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He's still here translate French

686 parallel translation
He's still here, my father?
Mais où est donc mon père?
- No, Mr. Stevens, I believe he's still here.
- Non, M. Stevens.
- And he's still not here. - He can't be here tonight.
- Il ne viendra pas ce soir.
Well, the man's done been here and put us off and if he comes back and finds us still here he's liable to send us to the chain gang.
L'autre type est déjà venu nous mettre dehors. S'il revient et qu'il nous trouve ici, il nous enverra au bagne.
Why did he come to a little town here like Kings Row and bury himself while he was still pretty young?
Pourquoi être venu s'enterrer ici encore si jeune et mettre un terme à sa carrière?
Bragana is here now, and thank God... he's still able to use his brain!
Grâce à Dieu, j'ai une cervelle pour prévoir.
- Where does the time go? - Oh, don't worry. He's still here.
- Le temps passe vite.
But he's still here. In less than eight hours, he'll be resting gently but firmly at the bottom of a lake.
Dans moins de 8 heures, il sera au fond d'un lac.
- He's still here, luckily.
Il est là.
Yeah, he's still here, honey.
Oui, il est toujours là.
And maybe - Maybe if I'd stayed here, he'd still be in his forest... looking down a shaft at some king's stag.
Et peut-être que si j'étais resté ici, il serait encore dans sa forêt à examiner une flèche dans un cerf du roi.
How could he come by and pick it up if it's still here?
- Mais son revolver est là!
Even so, he's still come here.
Malgré ça, il est venu jouer.
He's holding my ticket and you still come here and say you are first
C'est à moi. J'étais là avant vous!
- as we're through to see if you're still here. - Do you think he's all right?
Tu penses que ça va aller?
We are quite sure he's still around here.
On est presque sûr qu'il est encore là.
He's still here.
Il est encore là.
He's still here, Madam.
Il n'est pas encore parti.
You still got a deputy named O'Mara around here? Yeah, he's still around.
Le shérif adjoint O'Mara est toujours ici?
If he's still here... If I am...
Si nous sommes encore en vie.
He's still here, ain't he?
Il est toujours là?
Yes, he's still here waiting for you
Oui, il est là à t'attendre.
He's still alive. So let's get him out of here.
Qu'est-ce qu'on attend pour aller le chercher?
- I still don't think he's here.
Je ne crois pas qu'il soit là.
- He hasn't. He's still here.
- En fait, il est encore ici.
But, ma'am - Doesn't he realize the girl's still here?
Ne sait-il pas que la fille est encore là?
Still here? Well, it's what he always loved.
Il a toujours aimé ça, j'imagine.
After Nathan gets Joe back, he's still got to live here, which means you 2 can't, and if you don't have Joe, what'll stop him?
Après, Nathan continuera à vivre ici. Et si vous n'avez plus Joe, rien ne l'arrêtera.
You know, Vance, if that critter's still alive, I'm betting he's a far piece from here by now.
Tu sais, Vance, si ce vaurien est encore vivant, je parie qu'il est tres loin d'ici.
From here he might speak to the world, if the world might listen and the waves be still.
De là, il parlerait au monde, si le monde voulait l'écouter et les vagues s'apaiser.
I still have one or two things to do. - Why, is he here? - He's just arrived.
" je rends la Croix Militaire qu'il m'a généreusement donnée
If he's still there, get him over here. Now listen.
S'il est encore là, fais-le venir.
He's still here. He runs the television station.
Il dirige la chaîne de télévision locale.
Don't forget that man's still here to commiserate. This is his third condolence visit... and he's going to say comforting things. So you'll be polite to him?
Il est encore là, il va sûrement te dire des choses réconfortantes, alors sois polie.
If he's still here.
S'il est encore là.
Sometimes she speaks of him as if he were still alive, here in this house.
Parfois elle parle de lui comme s'il était encore vivant.
He's still new here.
Je suis inquiet. C'est un novice.
- He's not still here.
- Il n'est plus ici!
If he's still here, you'll be in danger as well!
S'il est toujours là, tu seras aussi en danger.
Oh, he's still here.
Oh, il est encore là.
He's still here, over there...
Il est encore là.
He's still here?
Il est toujours là celui-là?
Fortunately, he's still unaware of what's going on here
Heureusement, il ignore encore ce qui se passe ici.
Even if he came here direct, it still means 35 miles of country roads.
Même s'il est venu ici directement, ça fait 50 km de routes de campagne.
Yeah, I think he's still here.
Oui, je crois qu'il est toujours ici.
If he finds you here, you'll never get away again. You have to run away while you still can.
S'ils te trouvent, ils te prendront.
Can you see the look on Darrin's face if he comes home and the prince is still here?
Tu imagines la tête de Darrin s'il rentre à la maison et voit le prince?
But if he's not still here with us in this world we are truly lost.
Mais s'il n'est pas toujours ici, avec nous dans ce monde, nous sommes vraiment perdus.
He's probably still hiding around here somewhere.
Il ne doit pas être loin.
Still? He's been here all afternoon!
Il est là depuis cet après-midi.
I think he's still here.
Je pense que oui.

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