte.
Maybe I'd get to love him, after I was married to him awhile.
Peut-être pourrai-je l'aimer... après l'avoir épousé?
What happens to you after you get there is up to him.
Ce qui t'arrivera la-bas, ça le regarde.
After all, he does owe me the money, doesn't he? It is not as if I'm trying to get something out of him for nothing.
Il me doit l'argent, après tout.
Colonel, I don't wanna hurt anybodys feelings, but what's to prevent me to get a bullet in the back of my head about one second after I point him to Pardee?
Ce Yankee, son Noir et moi. Je ne veux vexer personne. Mais comment savoir s'il ne va pas me tuer quand je lui aurais montré Pardee?
They'll soon be after him, and we'll get to the president.
Ils vont tourner autour de lui.. .. et nous amener á Novales.
We'll see if she's after Septime. Get him to speed up.
- Dis à Septime de foncer.
Get him down to one of the cabins and look after him.
Emmenez-le dans une cabine.

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