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Translate.vc / English → French / [ H ] / How about tomorrow

How about tomorrow translate French

528 parallel translation
- How about tomorrow?
- Demain?
Then how about tomorrow night?
Et demain soir?
- How about tomorrow?
- Et demain?
How about tomorrow night?
Demain soir?
How about tomorrow? - excellent.
- J'irai demain à Villeneuve!
- How about tomorrow? It's Sunday.
C'est dimanche.
How about tomorrow?
On y va demain?
How about tomorrow night?
Demain soir, alors 7
- How about tomorrow night?
- Demain soir? - D'accord.
How about tomorrow?
C'est entendu pour demain?
How about tomorrow?
Si on disait demain? D'accord.
How about tomorrow night?
Que diriez-vous de demain soir?
How about tomorrow afternoon?
Pas le soir. Demain après-midi?
Signorina, wait, how about tomorrow evening?
Demain soir?
How about tomorrow, for instance?
Demain, si vous voulez.
- How about tomorrow, Sunday?
Pourquoi pas demain? C'est dimanche!
How about tomorrow afternoon?
Demain après-midi?
How about tomorrow?
A demain?
- That's very kind of you. - How about tomorrow?
Non, j'ai trop de travail.
How about lunch by my hotel tomorrow?
On déjeune ensemble, demain?
- How, V. S? Well, if I should get you every available typewriter, and about a dozen typists, who are willing to die for the cause, do you think that you could turn out a handsomely-bound contract to present to Mr. Underwood by tomorrow night?
Si je te fournis des machines à écrire et une douzaine de dactylos prêtes à tout pour notre cause, penses-tu pouvoir me rédiger un contrat bien ficelé pour M. Underwood, demain soir?
I couldn't give you much time tonight, but how about dinner tomorrow night?
J'ai peu de temps, de toute façon. Demain soir?
- Well, how about lunch tomorrow?
- Déjeunons demain.
How about Brooklyn tomorrow?
Et pour Brooklyn demain?
I'd like to have your suggestion... as to how I can explain why that money... that those ladies need to finance their ball tomorrow night... must be given to you today. We had no idea there was any difficulty about the deposit.
Suggérez-moi comment justifier le fait que ces dames aient à vous donner aujourd'hui un argent dont elles ont besoin pour organiser leur soirée de demain.
How about moving your show over to Camp Howard tomorrow?
Pourriez-vous donner une représentation dans le camp Howard demain?
How about tomorrow?
- Demain?
- How about dinner? - What? - Dinner tomorrow?
- Veux-tu que nous dînions ensemble?
Instead of dinner with me tomorrow night How about having dinner with me tonight and tomorrow night and as many other nights as you can spare.
Et si, au lieu de dîner ensemble demain soir, on dînait ensemble ce soir, demain soir et tous les autres soirs, si vous voulez?
How about lunch tomorrow? If you want.
- Déjeunons demain.
How about driving to Middleburg tomorrow? Oh, Alan, could we?
Si on partait demain pour Middleburg?
Only how it will be tomorrow going into school and asking a lot of questions about dead history, and you...
Seulement à ce que sera demain. D'entrer dans la salle de classe, poser toutes ces questions sur des faits historiques morts. Et toi...
Say, Moose! How about getting up a hunting party tomorrow?
Moose, si on allait chasser demain?
How about Christmas dinner tomorrow?
Et le réveillon de Noël, demain?
How about the two of us taking a whack at his brother tomorrow?
Et si on essayait d'avoir son frère demain?
How about bringing the papers tomorrow?
Apportez vos pièces ici demain.
How about lunch tomorrow?
Si on déjeunait demain?
I'll tell you what, I'll take you and Joyce horseback riding tomorrow, how about it?
Allons faire une balade demain, avec Joyce.
How about our taking in the ice show tomorrow?
Et si on allait au spectacle sur glace demain?
Well, now that your Uncle Cam is going to be here tomorrow, how about you getting to bed?
Maintenant que ton oncle Cam sera là demain... si tu allais te coucher?
How about dinner tomorrow?
Veux-tu aller souper demain?
How about dinner tomorrow night, huh?
- On soupe ensemble demain soir?
I can't tomorrow but, how about Saturday at four?
Mais demain je ne peux pas. Après-demain, à 4 heures?
How about breakfast tomorrow morning?
- Petit-déjeunons ensemble.
- How about golf tomorrow?
- Vous venez au golf, demain?
How do you feel about the landing tomorrow?
Vous êtes prêt pour le débarquement de demain?
Now, look, you're not sailing until tomorrow, so we can spend the evening together... and I'll tell you all about how I used to beat up my dad when I was a kid.
Tu ne prends le bateau que demain, on pourrait passer la soirée ensemble, et je te raconterai comment je battais mon père quand j'étais petit.
How about tomorrow?
- Et demain?
No, I mean, how about tomorrow morning? - Mm? All right.
Quel genre d'artiste Borb veut-il rencontrer?
How about letting me hang that up tomorrow?
Je peux l'accrocher demain?
How about some tennis tomorrow morning?
Jouons au tennis, demain.

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