Handle what translate French
820 parallel translation
I'll be hard to handle What else can I be?
Je serai difficile Comment être autrement?
And that I couldn't handle what you've done to me.
Et n'avoir pas supporté ce que tu m'as fait,
- Handle what?
- Quelle procédure?
What would you do if you were shut up all day with an old crosspatch who flies off the handle every move you make?
Tu te vois bouclée avec une vieille sorcière... qui t'engueule tout le temps?
I don't know what there is to handle.
- Le mal est fait.
I tell you what, baby, let me handle this.
Écoutez, petite, laissez-moi m'en occuper.
What business you want me to handle, what parts of town and what my cut is.
Que veux-tu dire? Quelle affaire tu me confies? Quelle partie de la ville?
- What'll I do? - I'll handle him.
Je m'en occupe.
- What? - Let me handle this situation.
Laissez-moi gérer la situation.
- What are you doing with the jack handle?
- Que fais-tu avec ça, Ma'?
Tell me, what would you want to handle this case for me?
Combien voulez-vous pour suivre cette affaire?
Handle them. Don't know what they look like.
Je ne sais pas de quoi ils ont l'air.
What you're really saying is you can't handle the situation.
Vous avouez que vous ne maîtrisez pas la situation.
I'm just a traveling salesman and I earn $ 22.50 a week against four percent commission, which isn't bad when you consider what an up-and-coming product I handle.
Ainsi Johanna ne sera pas seule quand je partirai. J'aurais pu me faire passer pour un financier de Wall Street. Il n'en est rien.
This soul isn't easy to handle. I don't know at what end to take it.
Mais cette âme n'est pas commode à saisir.
What about him? When you're the marshal you can do the deciding, meanwhile let me handle it.
Tu décideras quand tu seras shérif, jusque-là, je m'en charge.
Oh, we can handle it all right. What do we do now?
"On s'en accommodera!" Et maintenant?
There is a limit to what one cradle can handle.
La chaudière a ses limites.
What I can't handle is the way you keep mind-fucking me for your personal entertainment.
Ce qui me dérange, c'est de servir... à ton plaisir personnel.
You won't have any trouble, no matter what Doc told you, no matter what the whispers, nothing you can't handle.
T'en auras pas, quoi qu'en disent Doc et les autres. Tu es fort.
But what about Takezo? Will you let me handle him my way?
Pour Takezo, me laisserez-vous procéder à ma manière?
Admiral Sims, how does the United States Navy handle its aircraft? What is its policy?
Amiral Sims, quelle est la politique de la Marine concernant ses appareils?
What about the handle?
Et l'anse?
What are you talking about, "more than we can handle"?
Comment ça, au-dessus de nos forces?
What I don't understand is why he doesn't let you handle the job as usual.
Pourquoi ne s'en remet-il plus à vous?
That's what I wanted to talk to you about. - How you'll be able to handle them.
J'aimerais savoir comment tu t'y prendras.
Now, will you try to remember what that could mean to us if I handle it carefully?
Pense à ce que ça représentera pour nous, si je suis habile.
Well, what do you mean? What handle?
Qu'est-ce que tu racontes?
I don't think you can tell what wound he might have made simply because he knew how to handle a knife.
Le fait qu'il sache manier le couteau ne dit pas comment il aurait frappé.
It isn't sex you're afraid of. It's love, that's what you can't handle.
ce n'est pas le sexe qui t'effraie.
- What's the matter, can't you handle him?
- Tu peux pas le monter toi-même?
You think your seven men can handle 600 prisoners? What if they escape?
Vous croyez qu'avec vos sept hommes, vous pouvez convoyer 600 prisonniers?
What do you think can handle?
Vous vous sentez les épaules suffisantes?
- What's your handle? - Pardon? - Your name.
- C'est quoi, votre blase?
Don't fly off the handle, instead of talking, let's get on with what we have to do!
Au lieu de parler, aide-moi, on a du travail.
What was it he couldn't handle?
Quel était son faible?
So that's what it means to handle a dice cup for a living.
Alors c'est ça, manier un cornet à dés pour gagner sa vie.
My dear boy, when I was here before, the, what, the total population amounted to, a handle of people, merely a hundred.
Mon cher garçon, quand j'étais là, la... la population totale ne comptait qu'une poignée de gens, au mieux une centaine.
What can they have that the great Ladislav Kutze cannot handle?
Que peuvent-ils inventer, que le grand Ladislav Kutze ne puisse comprendre?
- And I reached for the handle... - Then what happened?
- Je saisis la poignée.
What I'm really interested in is the handle.
Ce qui m'intéresse vraiment, c'est le manche.
A little inquisitive, but nothing we can't handle, what?
Quelque peu indiscrète, mais nous y veillerons.
What I need, Max can handle!
Max fera l'affaire!
Look, if the old smoothie here can't handle him, what could you do?
Si un vieux loup comme moi a du mal, que comptes-tu faire?
If you're right, how are we going to handle it? What?
Si vous avez raison, qu'allons-nous faire?
When I see the size and shape of it, and how to handle it I'll let you know what the price is.
Quand j'aurai vu de quoi il retourne... je te dirai mon prix.
I don't know exactly what's going on here, but let me handle this.
Je ne sais pas quel est le problème, mais je vais m'en occuper.
Now what could happen here that you couldn't handle?
Que pourrait-il se passer ici auquel tu ne pourrais faire face?
Let me handle this. Know what I mean?
Laissez-moi me charger de ça voulez-vous?
OK, so what's in that package nobody wants to handle?
OK, qu'y a t-il dans ce colis qui a l'air si dangereux?
What do you mean, he can't handle it?
Que veux-tu dire, il n'a pas supporté?
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whatever 7954
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