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How about tomorrow night translate French

134 parallel translation
Then how about tomorrow night?
Et demain soir?
How about tomorrow night?
Demain soir?
How about tomorrow night?
Demain soir, alors 7
- How about tomorrow night?
- Demain soir? - D'accord.
How about tomorrow night?
Que diriez-vous de demain soir?
How about tomorrow night?
On se voit demain soir?
How about tomorrow night? 8 : 00.
Disons 8 h, demain soir.
How about tomorrow night?
Pourquoi pas demain soir?
- How about tomorrow night?
- Que diriez-vous demain soir?
- How about tomorrow night? - Great!
Demain soir vous irait?
How about tomorrow night?
Et demain soir?
How about tomorrow night
- Demain soir?
How about tomorrow night?
Et pourquoi pas demain soir?
- How about tomorrow night?
- Et demain soir?
How about tomorrow night?
Demain soir, ça vous irait?
- Okay, how about tomorrow night?
- Demain soir?
- how about tomorrow night?
Demain soir?
How about tomorrow night?
Que fais-tu demain soir?
Now that's settled, how about tomorrow night?
Maintenant que c'est réglé... pour demain soir?
How about tomorrow night? Eight o'clock tomorrow night?
Mais demain soir?
- How about tomorrow night?
- Demain soir?
Um... how about tomorrow night?
Un rendez-vous.
But how about tomorrow night?
Demain soir?
- How about tomorrow night?
- Demain, ça vous va?
Ses campagnes nous ont valu des récompenses. C'est fantastique... pour vous.
How about tomorrow night?
Et demain soir? J'en achèterai.
So, how about tomorrow night...
Que dis-tu de demain soir?
- How, V. S? Well, if I should get you every available typewriter, and about a dozen typists, who are willing to die for the cause, do you think that you could turn out a handsomely-bound contract to present to Mr. Underwood by tomorrow night?
Si je te fournis des machines à écrire et une douzaine de dactylos prêtes à tout pour notre cause, penses-tu pouvoir me rédiger un contrat bien ficelé pour M. Underwood, demain soir?
I couldn't give you much time tonight, but how about dinner tomorrow night?
J'ai peu de temps, de toute façon. Demain soir?
I'd like to have your suggestion... as to how I can explain why that money... that those ladies need to finance their ball tomorrow night... must be given to you today. We had no idea there was any difficulty about the deposit.
Suggérez-moi comment justifier le fait que ces dames aient à vous donner aujourd'hui un argent dont elles ont besoin pour organiser leur soirée de demain.
Instead of dinner with me tomorrow night How about having dinner with me tonight and tomorrow night and as many other nights as you can spare.
Et si, au lieu de dîner ensemble demain soir, on dînait ensemble ce soir, demain soir et tous les autres soirs, si vous voulez?
How about dinner tomorrow night, huh?
- On soupe ensemble demain soir?
If you're not doing anything tomorrow night, how about let's have dinner?
Si on dTnait ensemble demain soir?
How about dinner? Tomorrow night.
Dîner demain soir?
Ça vous dit d'aller dîner demain soir?
- How about dinner tomorrow night? - No, Steve.
- Et si on sortait dîner demain soir?
"How about dinner and dancing tomorrow night at eight?"
"Et si on allait dîner et danser demain soir à 20 h?"
How about dinner tomorrow night at the hotel?
Dînons ensemble, demain soir à l'hôtel.
Oh, well, listen, I've gotta get settled in tonight. But if tomorrow night's good, how about maybe the three of us meet here around 6.
Il se trouve que je suis déjà prise ce soir, mais si demain soir ça va, retrouvons-nous tous les 3 ici vers 6 h.
Tomorrow night... while your father and my brother and all the other slobs who only care about the way it looks, and don't give a shit about how it actually is, while they're all slapping themselves on the back... The January Man... is gonna get his January girl.
Demain soir, quand ton père, mon frère et tous les autres rustres pour qui seule l'apparence compte et qui se fichent de la vérité seront tous en train de s'envoyer des fleurs, l'homme de janvier ira chercher sa victime de janvier.
o.k., fine. how about tomorrow night?
- Et demain soir?
- How about tomorrow night?
Demain soir?
How about dinner tomorrow night?
Alors on dîne ensemble, demain soir?
How about dinner, tomorrow night?
Si on dînait? Demain soir.
How about my place tomorrow night?
Demain soir, chez moi?
How about a show tomorrow night?
Puis-je vous inviter demain soir?
How about dinner tomorrow night?
Si on allait dîner demain soir?
How about we all go out to dinner tomorrow night.
Pourquoi ne pas aller dîner ensemble demain soir?
- So how about a movie tomorrow night?
- Si on allait au cinéma, demain soir?
How about Grace be Elliott's date to his school dance tomorrow night?
Pourquoi Grace n'accompagnerait-elle pas Elliot demain au bal de l'école?
Because Adam's going to take me out tomorrow night, and you have this whole fantasy about how it's going to be all romantic, where you look at each other and you both know that this night was meant to be
Parce qu'Adam va m'emmener dehors demain soir, et on a toute cette fantaisie à propos de comment ça va être romantique, où on se regarde l'un l'autre et on sait tous les deux ce que cette nuit signifie,

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